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MEDIAD(1M)							    MEDIAD(1M)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     mediad - removable	media daemon

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     mediad [ -l level ] [ -f ]	] [ -n ] -a
     mediad [ -d ] -f
     mediad -k
     mediad -l level
     mediad [ -l level ] -e [ ctlr ] ID	[ LUN ]	| dir |	device
     mediad [ -l level ] -u

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     mediad is a daemon	that monitors the removable media devices on a system.
     When media	is inserted, mediad scans the media for	filesystems and	mounts
     them.  When a user	issues the eject command, eject	sends mediad a
     message, and mediad dismounts the filesystems and ejects the media.
     N.B.: Because data	corruption and loss will occur if media	is forcibly
     removed without unmounting	any filesystems	present	on the media, always
     eject disk	media using either the eject command or	the Eject selection in
     the desktop pop-up	menu for the device.

     For all options other than	-e, -u,	and -m,	mediad may only	be invoked by
     the superuser.

     mediad reads configuration	options	from its configuration file,
     /etc/config/mediad.config.	 mediad	continually monitors its configuration
     file.  When that file changes, mediad immediately updates device status
     to	match the file.	 The configuration file	is described below under

     mediad also provides information to the IRIX Interactive Desktop and
     system administration tools which they use	to draw	the icons representing
     removable media devices.

     mediad monitors these device types:


       dat	DAT tape

       floppy	Insite floptical disk, Teac SCSI floppy	disk

       jaz	Iomega Jaz disk

       LS-120	LS-120 I-O Data	120MB floppy-compatible	disk

       optical	Sony SMO-521 and Pinnacle Sierra magneto-optical disks

       syquest	SyQuest	EZ135, 88, 105,	200, and 270 Mb	disks

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MEDIAD(1M)							    MEDIAD(1M)

       tape	QIC 24,	150, 1000, and 1350 tapes, IBM 3480 tape, Exabyte 8 mm
		tape, and DLT tape

       zip	Iomega Zip disk

     Note that CDROM, dat, floppy, LS-120 and tape are sold and	supported by
     SGI.  The rest (jaz, optical, syquest, zip) are not sold or supported by

     mediad recognizes these filesystem	types on devices that support them.
     See filesystems(4).

       cdda	Compact	Disk Digital Audio

       dos	IBM PC DOS

       efs	Silicon	Graphics Extent	File System

       iso9660	ISO 9660 filesystem for	CD-ROM,	also the High Sierra, Rock
		Ridge and PhotoCD extensions.

       hfs	Apple Macintosh	Hierarchical File System

       xfs	Silicon	Graphics XFS File System

     If	a disk has several nonoverlapping partitions, mediad mounts them all
     by	default.  If it	has overlapping	partitions, mediad mounts the
     filesystem	type that appears first	in the list above.  You	can override
     the default behavior using	the configuration file.

     mediad uses the following rules to	choose the directory where it mounts a

     1.	  If the configuration file contains an	applicable mount command, and
	  the mount command specifies a	directory, that	directory is used.

     2.	  Otherwise, if	mediad is only mounting	one partition from the device,
	  then the device name is used.	 If there is more than one device of a
	  given	type, a	number is appended to every device except the first.
	  (For example,	filesystems from two Zip drives	are mounted at /zip
	  and /zip2.)

     3.	  Otherwise, the directory name	is made	by concatenating the device
	  name,	the filesystem type, and the partition number.	(For example,
	  three	DOS partitions on a Jaz	drive are mounted at
	  /jaz/dos.partition1, /jaz/dos.partition2 and /jaz/dos.partition3.)

     mediad uses the dynamic shared objects (DSOs) in /usr/devicelib.  There
     is	one DSO	for each device	type mediad understands	and one	DSO for	each
     filesystem	type.

									Page 2

MEDIAD(1M)							    MEDIAD(1M)

OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

     -a	  Start	mediad in the background.  (This is the	default	when no
	  arguments are	specified)

     -d	  Turn on the dsdebug variable of dslib(3X) which enables voluminous
	  SCSI command tracing.	 The -d	option must be used with the -f

     -e	device
	  Eject	the given device.  The device must be specified	as described

     -e	directory
	  Eject	the device containing the filesystem mounted at	the given

     -f	  Start	mediad in the foreground.  When	running	in the foreground,
	  mediad does not fork at startup.  The	-f option also sets the
	  default log level to LOG_DEBUG, and log messages are directed	to
	  mediad's standard error instead of to	syslogd(1M).

     -k	  Send a message to mediad telling it to exit.	When mediad exits, it
	  dismounts all	the filesystems	it has mounted.

     -l	level
	  When used alone, sends a message to the currently running mediad to
	  log all messages of priority level and higher.  When used with -a,
	  -f, -e or -u option, the -l option affects the current mediad
	  process instead of sending a message.

     -n	  Mount	all filesystems	with the nosuid	mount option.  When -n is
	  specified, nosuid is specified in the	options	argument of all
	  mount(1M) commands that mediad runs.

     -u	  Eject	the default device.  On	systems	with more than one removable
	  media	device,	this command should not	be used, because the default
	  device is not	predictable.

     mediad -l 7 -a
	  Start	mediad in the background with full debugging output.

     mediad -f
	  Start	mediad in the foreground with full debugging output.

     mediad -e 0 4 0
     mediad -e 0 4
     mediad -e 4
     mediad -e /dev/scsi/sc0d4l0
     mediad -e /dev/rdsk/dks0d4s7
     mediad -e /dev/rmt/tps0d4
     mediad -e /dev/rdsk/fds0d4.3.5hi

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MEDIAD(1M)							    MEDIAD(1M)

	  Each of these	commands ejects	the device at SCSI controller 0, ID 4,
	  LUN 0.

     mediad -e /floppy
	  Eject	the device with	a filesystem mounted at	the directory /floppy.


     mediad's configuration file, /etc/config/mediad.config, is	optional, and
     is	not present in the system as shipped.  It may be created at any	time
     as	needed.	 The file consists of one or more configuration	commands, with
     one command per line.  Comments begin with	a # character and continue to
     the end of	the line.

     A device specification specifies a	device.	 It consists of	the keyword
     device followed by	the name of a device special file.  The	special	file
     is	only used to determine the device's address - the type of device is
     unimportant.  Mediad recognizes these device types.

       scsi    generic SCSI device

       dksc    SCSI disk device

       tpsc    SCSI tape device

       smfd    SCSI floppy/floptical device

     A filesystem specification	specifies a pattern to match filesystems.  A
     filesystem	specification consists of the keyword filesystem, the name of
     a device special file, a filesystem type, and, optionally,	the keyword
     partition followed	by a partition number.	If the partition number	is
     omitted, the filesystem specification matches a filesystem	covering the
     whole disk.  In general, within a filesystem specification	the device
     should be named using the device special file name	that mediad uses by
     default.  An exception occurs when	using ISO 9660 CD-ROMs.	 For ISO 9660
     filesystems the CD-ROM device must	be specified by	its entry in the
     directory /dev/scsi.

     These are the configuration file's	commands.

     ignore device specification
	  Tells	mediad not to monitor this device.  The	device will have a
	  generic device icon on the desktop, and mediad will not access the

     ignore filesystem specification
	  Tells	mediad not to mount filesystems	matching this specification.

     monitor device specification
	  Tells	mediad to monitor this device.	This is	the default.

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MEDIAD(1M)							    MEDIAD(1M)

	  The monitor command has these	optional parameters.

	  inschk number
	       Tells mediad to check for media insertion every number seconds.
	       The default is 3.

	  rmvchk number
	       Tells mediad to check for media removal every number seconds.
	       The default is 45.

     mount filesystem specification
	  Tells	mediad to mount	filesystems matching this specification.
	  Filesystems that match a mount command will be preferentially
	  mounted over filesystems that	do not,	so you can use the mount
	  command to override mediad's filesystem precedence order.

	  The mount command has	these optional parameters.

	  directory path
	       Tells mediad to mount the filesystem at this directory.

	  options list
	       Tells mediad to pass these mount	options	to the mount command
	       when mounting the filesystem.  See fstab(4) for a list of valid

	       Tells mediad to export the filesystem for remote	NFS access
	       after mounting it.  If the filesystem's mount directory is
	       listed in /etc/exports (see exports(4)),	the export options
	       listed there are	used.  Otherwise, the filesystem is exported
	       read-only to all	hosts.	See the	description of the share
	       command below.

	       Tells mediad not	to export the filesystem.

     share device specification
	  Tells	mediad to share	the specified device.  A shared	device can be
	  accessed from	other machines through the IRIX	Interactive Desktop.
	  A shared device's filesystems	are also exported by default, although
	  you can override that	behavior via the mount command,	described


     # ignore a	tape device completely.
     ignore device /dev/rmt/tps0d6

     # do not mount audio CDs on this CD-ROM drive.
     ignore filesystem /dev/scsi/sc0d4l0 cdda

     # check a floppy device for insertion and removal

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MEDIAD(1M)							    MEDIAD(1M)

     # every 60	seconds
     monitor device /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0 inschk 60	rmvchk 60

     # mount HFS (Macintosh) filesystems on a CD-ROM
     # preferentially over other filesystem types
     mount filesystem /dev/scsi/sc0d4l0	hfs

     # mount EFS filesystems on	the given CD-ROM at
     # the directory "/data", disallowing set-UID programs.
     mount filesystem /dev/dsk/dks0d4s7	efs directory /data options nosuid

     # share a Zip drive
     share device /dev/scsi/sc0d6l0

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     /etc/config/mediad.config	   configuration file

     /etc/init.d/mediad		   mediad startup and shutdown script

     /etc/config/mediad.options	   command line	arguments mediad is started
				   with	during system initialization

     /usr/lib/devicelib/dev_*.so   device DSOs

     /usr/lib/devicelib/fmt_*.so   filesystem format DSOs

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     eject(1), mount(1M), exports(4), filesystems(4), fstab(4),	scsi(7),
     dksc(7), tpsc(7), smfd(7).

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     For a complete list of devices supported on SGI platforms,	please contact
     your support provider.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666
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