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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     versions -	software versions tool

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     versions [	-abndvIMV ] [ -r root ]	[ display ] [ name ... ]

     versions [	-ckmstuvxBMSUV ] [ -r root ] [ listtype	] [ user ] [ name ... ]

     versions [	-vFV ] [ -r root ] remove name ...

     versions [	-vFV ] [ -r root ] removehist patch name ...

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     versions calls the	programs showprods, showfiles, and (in the case	of
     removing software with versions remove|removehist), inst.	Users may wish
     to	use these programs directly, instead of	versions, since	these programs
     provide a more complete and consistent set	of capabilities.

     To	find out what underlying command versions would	execute	with a given
     set of arguments, use the -V option ahead of other	options, for example,
     versions -V remove	ftn.sw pas.sw.

     The versions command has three functions:

     -	(showprods): It	displays information about the software	that is
	currently installed on your system and the software that has been
	available for installation, but	is not presently installed.  This
	information is presented at the	product, image,	and subsystem levels
	(see the Definitions section).

     -	(showfiles): It	displays lists of files	on your	system and information
	about those files.

     -	(inst):	It removes installed software from your	system.

     The synopsis for each of these three uses of the versions command is
     shown above and the functions are discussed in detail in the sections
     that follow.  In addition,	the Definitions	section	defines	some terms
     that are key to understanding and using versions.	The section called
     Updating Configuration Files explains how to use versions to identify and
     modify files that require site-specific modifications after new software
     is	installed.

   Definitions    [Toc]    [Back]
     The name argument to versions is a	product, image,	or subsystem.  A
     product is	a collection of	files that inst	installs on your system.  This
     collection	of files is typically a	Silicon	Graphics software option such
     as	the Network Filesystem (NFS).  Products	have short names that are used
     for installation purposes (for example, nfs).

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

     The files in a product are	organized into a three-level hierarchy for
     ease of installation.  The	highest	level is the product level, the	next
     level is the image	level, and the third level is the subsystem level.
     Thus, the files that make up a product such as NFS	are grouped into
     subsystems.  The names of these subsystems	reflect	the hierarchy:
     product.image.subsystem.  Some examples for NFS are nfs.sw.nis and

     When you enter a name argument to versions, you can enter a product name
     (for example, nfs), an image name (for example, nfs.sw) or	a subsystem
     name (for example,	nfs.sw.nis), depending on what parts of	a product you
     are interested in.	 You can also use * as a wildcard in name, but it must
     be	escaped	with double quotes (") if you are using	versions from the
     shell.  For example, if you are at	the shell and you want to list
     information about all of the installed subsystems that have an image name
     of	man, you would enter the command:

	  versions "*.man.*"

     Note that the wildcard (*)	character does not match the . character so
     the following command will	only list subsystems that have man in the
     top-level product name:

	  versions "*man*"

     An	example	of using wildcards from	within inst is this command to list
     the sw images in eoe:

	  versions eoe.sw.*

     All of the	files on a workstation can be divided into two categories:
     installed files and user files.  The files	in a product are called
     installed files and are put on your system	by inst.  All other files on
     your system, no matter how	they got there,	are called user	files.	There
     are two types of installed	files, system files, and configuration files.
     System files are modified by the user of the system only in unusual
     circumstances.  Configuration files, on the other hand, are very likely
     to	need modification because they contain information that	is often
     machine-specific or site-specific.	 On diskless systems, installed	files
     are also shared or	unshared as well as being system files or
     configuration files.

     Because configuration files often contain modifications, inst treats them
     specially during the installation process.	 If they have not been
     modified, inst removes the	old file and installs the new version during
     software updates.	For configuration files	that have been modified, one
     of	three things occurs:

     -	The new	version	is not installed at all.

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

     -	The new	version	is installed and the old version is renamed by adding
	the suffix .O (for older) to the name.

     -	The new	version	is put in a file whose name is created by adding .N
	(for newer) to the original name.

     The section, Updating Configuration Files,	discusses .O and .N files in
     more detail.

   Using versions to List Products, Images, and	Subsystems
     With no command line options or arguments,	versions displays one
     installed software	product, image,	or subsystem per line for all products
     currently installed on the	system.

     -	The first column contains an indication	of the installation status of
	the product, image, or subsystem listed	on that	line.  When no command
	line options are given,	the installation status	is I (installed).

     -	The second column gives	the name of the	product, image,	or subsystem.

     -	The third column gives the date	of installation.

     -	The fourth column gives	a description of the product, image or

     The options that follow allow you to change the output:

     -I	  (installed)  List currently installed	products, images, and
	  subsystems only.  (This is the default behavior.)

     -a	  (all)	 List all the products,	images,	and subsystems that are
	  installed, that have been installed and then removed,	or were
	  available for	installation, but not installed.  This is also known
	  as "all of the subsystems inst has seen since	the last time you made
	  filesystems".	 Products and images that have at least	one subsystem
	  installed are	marked I, otherwise their first	column is blank.
	  Installed subsystems are marked I.  Subsystems that have been
	  installed and	later removed are marked R.  Subsystems	that have
	  never	been installed are blank in the	first column.  Older versions
	  of products that have	been replaced by a newer version of the
	  product do not appear	on any versions	list.

     -n	  (number)  Show the internal version number rather than the date it
	  was installed.

     -d	  (date)  Show the creation date rather	than the date it was

     -v	  (verbose)  Include subsystems	in the output.	(This is the default.)

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

     -b	  (brief)  Display only	products.

     -M	  (more)  Do not use the built-in paging mechanism (similar to
	  more(1)) after each screenful	of output.

     The -r option allows you to operate on an IRIX tree rooted	at root.  The
     default root directory while running under	IRIX is	/, and while in	the
     miniroot is, /root	(see inst(1M)).	 You might have	a different root
     directory for diskless prototype trees or for test	installations that
     have been done somewhere other than the default of	the system's root.

     The display argument explicitly requests one line per product, image, and
     subsystem type output from	versions.  It is the default behavior in the
     absence of	a listtype argument, the argument remove, or one of the
     options ckmsuxSU.

     The possible values for the name argument are discussed in	the
     Definitions section above.	 If no name is given, the default is to
     display all currently installed software.

   Using versions to List Installed Files    [Toc]    [Back]
     The second	form of	the versions command displays lists of filenames.  The
     combination of single character options, listtype,	the optional user
     argument, and optional names determines the list of files that is
     displayed.	 For some values of listtype, additional information is	also
     displayed.	 If you	are not	superuser, you may not be able to access some

     The single	character options, listtype arguments, and other arguments for
     this form of versions are:

     -m	  (modified)  List only	modified installed files.  There are three
	  types	of modified installed files:  configuration files that the
	  user has changed to be system	or site-specific, files	that were
	  modified automatically as part of the	installation process, and
	  other	installed files	that the user has changed.

     -u	  (unmodified)	List only unmodified installed files.

     -B	  (bad)	 List only deleted or unreadable installed files.

     -c	  (configuration)  List	only installed configuration files.

     -s	  List only installed system files.

     -t	changed
	  Test for the presence	of configuration files that need to be merged
	  or updated.  versions	-t changed invokes showfiles -c	-t -H, and
	  returns an exit status of zero if any	configuration files with an
	  associated .N	or .O version were found.  Otherwise a non-zero	status
	  is returned.	See the	showfiles(1M) reference	page for a complete
	  description of this option.

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

     -S	  (shared)  List only diskless client shared files.

     -U	  (unshared)  List only	unshared files.

     -k	  (checksums)  Calculate checksums of user files in the	long listing.

     -M	  (more)  Do not use the built-in paging mechanism (similar to
	  more(1)) after each screenful	of output.

     -r	root
	  (root)  Use an IRIX tree rooted at root.  The	default	root directory
	  while	running	under IRIX is /, and while in the miniroot is /root
	  (see inst(1M)).  You might have a different root directory for
	  diskless prototype trees or for test installations that have been
	  done somewhere other than the	default	of the system's	root.  If this
	  option is not	given and the rbase environment	variable is set, its
	  value	is used, otherwise / is	used.

     list List installed files.	 This is the default listtype if no listtype
	  is given, but	one of options ckmusxSU	is given.

     long List installed files and include the file type, the checksum (by sum
	  -r), the size	in blocks at time of installation, the subsystem name,
	  and flags.  The file types are:

	  f  Plain file
	  d  Directory
	  b  Block special
	  c  Character special
	  l  Symbolic link
	  p  FIFO, also	known as, named	pipe

	  The flags are:

	  c  Configuration file
	  t  Orphaned configuration file (it was installed with	a subsystem
	     that has since been removed)
	  m  File is machine-specific (see inst(1M) -m)

     user List user files.  This argument can be used by itself, or with the
	  list or long arguments.

	  List all installed configuration files and any corresponding .N and
	  .O files.

	  List installed configuration files that have a corresponding .O or
	  .N file and their respective .O or .N	files.

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

     name The possible values for the name argument are	discussed in the
	  Definitions section above.  If no name is given, the default is to
	  display all currently	installed files	that meet the criteria of the
	  options and arguments.

   Using versions to Remove Products, Images, and Subsystems
     The versions command with the remove argument, and	one or more name
     arguments,	is used	to remove most of the files of one or more subsystems.
     The files that are	not removed are	modified configuration files.

     The versions command with the removehist argument,	and one	or more	patch
     name arguments, is	used to	remove the patch file history under
     $rbase/var/inst/patchbase.	This command should only be used if the	user
     desperately needs to free up disk space since the patch cannot be removed
     or	upgraded by another patch until	the patch history is restored.
     Failure to	restore	the patch base history will result in a	conflict when
     removing or upgrading the patch.  Thus, the applicable patch history
     files should be backed up prior to	executing this command.	 The patch
     history will then need to be restored when	upgrading or removing the

     There is one notable case when the	patch history need not be restored :
     when the associated base subsystem	is also	being removed.	For example,
     if	upgrading to a newer version of	eoe.sw.base, the base history for the
     installed eoe.sw.base patches need	not be restored	since eoe.sw.base will
     also be removed.

     If	removal	of the indicated subsystems causes conflicts, versions refuses
     the action, unless	the -F option is given,	in which case no system
     integrity checking	is done, so it is possible to remove subsystems	that
     are critical to the operation of IRIX, the	window system or applications
     that you want to use.  The	-F option will also suppress the warning
     prompt that normally appears when the removehist argument is used.

     You must be superuser to use remove or removehist.

   Updating Configuration Files    [Toc]    [Back]
     As	discussed in the Definitions section, some files in a product are
     called configuration files	and are	handled	specially during installation
     because they contain system or site-specific information.	As a result of
     this, .O (older) and .N (newer) versions of configuration files may be
     left on your system after an installation.

     When you reboot your system, a check for .O and .N	files is done.	If any
     are present, a message is displayed suggesting that you merge
     configuration files in cases where	there are two versions.	 To do this,
     first enter the command:

	  versions changed

     If	the output contains any	.O configuration files:

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

	The .O version of the configuration file is your earlier version.  The
	no-suffix version contains changes that	are required for compatibility
	with the rest of the newly installed software, that increase
	functionality, or that fix bugs.  You should use dif
	to compare the two versions of the files and transfer information that
	you recognize as machine or site-specific from the .O version to the
	no-suffix version.

     If	you have any .N	configuration files:

	The .N version of the configuration file is the	new version.  It
	contains changes or new	features that can be added to the no-suffix
	version	of the configuration file at your option.  You should use
	diff(1)	or gdiff(1) to compare the two versions	of the files and add
	changes	that appeared in the new software from the .N version to the
	no-suffix version if you want them.  Note:  if you did not merge
	configuration files after a previous installation, you should compare
	the timestamps on the files to make sure that the .N file is really a
	more recent version of the file.  A shell command such as ls -l	file
	file.N will display the	modification time of each file.

     If	you have both a	.O and a .N version of a particular file:

	This indicates that either the .O file or the .N file is leftover from
	a previous installation	session, and was never merged.	Use caution,
	since the .N file might	actually be older than the .O file.  Use a
	command	such as	ls -l file file.O file.N to display the	modification
	time of	each file, and to determine which version of the file was most
	recently installed by inst(1).

     After you have examined the .O and	.N configuration files and made	any
     changes you want, you can delete the .O and .N versions of	the
     configuration files.  If you want to keep them, you should	rename them
     because they might	be removed automatically during	the next software
     installation.  If you remove all of the .O	and .N configuration files,
     then no message about configuration files appears when you	boot your
     system.  The message also stops appearing even if .O or .N	files continue
     to	exist after some number	of reboots.

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     versions remove fails if there is no space	in /usr	to create temporary

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     /var/inst/hist	 binary	file containing	the file-level installation
			 database of your machine
     /var/inst/product	 binary	files containing the product-level
			 installation database of your machine
     /var/inst/*	 various other files used by inst, swmgr, showprods,
			 and showfiles

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versions(1M)							  versions(1M)

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     inst(1M), showfiles(1M), showprods(1M), swmgr(1M).

     IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 8888
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