utc(1m) Open Software Foundation utc(1m)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
utc - A dcecp object that manipulates UTC timestamps
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
utc add timestamp relative_timestamp
utc compare absolute_timestamp absolute_timestamp [-noinaccuracy]
utc convert absolute_timestamp [-gmt]
utc help [operation | -verbose]
utc multiply relative_timestamp {integer | floating_point_factor}
utc operations
utc subtract timestamp timestamp
ARGUMENTS [Toc] [Back]
An International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
compliant time format of the following form:
The Time Differential Factor (TDF) component [+|-]hh.mm, if
present, indicates the offset from Universal Time
Coordinated (UTC) time and implies local system time. The
inaccuracy component Iss.fff, if present, specifies the
duration of the time interval that contains the absolute
A floating-point number such as 53.234.
integer A whole number such as 79.
operation The name of the utc operation for which to display help
A Distributed Time Service (DTS) timestamp of the following
Relative times often omit fractions of seconds (the leftmost
.fff sequence) and generally lack an inaccuracy component
(Iss.fff). For example, a relative time of 21 days, 8 hours,
and 15 minutes is expressed as 21-08:15:00.
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96
utc(1m) Open Software Foundation utc(1m)
timestamp A utc timestamp that can be a relative or absolute time.
See the relative_timestamp and absolute_timestamp argument
descriptions for the format of these timestamps.
The utc object lets you add, compare, and convert timestamps in DTS
and ISO formats.
utc add
Adds two timestamps. The syntax is as follows:
utc add timestamp relative_timestamp
The add operation returns the sum of two timestamps. The timestamps
can be two relative times or an absolute time and a relative time.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the utc add command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc add 1994-10-18-13:21:50.419-04:00I----- +0-00:02:00.000I-----
utc compare
Compares two absolute timestamps indicating the temporal order. The
syntax is as follows:
utc compare absolute_timestamp absolute_timestamp [-noinaccuracy]
The compare operation compares two timestamps and returns -1 if the
first is earlier, 1 if the second is earlier, and 0 if the difference
is indeterminate. Specify the -noinaccuracy option to ignore
inaccuracies in comparisons; in this case a return of 0 indicates the
times are the same.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the utc compare command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc compare 1994-10-18-13:22:32.816-04:00I----- \
1994-10-18-13:21:50.419-04:00I----- -noinaccuracy
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utc(1m) Open Software Foundation utc(1m)
utc convert
Converts a timestamp from UTC to local time. The syntax is as follows:
utc convert absolute_timestamp [-gmt]
The convert operation accepts a timestamp and returns another
timestamp that expresses the same time in the local time zone. If
called with the -gmt option it returns a Greenwich mean time (GMT)
formatted timestamp.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the utc convert command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc convert 1994-10-18-13:22:32.816-00:00I-----
dcecp> utc convert 1994-10-18-13:22:32.816-00:00I----- -gmt
utc help
Returns help information about the utc object and its operations. The
syntax is as follows:
utc help [operation | -verbose]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-verbose Displays information about the utc object.
Used without an argument or option, the utc help command returns brief
information about each utc operation. The optional operation argument
is the name of an operation about which you want detailed information.
Alternatively, you can use the -verbose option for more detailed
information about the utc object itself.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
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utc(1m) Open Software Foundation utc(1m)
No special privileges are needed to use the utc help command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc help
add Adds a relative and absolute, or two relative, timestamps.
compare Compares two timestamps to determine which is earlier.
convert Converts a timestamp into the local timezone or GMT.
multiply Multiplies a relative timestamp by a number.
subtract Returns the difference between two timestamps.
help Prints a summary of command-line options.
operations Returns a list of the valid operations for this command.
utc multiply
Multiplies a relative time (a length of time) by an integer or
floating-point factor. The syntax is as follows:
utc multiply relative_timestamp {integer | floating_point_factor}
The multiply operation accepts two arguments: a relative timestamp
and an integer or floating-point factor. It multiplies the length of
time (specified by the relative timestamp) by the integer or
floating-point factor, returning the product as a relative timestamp.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the utc multiply command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc multiply +0-00:00:05.000I----- 3
utc operations
Returns a list of the operations supported by the utc object. The
syntax is as follows:
utc operations
The list of available operations is in alphabetical order except for
help and operations, which are listed last.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
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utc(1m) Open Software Foundation utc(1m)
No special privileges are needed to use the utc operations command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc operations
add compare convert multiply subtract help operations
utc subtract
Subtracts one timestamp from another, returning the difference as a
relative timestamp. The syntax is as follows:
utc subtract timestamp timestamp
The subtract operation returns the difference between two timestamps
that express either an absolute time and a relative time, two relative
times, or two absolute times. Subtracting an absolute timestamp from
a relative timestamp, however, is not allowed. The return value is an
absolute or relative timestamp, depending on how the command is used.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the utc subtract command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> utc subtract 1994-10-18-13:22:32.816-00:00I----- +0-00:00:15.000I-----
Commands: dcecp(1m), dcecp_clock(1m), dcecp_dts(1m), dtsd(1m).
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