getnurbsproperty(3G) getnurbsproperty(3G)
getnurbsproperty - returns the current value of a trimmed NURBS surfaces
display property
void getnurbsproperty(long property, float *value)
property expects the name of the property to be queried.
value expects pointer to the location into which the system should
write the value of the named property.
The display of NURBS surfaces can be controlled in different ways. The
following is a list of the display properties that can be affected.
N_ERRORCHECKING: If value is 1.0, some error checking is enabled. If
error checking is disabled, the system runs slightly
faster. The default value is 0.0.
N_PIXEL_TOLERANCE: The value is the maximum length, in pixels, of edges
of polygons on the screen used to render trimmed
NURBS surfaces. The default value is 50.0 pixels.
N_DISPLAY: An enumeration that dictates the surface rendering
format; it affects surfaces only. Possible values
N_FILL instructs the GL to fill all polygons
generated in the tessellation of the surface.
N_OUTLINE_POLY instructs the GL to outline all
polygons generated. N_OUTLINE_PATCH instructs the
GL to outline the boundary of all surface patches
and trim curves.
N_CULLING: A Boolean value that, when TRUE, instructs the GL to
discard before tessellation, all patches that are
outside the current viewport.
bgnsurface, bgntrim, nurbscurve, nurbssurface, pwlcurve, setnurbsproperty
This routine is available only in immediate mode. Nurbs properties are
on a per window basis.
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