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glIntro(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			   glIntro(3G)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     glIntro - Introduction to OpenGL

OVERVIEW    [Toc]    [Back]

     OpenGL is a high-performance 3D-oriented renderer that supersedes IrisGL.
     It	is supported on	all SGI	graphics adaptors except for the G, GT and
     GTX. A number of other workstation	and personal computer vendors also
     support OpenGL.

     See glXIntro for a	short example program and compilation instructions.

OPENGL EXTENSIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

     SGI has implemented the following extensions to OpenGL.  Note that	the
     set of supported extensions varies	from machine to	machine; see below for
     more information.

     EXT_abgr    [Toc]    [Back]
	  extends the list of host-memory color	formats.  Specifically,	it
	  provides a reverse-order alternative to image	format RGBA. The ABGR
	  component order matches the cpack Iris GL format on big-endian
	  machines. For	more information, see glDrawPixels, glGetTexImage,
	  glReadPixels,	glTexImage1D, and glTexImage2D.

     SGIX_async    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a way to allow certain OpenGL commands to complete out-oforder
	with respect to	others.	 This extension	does not by itself
	  enable asynchrony; it	is a framework establishing functions for
	  bookkeeping and synchronization, into	which specific further OpenGL
	  extensions can be inserted.  Supported on Octane2 VPro systems.  For
	  more information, see	glAsyncMarkerSGIX, glFinishAsyncSGIX,
	  glPollAsyncSGIX, glGenAsyncMarkersSGIX, glDeleteAsyncMarkersSGIX,
	  glIsAsyncMarkerSGIX, and glFinish.

     SGIX_async_pixel    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a new asynchronous mode for texture download, pixel
	  download and pixel readback commands,	in conjunction with the
	  SGIX_async extension.	 It allows programs to transfer	textures or
	  images from the host to the graphics accelerator in parallel with
	  the execution	of other graphics commands.  It	also allows programs
	  to issue non-blocking	pixel readback commands	that return
	  immediately after they are issued, so	that the program can issue
	  other	commands while the readback takes place.  Supported on Octane2
	  VPro systems.	 For more information, see glDrawPixels, glEnable,
	  glReadPixels,	glTexImage1D, glTexImage2D, glTexImage3D,
	  glTexSubImage1D, glTexSubImage2D, and	glTexSubImage3D.

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     SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax    [Toc]    [Back]
	  enhances glBlendEquation by providing	new blend equations which
	  produce outcomes for all four	color components based only on the
	  comparison of	the alpha component's source and destination values.
	  Supported on Octane2 VPro systems.  For more information, see

     EXT_blend_color    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows a constant to be used as a factor in the blending equation.
	  A typical use	is to blend two	RGB images.  Without the constant
	  blend	factor,	one image must have an alpha channel with each pixel
	  set to the desired blend factor.  For	more information, see
	  glBlendColorEXT, glBlendFunc,	glGetBooleanv, glGetIntegerv,
	  glGetFloatv, and glGetDoublev.

     EXT_blend_logic_op    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines an additional	blending equation for glBlendEquationEXT.
	  This equation	is a simple logical combination	of the source and
	  destination colors.  For more	information, see glGetBooleanv,
	  glGetIntegerv, glGetFloatv, and glGetDoublev.

     EXT_blend_minmax    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows the blend equation to be changed using	glBlendEquationEXT and
	  introduces two new blend equations, one to produce the minimum color
	  components of	the source and destination colors and one to produce
	  the maximum.	For more information, see glGetBooleanv,
	  glGetIntegerv, glGetFloatv, and glGetDoublev.

     EXT_blend_subtract    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines two additional blending equations for	use with
	  glBlendEquationEXT. These new	equations are similar to the default
	  blending equation, but produce the difference	of its terms, rather
	  than the sum.	Image differences are useful in	many image processing
	  applications.	For more information, see glGetBooleanv,
	  glGetIntegerv, glGetFloatv, and glGetDoublev.

     SGIX_calligraphic_fragment    [Toc]    [Back]
	  modifies fragment processing,	such that when
	  GL_CALLIGRAPHIC_FRAGMENT_SGIX	is enabled, fragment information is
	  also sent to the calligraphic	interface.  Supported only on
	  InfiniteReality systems.  For	more information, see glEnable and

     SGIX_clipmap    [Toc]    [Back]
	  introduces new filtering and memory management techniques for
	  handling extraordinarily large textures.  Clipmaps provide many of

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	  the features of mipmaps, while using a small fraction	of the texture
	  memory required for mipmaps of equivalent size.  They	are especially
	  useful for rendering terrain and roaming over	large images.
	  Clipmaps are supported on InfiniteReality systems.  For more
	  information, see glTexParameter.

     SGI_color_matrix    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds a 4x4 matrix stack and matrix multiplication to the pixel
	  transfer path.  The color matrix operates on RGBA pixel components.
	  It can be used to reorder or duplicate color components, and to
	  implement simple color-space conversions.  For more information, see
	  glGetBooleanv, glGetIntegerv,	glGetFloatv, glGetDoublev, and

     SGI_color_table    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a new	RGBA-format color lookup table mechanism, and several
	  new lookup tables in the OpenGL pixel	path.  The new lookup tables
	  are treated as one-dimensional images	with internal formats, like
	  texture images and convolution filter	images.	 This allows the
	  tables to operate on a subset	of the components of passing pixels.
	  (For example,	a table	with internal format GL_ALPHA modifies only
	  the A	component of each passing pixel, leaving the R,	G, and B
	  components untouched.)  A small subset of this extension is
	  supported on RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems; because
	  of this, the extension is not	listed in the extensions string
	  returned by glGetString.  The	full extension is supported on all
	  other	systems.  For more information,	see glColorTableSGI,
	  glColorTableParameterSGI, and	glGetColorTableParameterSGI.

     EXT_convolution    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds 1- or 2-dimensional convolution operations to the pixel
	  transfer process.  Pixel drawing, reading, and copying, as well as
	  texture image	definition, are	candidates for convolution. The
	  convolution kernels are themselves treated as	1- and 2-dimensional
	  images, which	can be loaded from application memory or from the
	  framebuffer.	A subset of this extension is supported	on
	  RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems; the full extension
	  is supported on all other systems.  For more information, see
	  glConvolutionFilter1DEXT, glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,
	  glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT,	glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT,
	  glGetConvolutionFilterEXT, glSeparableFilter2DEXT,
	  glGetSeparableFilterEXT, glConvolutionParameteriEXT,
	  glConvolutionParameterivEXT, glConvolutionParameterfEXT,
	  glConvolutionParameterfvEXT, glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT,
	  glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT,  glEnable, glDisable,	glIsEnabled,
	  glGetBooleanv, glGetIntegerv,	glGetFloatv, glGetDoublev,
	  glPixelTransferi, and	glPixelTransferf.

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     SGIX_convolution_accuracy    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a way to trade off convolution performance against
	  arithmetic accuracy.	Supported on Octane2 VPro systems.  For	more
	  information, see glHint.

     EXT_copy_texture    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides the ability to copy pixels directly from the	framebuffer
	  into texture memory.	At present only	a small	subset of this
	  extension has	been implemented on RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and
	  VTX systems, so the extension	name is	not listed in the extensions
	  string returned by glGetString.  It is fully supported on all	other
	  systems.  For	more information, see glCopyTexImage1DEXT,
	  glCopyTexImage2DEXT, glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT, glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT
	  and glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT.

     SGIS_detail_texture    [Toc]    [Back]
	  introduces texture magnification filters that	blend between the
	  level	0 image	and a separately defined "detail" image. This detail
	  blending can be enabled for all color	channels, for the alpha
	  channel only,	or for the red,	green, and blue	channels only. It is
	  available only for 2D	textures.  Supported on	RealityEngine,
	  RealityEngine2, and VTX systems, on InfiniteReality systems and on
	  Octane2 VPro systems.	 For more information, see
	  glDetailTexFuncSGIS, glGetDetailTexFuncSGIS, glTexImage2D,
	  glTexParameterf, glTexParameterfv, glTexParameteri,
	  glTexParameteriv, glTexSubImage2DEXT,	glGetTexImage,
	  glGetTexLevelParameterfv, glGetTexLevelParameteriv,
	  glGetTexParameterfv, glGetTexParameteriv, glGetBooleanv,
	  glGetIntegerv, glGetFloatv, and glGetDoublev.

     SGIX_flush_raster    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines the glFlushRasterSGIX	command, which ensures that all	pixel
	  fragment operations generated	by preceding commands have been
	  completed.  Unlike glFinish, glFlushRasterSGIX does not block	the
	  application until notification of completion has been	delivered.
	  This is useful in conjunction	with some performance measurement
	  techniques (see SGIX_ir_instrument1, for example).  Supported	only
	  on InfiniteReality systems.  For more	information, see
	  glFlushRasterSGIX, glGetInstrumentsSGIX, glInstrumentsBufferSGIX,
	  glPollInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX,
	  glStartInstrumentsSGIX, and glStopInstrumentsSGIX.

     SGIS_fog_function    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Standard OpenGL defines three	fog modes:  GL_LINEAR, GL_EXP
	  (exponential), and GL_EXP2 (exponential squared).  Visual simulation
	  systems can benefit from more	sophisticated atmospheric effects.
	  This extension provides the ability to define	a custom fog blending
	  function by specifying a set of control points that will be

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	  interpolated by the function.	 Supported on InfiniteReality and
	  Octane2 VPro systems.	 For more information, see glFogFuncSGIS,
	  glFog, and glGet.

     SGIX_fog_offset    [Toc]    [Back]
	  In highly-fogged environments, emissive objects (like	simulated
	  automobile headlights	or runway landing lights) can appear
	  unrealistically dim.	This extension brightens fogged	objects	by
	  offsetting the Z value used in fog computations.  Supported on
	  InfiniteReality and Octane2 VPro systems.  For more information, see
	  glEnable, glFog, and glGet.

     SGIX_fragment_lighting    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a general lighting facility for lighting effects obtained
	  by interpolation of normals over a primitive,	rather than by
	  interpolation	of color.  Supported on	Octane2	VPro systems.  For
	  more information, see	glGetFragmentLightfvSGIX,
	  glGetFragmentLightivSGIX, glGetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX,
	  glGetFragmentMaterialivSGIX, glFragmentColorMaterialSGIX,
	  glFragmentLightfSGIX,	glFragmentLightiSGIX, glFragmentLightfvSGIX,
	  glFragmentLightivSGIX, glFragmentLightModelfSGIX,
	  glFragmentLightModeliSGIX, glFragmentLightModelfvSGIX,
	  glFragmentLightModelivSGIX, glFragmentMaterialfSGIX,
	  glFragmentMaterialiSGIX, glFragmentMaterialfvSGIX,
	  glFragmentMaterialivSGIX, and	glLightEnviSGIX.

     EXT_histogram    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines pixel	operations that	count occurrences of specific color
	  component values (histogram) and track the minimum and maximum color
	  component values (minmax).  An optional mode allows pixel data to be
	  discarded after the histogram	and/or minmax operations are
	  completed.  Otherwise	the pixel data continue	on to the next
	  operation unaffected.	 For more information, see glHistogramEXT,
	  glResetHistogramEXT, glGetHistogramEXT,
	  glGetHistogramParameterivEXT,	glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT,
	  glMinmaxEXT, glResetMinmaxEXT, glGetMinmaxEXT,
	  glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT, glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT,	glEnable,
	  glDisable, glIsEnabled, glGetBooleanv, glGetIntegerv,	glGetFloatv,
	  and glGetDoublev.

     ARB_imaging    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a large set of image processing primitives, such as color
	  tables, convolution, color matrices, histogramming, and additional
	  blending behavior.  The definition of	this extension is provided as
	  optional material in the OpenGL 1.2 specification.

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     SGIX_instruments    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a mechanism to take performance measurements from
	  instruments within the GL.  Currently	supported only on
	  InfiniteReality systems.  For	more information, see glEnable,
	  glGetInstrumentsSGIX,	glInstrumentsBufferSGIX,
	  glPollInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX,
	  glStartInstrumentsSGIX, glStopInstrumentsSGIX, and

     SGIX_interlace    [Toc]    [Back]
	  modifies the behavior	of glDrawPixels, glCopyPixels, glTexImage2D,
	  glTexSubImage2DEXT, glCopyTexImage2DEXT and glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT,
	  such that when GL_INTERLACE_SGIX is enabled the source image is
	  considered to	be a field of an "interlaced" frame.  That is, the
	  effective source image has height equal to twice the actual height
	  and every other row contains "transparent" pixels that do not	affect
	  the corresponding destination	pixels in the target image.  For

	       set current raster position to (x , y )
						r   r
	       glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, I	);
	       set raster position to (x , y +zoom )
					r   r	  y
	       glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, I	);

	  is equivalent	to

	       glDisable( GL_INTERLACE_SGIX);
	       set current raster position to (x , y )
						r   r
	       glDrawPixels(width, 2xheight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,	I );

	  where	pixel rows (0,2,4,...) of I  are from image I ,	and rows
					   2		     0
	  (1,3,5,...) are from image I .

	  This is particularly useful for assembling consecutive interlaced
	  video	format fields into a complete frame in either the framebuffer
	  or in	texture	memory.	 Supported on RealityEngine, RealityEngine2,
	  and VTX systems, on InfiniteReality systems, on Octane2 VPro
	  systems, and on O2 systems.

     INGR_interlace_read    [Toc]    [Back]
	  modifies the behavior	of glReadPixels, glCopyPixels,
	  glCopyTexImage2DEXT and glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT.  When
	  GL_INTERLACE_READ_INGR is enabled the	pixels being read or copied
	  represent one	field of an "interlaced" frame.	The source image
	  height in the	framebuffer is equivalent to twice the specified
	  height of the	transfer.  Every other row of the source pixel
	  rectangle is skipped,	so that	only source rows (0,2,4,...) affect

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	  the destination image. This is useful	for extracting fields from an
	  interlaced video frame in the	framebuffer.  Supported	on Octane2
	  VPro systems,	and on O2 systems.

     SGIX_ir_instrument1    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a performance-measurement instrument for InfiniteReality
	  systems.  The	instrument is controlled with the SGIX_instruments
	  extension.  For more information, see	glInstrumentsBufferSGIX,
	  glGetInstrumentsSGIX,	glPollInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX,
	  glStartInstrumentsSGIX, glStopInstrumentsSGIX, and glEnable.

     SGIX_list_priority    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a mechanism to specify priorities for	display	lists.	Some
	  machines have	special	high-performance display list memories;	this
	  extension allows the user to tell the	GL which display lists should
	  be stored in those memories.	Supported on High Impact and Maximum
	  Impact systems and on	InfiniteReality	and Octane2 VPro systems.  For
	  more information, see	glListParameterfSGIX, glListParameteriSGIX,
	  glListParameterfvSGIX, glListParameterivSGIX,
	  glGetListParameterfvSGIX and glGetListParameterivSGIX.

     SGIS_multisample    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a mechanism to antialias all	primitives.  The technique is
	  to sample all	primitives multiple times at different locations
	  within each pixel (rather than just the pixel	center). The color
	  sample values	are resolved to	a single, displayable color each time
	  a pixel is updated, so the antialiasing appears to be	automatic at
	  the application level.  Supported on RealityEngine, RealityEngine2,
	  and VTX systems and on InfiniteReality systems.  For more
	  information, see glSampleMaskSGIS, glSamplePatternSGIS,
	  glTagSampleBufferSGIX, glXChooseVisual, glXGetConfig,	glEnable,
	  glDisable, glIsEnabled, glPushAttrib,	glGetBooleanv, glGetDoublev,
	  glGetIntegerv, and glGetFloatv.

     EXT_packed_pixels    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides support for packed pixels in	host memory.  A	packed pixel
	  is represented entirely by one unsigned byte,	one unsigned short, or
	  one unsigned integer.	The fields with	the packed pixel are not
	  proper machine types,	but the	pixel as a whole is. Thus the pixel
	  storage modes, and their unpacking counterparts, all work correctly
	  with packed pixels. This extension is	not supported on
	  RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems. For more
	  information, see glDrawPixels, glReadPixels, glTexImage1D,
	  glTexImage2D,	glTexImage3DEXT, glTexSubImage1DEXT,
	  glTexSubImage2DEXT, glTexSubImage3DEXT, glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
	  glConvolutionFilter2DEXT, glConvolutionFilter3DEXT,
	  glSeparableFilter2DEXT, glSeparableFilter3DEXT, glColorTableSGI,
	  glTexImage4DSGIS, and	glTexSubImage4DSGIS.

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     SGIS_pixel_texture    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows the color components of pixel groups to be used as texture
	  coordinates, effectively converting a	color image into a texture
	  coordinate image.  Supported on Octane2 VPro systems.	 For more
	  information, see glPixelTexGenParameterSGIS.

     SGIS_point_parameters    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides support for light points (approximations of distant light
	  sources that are used	in simulations of nighttime scenes).
	  Supported only on InfiniteReality systems.  For more information,
	  see glPointParameterSGIS.

     EXT_polygon_offset    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows depth values of fragments to be displaced so that lines (or
	  points) and polygons that lie	in the same plane can be rendered
	  without interaction -- the lines are rendered	either completely in
	  front	of or behind the polygons (depending on	the sign of the	offset
	  factor).  It also allows multiple coplanar polygons to be rendered
	  without interaction, if different offset factors are used for	each
	  polygon.  For	more information, see glPolygonOffsetEXT, glEnable,
	  glDisable, glIsEnabled, glGetBooleanv, glGetIntegerv,	glGetFloatv,
	  and glGetDoublev.

     SGIX_reference_plane    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows a group of coplanar primitives	to be rendered without depthbuffering
 artifacts.	This is	accomplished by	generating the depth
	  values for all the primitives	from a single ``reference plane''
	  rather than from the primitives themselves.  This ensures that all
	  the primitives in the	group have exactly the same depth value	at any
	  given	sample point, no matter	what imprecision may exist in the
	  original specifications of the primitives or in the GL's coordinate
	  transformation process.  SGIX_reference_plane	is useful for
	  generating hidden-line drawings, for applying	decals to polygons,
	  and for multipass rendering techniques.  Supported on
	  InfiniteReality systems.  For	more information, see

     SGIX_resample    [Toc]    [Back]
	  enhances the unpacking resampling capabilities of the	SGIX_subsample
	  extension.  Supported	on Octane2 VPro	systems.  For more
	  information, see glPixelStoref and glPixelStorei.

     SGIX_scalebias_hint    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a way to trade off arithmetic accuracy against performance.
	  typically for	large scale factors.  Supported	on Octane2 VPro
	  systems.  For	more information, see glHint.

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     SGIX_shadow    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides support for rendering shadows using shadow maps.  First the
	  application renders the scene	from the point of view of the light
	  source, and copies the resulting depth buffer	to a texture with
	  application renders the scene	from the normal	viewpoint.  Then the
	  application enables the texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX,
	  sets the texture comparison operator and texture matrix
	  appropriately, and re-renders	the scene with 2D texturing enabled.
	  During this final rendering pass, the	depth value generated by
	  iterating the	r texture coordinate is	compared with the shadow map
	  stored in texture memory, and	the results of the comparison indicate
	  whether the pixel being textured is in shadow.  The filtered result
	  of the shadow	comparisons can	be blended with	the pixel to darken
	  it.  Supported on InfiniteReality systems.  For more information,
	  see glTexParameter.

     SGIX_shadow_ambient    [Toc]    [Back]
	  controls the filtered	texture	value generated	in shadowed regions
	  (see SGIX_shadow).  In effect, this changes the ambient lighting in
	  shadows.  Supported on InfiniteReality systems.  For more
	  information, see glTexParameter.

     SGIS_sharpen_texture    [Toc]    [Back]
	  introduces texture magnification filters that	sharpen	the resulting
	  image	by extrapolating from the level	1 image	to the level 0 image.
	  Sharpening can be enabled for	all color channels, for	the alpha
	  channel only,	or for the red,	green, and blue	channels only.
	  Supported on RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems and on
	  InfiniteReality systems.  For	more information, see
	  glSharpenTexFuncSGIS,	glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS, glTexParameteri,
	  glTexParameterf, glTexParameteriv, glTexParameterfv,
	  glGetTexParameteriv, and glGetTexParameterfv.

     SGIX_sprite    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a mechanism that automatically rotates primitives to	face
	  the viewer.  Rotation	about an axis is used for objects that are
	  roughly cylindrically	symmetric, like	trees.	Rotation about a point
	  is used for objects that are roughly spherically symmetric, like
	  clouds or explosions.	 Supported only	on InfiniteReality systems.
	  For more information,	see glSpriteParameterSGIX.

     SGIX_subsample    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines new pixel storage modes used in the conversion of image data
	  to and from component	subsampled formats on the client side.
	  Supported on Octane2 VPro systems.  For more information, see
	  glPixelStoref	and glPixelStorei.

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     EXT_subtexture    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows a contiguous portion of an already-existing texture image to
	  be redefined without affecting the remaining portion of the image or
	  any of the other state that describes	the texture. There are three
	  new calls: glTexSubImage1DEXT, glTexSubImage2DEXT, and
	  glTexSubImage3DEXT.  A subset	of this	extension is available on
	  RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems, and the full
	  extension is available on all	other systems.	Refer to the man pages
	  for more details.

     EXT_texture    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides support for a variety of resolutions	of color components in
	  texture images. That is, instead of treating a retained image	as
	  having 1, 2, 3, or 4 components, it is treated as though it had a
	  specific format, such	as GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, or just GL_ALPHA.  This
	  extension also defines a robust method for applications to determine
	  what combinations of texture dimensions and resolutions are
	  supported by an implementation and it	introduces a new texture
	  environment: GL_REPLACE_EXT.	For more information, see
	  glTexImage1D,	glTexImage2D, glGetTexLevelParameteriv,
	  glGetTexLevelParameterfv, glTexEnvf, glTexEnvi, glTexEnvfv, and

     EXT_texture3D    [Toc]    [Back]
	  supports 3-dimensional texture mapping. It also defines the inmemory
 formats for 3D	images,	and adds pixel storage modes to
	  support them.	For more information, see glTexImage3DEXT,
	  glPixelStore,	glEnable, glDisable, glIsEnabled, glTexParameteriv,
	  glTexParameterfv, glGetBooleanv, glGetIntegerv, glGetFloatv,
	  glGetDoublevEnable, glGetTexImage, glGetTexLevelParameteriv,
	  glGetTexLevelParameterfv, glGetTexParameteriv, and

     SGIX_texture_add_env    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a new	texture	environment function which scales the texture
	  value	by the constant	texture	color and then adds a bias color.
	  Supported only on InfiniteReality systems.  For more information,
	  see glTexEnv.

     SGIS_texture_border_clamp    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a variation in the texture clamping arithmetic which
	  results in sampling the border color rather than the average of the
	  edge and border colors.  Supported on	Octane2	VPro systems.  For
	  more information, see	glTexParameteriv and glTexParameterfv.

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     SGI_texture_color_table    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds a color lookup table to the texture mapping process.  For more
	  information, see glColorTableSGI.

     SGIS_texture_color_mask    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds state to	control	the storing of individual color	components
	  during texture image definition.  For	more information, see

     SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides a way to set	the maximum texture coordinate clamping	value
	  to something other than 1.0.	Supported on Octane2 VPro systems.
	  For more information,	see glTexParameter.

     SGIS_texture_edge_clamp    [Toc]    [Back]
	  The GL normally clamps texture coordinates to	the range [0,1].  This
	  can cause the	texture	sampling filter	to straddle the	edge of	the
	  texture image, taking	half its sample	values from within the texture
	  image, and the other half from the texture border.  Sometimes	this
	  is undesirable.  SGIS_texture_edge_clamp defines a new texture
	  clamping method that ensures all sample values fall within the
	  texture image.  Supported on InfiniteReality and Octane2 VPro
	  systems.  For	more information, see glTexParameter.

     EXT_texture_env_add    [Toc]    [Back]
	  defines a new	texture	environment function which simply adds the
	  texture color	to the fragment	color.	Supported on Octane2 VPro
	  systems.  For	more information, see glTexEnv.

     SGIS_texture_filter4    [Toc]    [Back]
	  allows 1D and	2D textures to be filtered using an applicationdefined
 symmetric and	separable filter with four samples per
	  dimension.  In the most common 2D case, the filter is	bicubic.  This
	  filtering can	yield better-quality images than mipmapping, and is
	  often	used in	image processing applications.	Supported on
	  InfiniteReality systems.  For	more information, see glTexParameter,
	  glGetTexParameter, glTexFilterFuncSGIS, and glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS.

     SGIS_texture_lod    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides mechanisms that reduce the number of	mipmap levels required
	  for mipmapped	texturing.  This allows	a large	texture	to be loaded
	  and used initially at	low resolution,	and to increase	the resolution
	  gradually as time passes or as more mipmap levels become available.
	  Supported on InfiniteReality and Octane2 VPro	systems.  For more
	  information, see glTexParameter.

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     SGIX_texture_lod_bias    [Toc]    [Back]
	  provides mechanisms that apply a bias	to the n, m and	l parameters
	  in the LOD calculation, to compensate	for over- or under-sampled
	  texture images.  Supported on	InfiniteReality	and Octane2 VPro
	  systems.  For	more information, see glTexParameter.

     EXT_texture_object    [Toc]    [Back]
	  supports named texture objects whose contents	and parameters may be
	  changed after	they are defined.  (Contrast this with textures	in
	  display lists, which cannot be modified after	the display lists are
	  created.)  For machines with special texture memories,
	  EXT_texture_object also provides simple texture memory management.
	  For more information,	see glGenTexturesEXT, glDeleteTexturesEXT,
	  glBindTextureEXT, glPrioritizeTexturesEXT, glAreTexturesResidentEXT,
	  and glIsTextureEXT.

     SGIX_texture_scale_bias    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds scale, bias, and	clamp operations to the	texture	pipeline.
	  These	operations are applied to the filtered result of a texture
	  lookup, before that result is	used in	the texture environment
	  equations and	before the texture color lookup	table of
	  SGI_texture_color_table, if that extension exists.  Not supported on
	  RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems or on High Impact and
	  Maximum Impact systems.  For more information, see glTexParameterfv,
	  glTexParameteriv, and	glGetTexParameter.

     SGIS_texture_select    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds new texture internal formats beyond those defined by
	  EXT_texture.	The purpose of these new formats is to reorganize the
	  components of	a texture into groups of components.  This allows
	  better utilization of	texture	memory by subdividing the internal
	  representation of a texel into 1, 2, or 4 smaller texels.

	  For example on InfiniteReality systems, an 8-bit luminance texture
	  would	normally use a full 16 bits of texture memory for each texel,
	  but if the application chooses the GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE8_SGIS internal
	  format, then two 8-bit luminance textures can	be packed into the
	  same space.  When such a texture is active, the application must
	  select which of the two packed textures will be used for drawing.
	  Supported on InfiniteReality systems and on High Impact and Maximum
	  Impact systems.  For more information, see glTexImage1D,
	  glTexImage2D,	glTexImage3DEXT, glTexParameterfv, glTexParameteriv,
	  and glGetTexParameter.

     EXT_vertex_array    [Toc]    [Back]
	  adds the ability to specify multiple geometric primitives with very
	  few subroutine calls.	Instead	of calling an OpenGL procedure to pass
	  each individual vertex, normal, or color, separate arrays of

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	  vertices, normals, and colors	are prespecified, and are used to
	  define a sequence of primitives (all of the same type) when a	single
	  call is made to glDrawArraysEXT. A stride mechanism is provided so
	  that an application can choose to keep all vertex data staggered in
	  a single array, or sparsely in separate arrays. Single-array storage
	  generally will provide better	performance.

	  This extension also supports the rendering of	individual array
	  elements, each specified as an index into the	enabled	arrays.

	  For more information,	see glArrayElementEXT, glDrawArraysEXT,
	  glVertexPointerEXT, glNormalPointerEXT, glColorPointerEXT,
	  glIndexPointerEXT, glTexCoordPointerEXT, glEdgeFlagPointerEXT, and

     SGIX_vertex_preclip    [Toc]    [Back]
	  supplies a way to control the	precision of interpolation of
	  parameters across the	extent of primitives with large	screen space
	  dimensions.  This control allows trading off precision for higher
	  rasterization	performance.  Supported	on Octane2 VPro	systems.  For
	  more information, see	glEnable and glHint.

USING EXTENSIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Procedure names and tokens	for OpenGL extensions are suffixed with	EXT or
     with a vendor-specfic acronym.  EXT is used for extensions	that have been
     reviewed and will be supported by more than one OpenGL vendor.

     SGI also supports some vendor-specific extensions.	Procedure names	and
     tokens for	the SGI-specific extensions are	suffixed with SGI, SGIS	or
     SGIX. ``SGI'' is used for extensions that will be available across	the
     product line (although the	support	for all	machines might not be released
     simultaneously).  ``SGIS''	is used	for extensions that will be available
     on	a subset of SGI	platforms.  ``SGIX'' extensions	are experimental; in
     future releases, the API for these	extensions might change	or might not
     be	supported at all.

     All supported extensions have an associated macro definition in gl.h and
     a corresponding token in the extensions string returned by	glGetString.
     For example, if the EXT_abgr extension is supported then the token
     GL_EXT_abgr will be defined in gl.h and GL_EXT_abgr will appear in	the
     extensions	string returned	by glGetString.

     The definitions in	gl.h can be used at compile time to determine if an
     extension's tokens	and procedures exist in	the OpenGL library. However,
     the tokens	returned by glGetString	must be	consulted at runtime to
     determine whether the extension is	supported on the particular display in
     use at that moment.

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glIntro(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			   glIntro(3G)

     As	an alternative to parsing the extensions string, you can determine
     which extensions are supported by examining the renderer string (to
     determine which graphics subsystem	is being used) and the version string
     (to determine the release number of the software being used).  For	more
     information, see glGetString.

     On	some machines an extension may be incompletely implemented, and
     therefore its name	will not appear	in the extensions string.  In such
     cases the only way	to determine if	the extension can be used is to	query
     the renderer and version strings.

     GLX also has been extended. Refer to glXIntro for more information.

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     When an OpenGL application	uses indirect rendering, additional instances
     of	Xsgi, the SGI X	server,	process	show up	under ps.  The additional
     processes are multiple threads of the X server, used to implement
     indirect rendering.

     Do	not mix	OpenGL and IrisGL calls	from within a single process.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Different OpenGL processes	which render to	the same window	using direct
     rendering will not	share the software ancillary buffers on	that window.

     If	an OpenGL program does a server	grab using its X connection, then for
     the duration of the grab it should	not render OpenGL into any window that
     the client	doing the grab did not create.	Otherwise a deadlock occurs.
     The client	is still able to do X rendering.  This holds for both local
     and remote	rendering.

     If	the OpenGL DSO (libGL.so) is unloaded, by calling dlclose(), before
     the X connection is closed	(or before the application is shutdown), a
     segv will occur. To get around this, call XCloseDisplay before unloading

     glXCopyContext does not work correctly for	direct rendering contexts if
     the source	context	is not the current context or, on most systems,	if the
     destination context has never been	made current to	any thread.  For more
     information, see glXCopyContext.

     On	Solid Impact, High Impact and Maximum Impact systems, and on
     RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and	VTX systems, GLX_BUFFER_SIZE is	not
     GLX_ALPHA_SIZE for	visuals	with 12-bit RGBA components.

     glXSwapBuffers does not work for double-buffered GLX pixel	buffers.

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glIntro(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			   glIntro(3G)

     On	XS, XZ,	Elan, and Extreme systems, and Indy and	XL systems,
     glConvolutionFilter1DEXT, glConvolutionFilter2DEXT, and
     glSeparableFilter2DEXT, will skip pixels and/or rows when the pixel zoom
     is	set so that it minifies	(i.e., -1 < zoom < 1).

     Even though the SGIX_texture_scale_bias extension is implemented on XS,
     XZ, Elan, and Extreme systems, and	on Indy	and XL systems,	it is not
     possible to query GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_RANGE_SGIX and
     GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_RANGE_SGIX. Doing so will result in a	gl

     On	XS, XZ,	Elan, and Extreme systems, and on Indy and XL systems, calling
     glHistogramEXT, glResetHistogramEXT, glMinmaxEXT, or glResetMinmaxEXT
     between a glBegin and glEnd will not generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION
     error as it should.

     No	locking	of display list	structures is done on behalf of	indirect
     OpenGL contexts that share	display	list spaces.  Applications that	use
     such contexts should use their own	mechanisms to ensure mutual exclusion
     when defining or destroying display lists.

     You may notice some discrepancies between the OpenGL Reference Manual
     which is available	through	InSight	and the	man pages (i.e., the ones you
     get using the "man	gl..." command in a shell window). If so, the man
     pages contain the correct,	up to date, information.

     Most machine dependencies are documented in the reference pages for the
     commands with which they're most closely associated.  Some	more general
     observations follow:

     VGX and VGXT    [Toc]    [Back]

     On	VGX and	VGXT systems, OpenGL is	implemented atop IrisGL. This
     implementation passes the ``mustpass'' OpenGL conformance tests but,
     nonetheless, the following	inconsistencies	exist: pixel centers lie on
     integer coordinates (not half-integer coordinates), and diffuse and
     specular light colors are ignored.

     If	any of the following are enabled, then all geometric primitives	will
     be	rendered through software (i.e., no hardware acceleration will be

     o	  alpha	test (unless test is GL_ALWAYS or GL_NOTEQUAL and reference
	  value	is zero)

     o	  texture

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     o	  lighting enabled but no lights enabled

     o	  clock-wise front face

     o	  fog enabled and color	index visual

     o	  drawing into both front and back buffer AND blend is enabled,	or
	  logic	op is enabled

     Points will be rendered through software if evaluators are	used (e.g.,
     GL_MAP1_VERTEX3 is	enabled).

     Polygons and strips will be rendered through software if any of the
     following are true:

     o	  front	mode is	not the	same as	back mode and the polygon mode is not

     o	  polygon offset is enabled and	the scale and bias offset factors are
	  not 1	and 0, respectively.

     o	  points have to go through software and the polygon mode is GL_POINT

     On	VGXT fog is done per-vertex instead of per-pixel.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]


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