fullscrn(3G) fullscrn(3G)
fullscrn - allows a program write to the entire screen
void fullscrn()
fullscrn allows a program write to the entire screen. It does this by
eliminating the protections that normally prevent a graphics process from
drawing outside of its current window. fullscrn calls
viewport(0, getgdesc(GD_XPMAX)-1, 0, getgdesc(GD_YPMAX)-1) and ortho2 to
set up an orthographic projection that maps world coordinates to screen
coordinates. The current viewport and matrix state are not saved; it is
the caller's responsibility to do this.
fullscrn only affects graphics output; input focus management is
endfullscrn, winopen
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
Use fullscrn with caution or a sense of humor.
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