setupMacPrinters - install a Macintosh or PC printer.
/usr/sysadm/privbin/setupMacPrinters printerInfo
setupMacPrinters is a privileged command that installs a printer
connected to a Macintosh or a NetWare server. After the installation, the
installed printer can be administered by the Printer Manager and will
work like a general printer connected to an SGI machine. The Macintosh or
NetWare server needs to be on the same network as the SGI machine.
The printerInfo string includes all the configuration information needed
in the installation. If it is a Macintosh printer, printerInfo should
have an "a:" as its prefix. If it is a PC printer, the prefix is "n:".
The format of printerInfo is described below:
To install a Macintosh printer:
"a:-createq <local printer name> -O <real printer name> -Z <AppleTalk
To remove a Macintosh printer:
"a:-deleteq <local printer name>"
To install a PC printer:
a:p:<print queue>:<real printer name>@<NetWare sevrer>:<local printer
To remove a PC printer:
a:r:<print queue>:<real printer name>@<NetWare sevrer>:<local printer
setupMacPrinters will not successfully install Macintosh printers if
AppleTalk software is not running on the SGI machine. Similarly, NetWare
must be running in order to install a PC printer.
sysmgr(1M), runpriv(1M), mountfs(1M), umountfs(1M).
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