tex_cube - OpenGL texture-mapping demo.
tex_cube [-i{filter}] [-x{filter}] [-c{1-4}] [-m] [image1
tex_cube is an OpenGL demo which texture maps up to six images onto a
cube which may be rotated using the mouse. The luminance of the texture
images is mapped to alpha values, giving the sides of the cube a semitransparent
tex_cube accepts images in .rgb format. If no images are specified on
the command line, an image is chosen from
The cube is rotated by dragging with the mouse. The cube may be given
momentum by releasing the mouse button while the mouse is moving.
All motion may be stopped by pressing the h key.
The w key halts the square and then recenters it.
Pressing the ESC key exits the program.
Pressing the space bar pauses or unpauses the program.
Celeste Fowler
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