glcScale(3G) OpenGL Character Renderer glcScale(3G)
glcScale - multiply GLC_BITMAP_MATRIX with a general scaling matrix
void glcScale( GLfloat inX,
GLfloat inY )
inX Specifies the scale factor along the x axis.
inY Specifies the scale factor along the y axis.
glcScale produces a general scaling along the x and y axes. The two
arguments indicate the desired scale factors along each of the three
axes. The resulting matrix is
( inX 0 )
| 0 inY |
( )
glcScale multiplies GLC_BITMAP_MATRIX with this scale matrix, with the
product replacing the current matrix. That is, if M is the current
matrix and S is the scale matrix, then M is replaced with M o S.
GLC_STATE_ERROR is generated if the issuing thread has no current GLC
glcGetfv with argument GLC_BITMAP_MATRIX
glcLoadIdentity, glcLoadMatrix, glcMultMatrix, glcRotate
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