gbegin(3G) gbegin(3G)
ginit, gbegin - create a window that occupies the entire screen
void ginit()
void gbegin()
ginit creates a window that covers the entire screen, and initializes its
graphics state to the same values as would a winopen followed by a
greset. It also sets the MOUSEX valuator to getgdesc(GD_XPMAX)/2 with
range 0 to getgdesc(GD_XPMAX), and sets the MOUSEY valuator to
getgdesc(GD_YPMAX)/2 with range 0 to getgdesc(GD_YPMAX)/2. gbegin does
the same, except it does not alter the color map.
These routines are a carry-over from the days before there was a window
manager. Although they continue function, we recommend that all new
development be designed to work with the window manager and to use
greset, winopen
These routines are available only in immediate mode.
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