makeDotDesktop - creates the $HOME/.desktop-<hostname> directory
To work properly, the IRIX Interactive Desktop (IID) requires the
directory $HOME/.desktop-<hostname> to exist when the user logs into a
host named <hostname>. This directory is referred to as the desktop
configuration or dot desktop directory. The makeDotDesktop program lets
users choose whether their desktop configuration should be the same as or
different from their desktop configurations on other systems.
makeDotDesktop runs at login from the /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt
script. The user can also run the program directly from a Unix shell
command line or from the toolchest (Desktop > Customize > Environment
The makeDotDesktop window appears at login when no $HOME/.desktop-
<hostname> directory exists in the user's home directory, where
<hostname> is the name of the host as returned by the hostname(1)
command. The user must choose to create a new configuration or to copy
or share a configuration from another host.
When invoked during a login session, makeDotDesktop lets the user modify
their settings for use in the future but the user's current desktop
environment remains intact. When the "Always create, copy, or share as
chosen above" toggle is checked and the user clicks the OK pushbutton,
the program will save the settings but not apply them; in future logins,
makeDotDesktop will not display its window but instead invisibly read the
saved settings and create, copy, or share the appropriate desktop
configuration automatically.
Note that some other applications (including the 4Dwm window manager) can
also create the desktop configuration if it does not exist.
For more information about the entire IRIX Interactive Desktop
environment, see the IID(1) man page.
When the user checks the "Always create, copy, or share as chosen above"
toggle and clicks the OK pushbutton, the settings are saved in the
$HOME/.dtEnvPref file.
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Though not kept inside the desktop configuration directory, the
$HOME/.Sgiresources file contains session configuration information that
the user chose from customization panels (ex., color scheme, whether to
show new files as they are created, whether to update session
continuously). The customization panels and other applications write to
it. This file is written automatically, and generally shouldn't be
touched by end users.
Specific other files and subdirectories of interest inside the desktop
configuration directory include the following:
.userenv environment variables, file created by /usr/bin/X11/userenv
from earlier versions of /var/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt, obsolete in
IRIX 6.5
0.0/4DWm which backgrounds to display on each desk, and resources
curNewBackground and warnOnXsetrootAndDesks, file created by
name of the home desk (not the current desk), file created by
which windows are on which desks, the windows' state (normal,
iconic, hidden), and their geometry (size and position on the
screen), file created by /usr/bin/X11/4Dwm
backup copy of 4Dwmdesks, file created by /usr/bin/X11/4Dwm
launch commands, screen, launchTime, wmClass and wmName for
windows on all desks, file created by /usr/bin/X11/4Dwm
Bgdaemon used in IRIX 5.1, replaced by 4DWm, file created by
a list of which icons the user dropped onto the desktop, beyond
the system default non-device icons, file created by
/usr/sbin/FLtoPopDB when run from /var/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt
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Desktop customization information for the desktop, file created by
customization information for desktop sounds, file created by
FmState customization information for communicating with /usr/sbin/fm,
file created by /usr/sbin/fmprefs or /usr/sbin/desktop, used by
the file manager and the system manager
Ipanel language customization information, file created by
moviemaker application customization information, file created
by /usr/sbin/moviemaker
Overview desks customization information, file created by /usr/sbin/ov
directory holding lists of which icons appear on iconview
shelves, similar to the layouts directory directory created by
screensaver customization information, file created by
presence of this file indicates the system manager should
continue to issue notifications when the user performs rootprivilege
tasks and there is no password for the special root
user, file created by the system administration active guides
a cache for FTR types (one typecache file per directory, named
with _+ where / would appear in the full path), directory
created by /usr/sbin/fm
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Webjumper WebJumper options, file created by /usr/sbin/webjumper
accessx/ user profiles for special keyboard accessibility features, file
created by /usr/sbin/accessx
list of which configuration files (.Xdefaults, .sgisession)
have been verified to exist, directory created by
desktop environment variable settings, file created by
/usr/sbin/webjumper or /usr/sbin/dtSounds
filetype/ personal desktop icons (see the ftr(1) reference page),
directory and its contents created by the user
firsttime flag indicating first time user is running the desktop, file
created by earlier versions of /var/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt, but
obsolete in IRIX 5.3 and later releases
iconbook/ user-defined pages and icons users have added to system pages,
directory created by /usr/sbin/iconbook and
/usr/sbin/iconbookedit, but obsolete in IRIX 6.3 and later
the contents of the user's iconcatalog pages, describing which
icons should appear on the pages and how each page is laid out,
directory created by /usr/sbin/iconcatalog
layouts/ the layouts of the user's iconviews, directory created by
log record of desktop file operations (removing, renaming, etc.),
file created by /usr/sbin/fm
log.bak backup copy of log, file created by /usr/sbin/fm
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nodesktop presence of this file turns off the desktop environment, file
created by the user
(obsolete in IRIX 6.3 and later releases) directory view
geometry from the last time <directoryName> was viewed,
directory formerly created by /usr/sbin/fm
(obsolete in IRIX 6.3 and later releases) which icons appear on
the background and where, file formerly created by
xset and xlock settings affecting the display, file created
and/or written to by /usr/sbin/ssaver, /usr/sbin/keyboard, and
user-defined pages for customized searches, directory created
by /usr/sbin/searchbook
schemes/ user-customized color schemes, directory created by
The above may not be a complete list. Other applications can also read,
write, and remove files in the desktop configuration directory.
IID(1G), fm(1), hostname(1), windows(1), schemebr(1), desktop(1),
searchbook(1) mouse(1), keyboard(1), ssaver(1), fmprefs(1), dtSounds(1),
dtUtilities(1), background(1), ipanel(1), 4Dwm(1X), ov(1), webjumper(1),
iconcatalog(1), iconcatalogedit(1), ftr(1)
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