perfly(3pf) OpenGL Performer 2.4 Reference Pages perfly(3pf)
perfly - OpenGL Performer scene viewer
perfly [ options ] file ...
perfly is one of the sample programs distributed with the OpenGL
Performer high-performance graphics library. perfly is a powerful way to
see graphics data: it's very fast, reads many different graphics file
formats, and has interesting options for examining geometric data.
Take a Test Drive
If you are new to OpenGL Performer, the best way to start learning about
it is to go for a test drive. The Performer-based sample application
perfly is installed in the /usr/sbin directory. To start perfly, all
that you need to do is type "perfly" followed by a list of files that you
want to see. For example:
perfly esprit.flt
There are quite a few models in the /usr/share/Performer/data directory
that you may wish to explore. The formats supported by OpenGL Performer
are listed toward the end of this reference page.
perfly will by default start up with a trackball motion model. Type "man
pfiXformer" for details on how to use the motion models: drive, fly,
flight stick, and trackball. perfly is largely self-documenting. Run
perfly with the command line option "-help" and a full list of features
will be printed. Type "?" while running perfly to print a list of
keyboard command sequences to the shell window.
Perfly is used by many OpenGL Performer demos to view large databases,
including the standard Performer Town demo. The Town is shipped in the
fast-loading OpenGL Performer binary format (pfb). You can run the Town
with perfly town.perfly.
InfiniteReality Demos [Toc] [Back]
With perfly, you can see many of the new features offered with the SGI
InfiniteReality hardware.
Dynamic Video Resolution (DVR):
The InfiniteReality offers the ability to dynamically resize
the output region of the framebuffer which can be used for load
management. On a per-frame basis, current load can be
evaluated and the output drawing area reduced to reduce load.
The video hardware will scale up the output drawing area to
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match the full targeted size, with bilinear interpolation.
This operation can be controlled manually by the application or
in an parameterized automatic mode. Perfly can demonstrate
these modes.
% perfly -V 1,640,408
# Start up in manual DVR mode with initial size
# as 640x480. The Up/down arrow keys will allow
# you to adjust output region size.
% perfly -V 2
# start up with automatic DVR
Note that when DVR is enabled, the current output size of the
video channel is displayed in the statistics status line (click
the stats button in the GUI). Additionally, there will be an M
or A displayed with the size to indicate Manual or Automatic
DVR. For best results, AUTO DVR should be used in combination
with the InfiniteReality graphics pipeline statistics.
Graphics Pipeline Statistics:
InfiniteReality offers graphics pipeline statistics for
measuring load within the graphics pipeline. These statistics
are not yet on by default in OpenGL Performer because only one
application may successfully use them at a time in the initial
IRIX 6.2 InfiniteReality release. However, graphics pipeline
statistics are both much more accurate than timing measurements
made on the CPU and are also less invasive. To turn these
statistics on in perfly, click on the "Pipe" option in the
statistics radio button in the GUI. The (GP=XXmsecs) in the
status line indicates the graphics pipeline timing measurement.
Other statistics modes (such as "Dft" for the full timing graph
and "Gfx" for detailed drawing statistics" may than be selected
and the pipeline statistics will stay enabled. Selection of
"Fill" statistics or turning the statistics off will disable
the graphics pipeline statistics. For more information, see
the pfStats and pfFrameStats reference pages.
Clip-Mapping for very large textures:
OpenGL Performer and InfiniteReality together provide Clipmapping
for automatic viewing and paging of very large
textures. For a demo, run:
% perfly hl.ct
The 'g' key toggles color-coded gridification of all clip
textures in the scene. There is another program called clipfly
that has many more clip texture related enhancements; see the
clipfly man page for more information.
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Perfly command line options [Toc] [Back]
Perfly supports a plethora of command line options. These options and the
arguments accepted by each, are listed here:
-A <string> -welcome text
-a <string> -overlay text
-b r,g,b[,a] -Earth/Sky clear color
-c <numChannels> -Number of channels
-C a,b,c,... -Pipes for channels (L-to-R)
-d -Drive
-D -Lock down draw process
-e <h,p,r> -Initial view angles
-E <string> -Earth sky mode
tag -> tag clear
clear -> regular clear
sky -> sky only
skygrnd -> sky and ground
skyclear -> sky and clear
-f -Fly
-F <path> -Set file path
-g <format> -GUI format
0 -> GUI OFF
-G -Use GANGDRAW with Multipipe
-h -Print command list
-i <count> -Set file loading repeat count
-I <count> -Exit after printing stats for count frames
-j <font_type> -Set font type
-J <font_name> -Set Font to Named Font
-k r,g,b[,a] -Scribed-style draw color
-K <count> -Combine billboards up to size count
-l <style> -Set lighting enable
0 -> lighting off
1 -> lighting eye
2 -> lighting sky
-l <x,y,z,r,g,b> -Add a light source to the scene
-L -Free then Lock down processes (requires root ID)
-m <mode> -Multiprocessing mode
-M <mode> -Multipipe mode
0 -> single pipe mode
1 -> multipipe mode
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2[,h=<netId>...][,s=<dpyName>...] -> hyperpipe mode
<netId> - hyperpipe network id (see hyperpipeinfo(1))
<dpyName> - X display name for single pipe (including screen)
- hyperpipe rendering pipelines must preceed single pipelines
- no netIds will configure no hyperpipes
- no dpyNames will configure no single pipes
- no netIds and dpyNames will configure all hyperpipes
-n <notify> -Debug level
-N -Assign non-degrading priorities to Performer processes
-o <mode>,<value> -Set builder mode (default value is OFF)
-O <mode>,<value> -Set builder mode (default value is ON)
See the pfdBldrMode reference page
for more information.
0 -> PFDBLDR_COLORS_PRESERVE + leave colors alone
1 -> PFDBLDR_COLORS_MISSING - make missing colors
2 -> PFDBLDR_COLORS_GENERATE - make all colors
3 -> PFDBLDR_COLORS_DISCARD - toss existing colors
0 -> PFDBLDR_NORMALS_PRESERVE - leave normals alone
1 -> PFDBLDR_NORMALS_MISSING + make missing normals
2 -> PFDBLDR_NORMALS_GENERATE - make all normals
3 -> PFDBLDR_NORMALS_DISCARD - toss existing normals
0 -> PFDBLDR_TEXTURE_PRESERVE + leave texture coord alone
1 -> PFDBLDR_TEXTURE_MISSING - make missing texture coord
2 -> PFDBLDR_TEXTURE_GENERATE - make all texture coord
3 -> PFDBLDR_TEXTURE_DISCARD - toss existing texture coord
0 -> PFDBLDR_ORIENT_PRESERVE - leave normal and order alone
1 -> PFDBLDR_ORIENT_NORMALS - make normal match vertex order
2 -> PFDBLDR_ORIENT_VERTICES + make vertex order match normal
0 - dont remove tcoords if no texture specified
1 - remove tcoords if no texture specified
0 - dont remove ncoords if no material specified
1 - remove ncoords if no material specified
0 - dont automatically set lighting enable based on presence of ncoords
1 - automatically set lighting enable based on presence of ncoords
0 - dont automatically set lighting enable based on presence of material
1 - automatically set lighting enable based on presence of material
0 - dont automatically set texture enable based on presence of tcoords
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1 - automatically set texture enable based on presence of tcoords
0 - dont automatically set texture enable based on presence of texture
1 - automatically set texture enable based on presence of texture
38 -> PFDBLDR_BUILD_LIMIT -maximum number of tris/strip
-p <x,y,z> -Initial view position
-P <phase> -Phase
-q <optimize> -Optimize Scene GStates into single Scene pfGeoState
-Q <optimize> -Flatten tree and remove empty nodes
0 -> Off
1 -> On
-r <frameRate> -Target frame rate in Hertz
-R <mode> -Retessellate input geometry
0 -> Off
1 -> On
-s <LODscale> -Set LOD scale factor
-S <mode> -Show triangle strips via color coding
0 -> Off
1 -> On
-t <0xVisual_id> -Specify GLX Visual ID has Hex Integer(OpenGL Only)
-T <0/1> -Indicated whether or GL display lists should be used.
On InfiniteReality GL display lists will be stored in the
grahpics pipeline for optimal performance. This option
is ON by default. See the pfGeoSet reference page for
more information.
-u -Inflate input files
-v <format> -Convert data to use GL vertex arrays.
See the pfGeoSet reference page
for more information.
0 -> Off
1 -> PFGS_PA_C4UBN3ST2FV3F - all attrs packed in arrays
2 -> PFGS_PA_C4UBN3ST2F - all attrs but verts packed in arrays
-V <DVRmode> - specify mode for dynamic reslotion
<mode,xsize,ysize> - Set DVR mode and initial size.
modes: See the pfPipeVideoChannel reference page
for more information.
-w <file>.out -Write scene in ASCII
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-w <file.ext> -Write scene in .ext format
-W <Size> -Window size
-W <xSize,ySize> -Window size
-x -Toggle use of GLX with asynch X input handling
-X <radius> -Explode input files
-y ext,mode,value -Set loader mode for file extension ext to value
-Y ext,alias -Substitute file extension alias for file extension ext
-z near,far -Set near/far clip ranges
-Z -Don't initially free CPUs before lock
Perfly keyboard options [Toc] [Back]
Perfly supports several keyboard options. These are functions that can be
invoked during simulation by typing the indicated key while the cursor is
in the perfly window.
Key Function
----- --------------
ESC Exit program
? Print help
SPACE Stop moving
F1KEY Toggle graphical user interface (GUI)
b Toggle backface mode
c Toggle collision detection
C Change culling mode
f Decrease the target frame rate
F Increase the target frame rate
g Toggle stats and stats graph
G Print stats graph contents to stderr
k Cycle through DVR modes (off,manual,auto)
l Cycle through lighting modes (off, eye, sun)
p Change frame phase
r Reset positions
s Toggle diagnostics display
S Print stats graph contents to stderr
t Toggle texturing on/off
w Toggle draw mode between solid/wire
W Cycle draw mode between all styles
x Snapshot RGB screen image to file
X Snapshot RGBA screen image to file
z Show culling frustum
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Supported Database Formats [Toc] [Back]
Perfly, like all OpenGL Performer applications, is able to directly load
3D data in a large selection of popular formats and draw that data at
high speed. All of the following file formats are understood by Perfly:
3ds AutoDesk 3DStudio binary data
bin Minor SGI format used by powerflip
bpoly Side Effects Software PRISMS binary
byu Brigham Young University CAD/FEA data
dwb Coryphaeus Software Designer's Workbench
dxf AutoDesk AutoCAD ASCII format
flt11 MultiGen public domain Flight v11 format
flt14 MultiGen OpenFlight v14 format
gds McDonnell-Douglas GDS things data
gfo Minor SGI format (radiosity output)
im Minor SGI format (OpenGL Performer example)
irtp AAI/Graphicon Interactive Real-Time PHIGS
iv SGI OpenInventor / Silicon Studio Keystone
lsa Lightscape Technologies radiosity (ASCII)
lsb Lightscape Technologies radiosity (binary)
m University of Washington mesh data
medit Medit Productions medit modeling tool
nff Eric Haines' ray tracing test data format
obj Wavefront Technologies data format
phd Minor SGI format (polyhedra)
pfa OpenGL Performer ASCII database format
pfb OpenGL Performer fast loading BINARY database format (see
the /usr/share/Performer/src/lib/libpfdb/libpfpfb/README
for more information)
poly Side Effects Software PRISMS ASCII data
pts University of Washington point data
ptu Minor SGI format (OpenGL Performer example)
sgf US NAVY standard graphics format
sgo Minor SGI format
spf US NAVY simple polygon format
sponge Sierpinski sponge 3D fractal generator
star Yale University compact star chart data
stla 3D Structures Stereolithography (ASCII)
stlb 3D Structures Stereolithography (binary)
sv Format of John Kichury's i3dm modeler
tri University of Minnesota Geometry Center data
unc University of North Carolina data
While most loaders do in fact "load" data from files, scene graphs can
also be generated procedurally. The sponge loader is an example of such
automatic generation; it builds a model of the Menger (Sierpinski)
sponge, without requiring an input file. To see the sponge run perfly
specify the number of recursions (0, 1, 2, ...) as the filename. For
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perfly 2.sponge
When using DVR, perfly should always be run in full screen mode (do not
use the -W option). Also, when DVR and the graphical user-interface are
both enabled, the GUI must be redrawn whenever there is a video channel
resize, or whenever the mouse is in the GUI. This is very expensive and
a drop in framerate will be incurred.
Only one application at a time may be using DVR. If a second application
starts up and attempts to use DVR while the first is still executing, the
second may terminate. See the pfPipeVideoChannel reference page for more
Only one copy of perfly should be runing with graphics pipeline
statistics ("Pipe") selected at a time. If multiple copies of perfly are
running, de-select pipe stats in one before turning it on in another.
Learning More [Toc] [Back]
Once you've seen OpenGL Performer in action, you will want to learn more
about it. The OpenGL Performer Programming Guide and the OpenGL
Performer Release Notes are the primary sources of information, but the a
number of information sources are available to give you a good start in
your learning process. The origin of this quest is the Performer man
page. Just type "man performer" and just about everything you might want
to know will be there or in one of the on-line resources listed there.
performer, clipfly, pfconv
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 8888 [ Back ]