link(1m) Open Software Foundation link(1m)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
link - A dcecp object that manages a soft link in CDS
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
link create link_name_list
{-to target_name [-timeout expiration_time extension_time] |
-attribute attribute_list}
link delete link_name_list
link help [operation | -verbose]
link modify link_name_list
{[-add attribute_list]
[-remove attribute_list]
[-change attribute_list]}
link operations
link show link_name_list [-schema]
ARGUMENTS [Toc] [Back]
A list of one or more names of CDS soft links.
operation The name of the link operation for which to display help
The link object represents a Cell Directory Service (CDS) soft link.
A soft link in CDS contains an attribute that has a name that is the
same as the name of the object the soft link points to. The soft link
contains several built-in attributes, but users are free to add their
own attributes. Softlinks can point to objects, directories, and other
soft links.
The following CDS-defined attributes may be present in CDS link
CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the soft link. The
is a read-only DTS-style time stamp, which is set by the
CDS_LinkTarget [Toc] [Back]
Specifies the full name of the directory, object entry, or
other soft link to which the soft link points.
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CDS_LinkTimeout [Toc] [Back]
Specifies a timeout value after which the soft link is
either renewed or deleted. Its value is a list of two
elements enclosed in braces, as follows:
{expiration_time extension_time}
Is a date and time after which CDS checks for the
existence of the soft link's target and either
extends or deletes the soft link. The value is
specified in the format yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss;
portions of it can be defaulted.
Is a period of time by which to extend the soft
link's expiration time (if the server has
validated that the target still exists). The value
is specified in the format ddd-hh:mm:ss; portions
of it can be defaulted.
CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an
attribute of the soft link. The value is a read-only DTSstyle
timestamp and is set by the system.
See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about link
link create
Creates a new soft link entry in CDS. The syntax is as follows:
link create link_name_list
{-to target_name [-timeout expiration_time extension_time] |
-attribute attribute_list}
Options [Toc] [Back]
-to target_name
Specifies a single name for the links to point to. If you
do not use this option, you must specify the link target
with the -attribute option.
-timeout expiration_time extension_time
Specifies the expiration time and extension period for all
soft links named by the link_name_list argument. The option
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syntax is as follows:
{expiration_time extension_time}
See ATTRIBUTES for more detailed information about link
timeouts. If you omit the -timeout option, the link is
permanent and must be explicitly deleted.
-attribute attribute_list
Allows you to specify attributes by using an attribute list.
See ATTRIBUTES for more detailed information about link
The create operation creates a new soft link entry in CDS. The
required link_name_list argument is a list of one or more full CDS
names of the soft links to be created. This operation returns an empty
string on success.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have i (insert) permission to the directory in which you
intend to create the soft link.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
The following command creates a soft link named
/.:/sales/tokyo/price-server that points to an object entry named
/.:/sales/east/price-server. The expiration value indicates that CDS
checks that the destination name /.:/sales/east/price-server still
exists on June 25,1995, at 12:00 p.m. If the destination name still
exists, the soft link remains in effect another 90 days. Thereafter,
CDS will check that the destination name exists every 90 days.
dcecp> link create /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server -to \
> /.:/sales/east/price-server -timeout {1995-06-25-12:00:00 90-00:00:00}
You can enter the same information as above by using the -attributes
option, as follows:
dcecp> link create /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server -attribute { \
> {CDS_LinkTarget /.:/sales/east/price-server} {CDS_LinkTimeout \
> {expiration 1995-06-25-12:00:00} {extension 90-00:00:00}}}
link delete
Removes a link entry from CDS. The syntax is as follows:
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link(1m) Open Software Foundation link(1m)
link delete link_name_list
The delete operation removes a link entry from CDS. This task is
usually done through a client application. The required
link_name_list argument is a list of one or more full CDS names of the
link entry to be removed. This operation returns an empty string on
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have d (delete) permission to the link entry or A (Admin)
permission to the directory that stores the link entry.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> link delete /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server
link help
Returns help information about the link object and its operations. The
syntax is as follows:
link help [operation | -verbose]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-verbose Displays information about the link object.
Used without an argument or option, the link help command returns
brief information about each link operation. The optional operation
argument is the name of an operation about which you want detailed
information. Alternatively, you can use the -verbose option for more
detailed information about the link object itself.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the link help command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> link help
create Creates the named link.
delete Deletes the named link.
modify Adds, removes or changes an attribute in the named link.
show Returns the attributes of a link.
help Prints a summary of command-line options.
operations Returns a list of the valid operations for this command.
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link modify
Changes attributes in the specified soft links. The syntax is as
link modify link_name_list
{[-add attribute_list]
[-remove attribute_list]
[-change attribute_list]}
Options [Toc] [Back]
-add attribute_list
Adds one or more new attributes to a soft link or adds
values to existing attributes when values are not already
present. Add an attribute type with no value by specifying
an attribute type with no value.
-remove attribute_list
Removes an entire attribute or some attribute values from a
soft link. If only the attribute type is specified after
the option, the entire attribute is removed. If an
attribute type and value are specified, only that value is
removed. If an attribute or value is not present, an error
is returned.
-change attribute_list
Changes one attribute value to another for a soft link. Each
attribute in the list has its existing value replaced by the
new value given in the attribute list. For multi-valued
attributes, all existing values are replaced by all the
values listed for the attribute in the attribute list. If
an attribute or value is not present, an error is returned.
The modify operation can be used to change two attributes of a soft
link: CDS_LinkTarget and CDS_LinkTimeout. The argument is a list of
names of soft links to be operated on. The operation takes the -add,
-remove, and -change options to specify an attribute list to describe
the changes. All the modifications are performed on each soft link
named in the argument. This operation returns an empty string on
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have w (write) permission to the link object.
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Examples [Toc] [Back]
The following example sets the link expiration time to 1998-01-20-
12:00:00:00 and the extension time to 10 days:
dcecp> link modify /.:/depts/emergency -change { \
> {CDS_LinkTimeout {expiration 1998-01-20-12:00:00:00} {extension +10-0:0:0}}}
link operations
Returns a list of the operations supported by the link object. The
syntax is as follows:
link operations
The list of available operations is in alphabetical order except for
help and operations, which are listed last.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the link operations command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> link operations
create delete modify show help operations
link show
Returns attribute information associated with specified link entries.
The syntax is as follows:
link show link_name_list [-schema]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-schema This option returns whether an attribute is single or
multi-valued. The type of value is specific to a link,
meaning that the same attribute can be single-valued on one
link and multi-valued on another.
The show operation displays attribute information associated with
specified link entries. The required link_name_list argument is a list
of one or more full CDS names of the soft links you want to show. If
more than one link is shown, the attributes of all the soft links are
concatenated into one list. The order of the returned attributes is
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the lexical order of the object identifiers (OIDs) of each attribute
for each object.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have r (read) permission to the link entry.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> link show /.:/depts/emergency
{CDS_CTS 1994-07-11-17:47:59.755+00:00I0.000/00-00-c0-8a-df-56}
{CDS_UTS 1994-07-11-17:52:44.698+00:00I0.000/00-00-c0-8a-df-56}
{CDS_LinkTarget /.../}
{expiration 1995-07-11-00:00:00.000}
{extension +10-10:00:00.000I-----}}
dcecp> link show /.:/gumby -schema
{CDS-CTS single}
{CDS-UTS single}
{CDS-LinkTarget single}
Commands: dcecp(1m), dcecp_clearinghouse(1m), dcecp_directory(1m),
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