GLXlink(3G) GLXlink(3G)
GLXlink - Configure X window for GL rendering
#include <gl/glws.h>
int GLXlink(xDisplay, conf)
Display* xDisplay;
GLXconfig* conf;
Call GLXlink to inform the GL that you intend to render GL into an X
window. The "conf" argument should be the same argument which was
returned from GLXgetconfig. The entries with "mode" of GLX_WINDOW in the
"conf" array must have the value field set to the X window id's of the
windows which were created.
A return of 0 (GLWS_NOERROR) means that GLXlink succeeeded. A negative
return code indicates that the Display or Window fields were invalid.
GLXgetconfig(3G), GLXwinset(3G), GLXunlink(3G)
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