MKCENTPR(1M) Printing Tools MKCENTPR(1M)
mkcentpr - install a parallel (Centronics) interface System V printer
mkcentpr installs a printer with a parallel interface for use with the
System V printer spooling system.
mkcentpr is an interactive installation program that will display
available options and prompt for the relevant installation parameters.
You must be root to execute mkcentpr.
The program first asks for the name you wish to give the printer. This
name must be no more than fourteen characters. See lpadmin(1M) for more
information on naming printers. After entering a name for the printer,
the program asks for the pathname of the parallel port device file.
mkcentpr attempts to determine an appropriate default parallel device
file. To accept the default device press Enter at the prompt. If a
printer is already installed on the specified parallel port the name of
the printer is displayed and the option is given to continue or abort the
Once a name and device have been selected for the printer, a list of
printer types is displayed. Enter the number of the printer type you wish
to install.
The printer will be installed and the current printing environment will
be displayed (i.e. lpstat -t).
This command can only be used by the system administrator.
accept(1M), addclient(1M), enable(1), lp(1), lpadmin(1M), lpsched(1M),
lpshut(1M), lpstat(1), rmprinter(1M), mkserialpr(1M), mkscsipr(1M).
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