askRestartFm - utility for restarting the IRIX Interactive Desktop
The askRestartFm utility restarts the file manager on the desktop
background and, if necessary, the icon catalog. Its purpose is to show
new application icons immediately, saving the user the trouble of logging
out and back in.
askRestartFm displays a question dialog asking the user whether to
restart fm and iconcatalog. If the user clicks the Now button, then it
restarts them immediately. Caveat: All iconviews (dirviews) are closed
and must be reopened manually by the user. The existing fm process is
reused via the /usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop restart command. If the user
clicks the Later pushbutton, the dialog is dismissed.
The fmserv program calls askRestartFm when it detects that the
/usr/lib/filetype/desktop.otr icons database has changed, the usual cause
of which is software installation. The askRestartFm script is not
intended to be run directly by the end user.
For more information about the entire IRIX Interactive Desktop
environment, see the IID(1) man page.
askRestartFm creates the $HOME/.desktop-<hostname>/AskingRestartDesktop
file, where $HOME is the user's home directory and <hostname> is the host
name as returned by hostname(1). When the user dismisses the dialog,
askRestartFm removes the file. If the script detects that the file
already exists, it exits without creating the file or showing the dialog.
When installing many applications, the user can avoid seeing many dialogs
by waiting until all products are installed to dismiss the dialog.
IID(1), fmserv(1), fm(1), ftr(1), telldesktop(1X), iconview(1),
iconcatalog(1), hostname(1)
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