IK(7) IK(7)
ik - Ikon 10088 (ikc) parallel interface controller
This is the driver for the Ikon 10088 (and 10088A) parallel interface
controller. The controller can support any one of three possible
interfaces: Versatec TTL, Versatec differential, or (Tektronixcompatible)
Centronics. The Ikon controller board must be jumpered,
switched, connected, and terminated differently depending on which
interface is being used.
If the board is configured for the Centronics interface, bytes written to
/dev/cent are output to the parallel port. A printer reset (input prime)
is issued when the device file is opened.
If the board is configured for either Versatec interface, bytes written
to /dev/vp0 are output to the parallel port. A printer reset is issued
when the device file is opened. In addition, the following Versatec
control calls are provided via ioctl(2). The relevant definitions are
contained in the include file <sys/vcmd.h>.
changes the Versatec device state according to the contents of the 3
integers pointed at by int_3_ptr. The first integer specifies a
Versatec command:
VPRINT commands the Versatec device to enter print mode;
VPLOT commands it to enter plot mode;
VPRINTPLOT commands it to enter simultaneous print/plot mode;
VLF commands it to output a linefeed;
VFF commands it to output a formfeed;
VREOT drives the remote EOT signal.
The second integer specifies a timeout delay (in seconds) for
subsequent Versatec operations, including output operations. A
specified delay of 0 is ignored. The default delay is 300 seconds.
This may be insufficient for large and / or slow devices. The third
integer is ignored.
passes back Versatec device state information in the 3 integers
pointed at by int_3_ptr. The first integer contains:
VPRINT if the Versatec device is in print mode;
VPLOT if it is in plot mode;
VPRINTPLOT if it is in simultaneous print/plot mode.
The second integer contains the current timeout delay (in seconds)
(see VSETSTATE above). The third integer is not used.
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IK(7) IK(7)
It is normally unnecessary to use /dev/cent or /dev/vp0 directly; the
spooling software (see lp(1)) provides an adequate interface.
image(4), ipaste(1), lp(1), snap(1)
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