lpc - Line printer control program
lpc [command[argument...]]
The lpc command is used by the system administrator to
control the operation of the line printer system. For each
line printer configured in the /etc/printcap file, the lpc
command may be used for disabling or enabling a printer;
disabling or enabling the printer spooling queue; rearranging
the order of jobs in a spooling queue or finding
the status of printers, their associated spooling queues,
and the printer daemons.
Without arguments, lpc prompts for commands from the standard
input. When arguments are supplied, lpc interprets
the first argument as a command and any remaining arguments
as command parameters. The standard input may be
redirected so that lpc reads commands from a file. The
following is the list of recognized lpc commands: Prints a
short description of each command specified in the argument
list or, when no arguments are supplied, a list of
the recognized commands. Prints a short description of
each command specified in the argument list or, when no
arguments are supplied, a list of the recognized commands.
Terminates an active spooling daemon running on the local
host, and then disables printing. This prevents new daemons
from being started by lpr or lp for the specified
printers. [Tru64 UNIX] Examines the printer description
file and other components of the printing environment for
potential configuration errors for each named printer.
A diagnostic message for each possible problem
found is displayed. The file name containing a possible
problem precedes the message; otherwise, the
name of a printer with a possible problem precedes
the message. If no problems were detected, the message
No configuration problems found is displayed.
The check subcommand reports problems; it does not
correct them.
The check subcommand checks for the printer characteristic
names that are listed in the Printer capability
data base only; for further information, see
the printcap(4) reference page. If lpc check finds
a nonstandard printer characteristic name, it generates
a diagnostic message even though the printer
characteristic may be used correctly in a special
user-written filter. Removes any temporary files,
data files, and control files that cannot be
printed (files that do not form a complete printer
job) from the specified printer queue(s) on the
local machine. Turns the specified printer queues
off. This prevents new printer jobs from being
entered into the queue by lpr or lp. Turns the
specified printer queue off, disables printing, and
puts a message in the printer status file. The message
does not need to be quoted because remaining
arguments are treated the same as echo. The down
command is normally used to take a printer down and
let others know why. (The lpq command indicates
that the printer is down and prints a status message.)
Enables spooling on the local queue for the
listed printers. This allows lpr or lp to put new
jobs in the spool queue. Exit from lpc. Exit from
lpc. Attempts to start a new printer daemon. This
is useful when some abnormal condition causes the
daemon to terminate unexpectedly and leave jobs in
the queue. lpq reports that there is no daemon
present when this condition occurs. When a daemon
is stuck, you must first kill it and then restart.
Enables printing and starts a spooling daemon for
the listed printers. Displays the status of daemons
and queues on the local machine. When printer
name parameters are not supplied, information about
all printers is provided. Stops a spooling daemon
after the current job has completed and disables
printing. Places jobs in the order listed at the
top of the printer queue. Enables all printing and
starts a new printer daemon. Cancels the effect of
the down command.
Normally, the clean subcommand allows you to remove all
print jobs on the system or all jobs on a specified
printer. However, clean does not remove the jobs in the
spooling queues. Therefore, you should use the lprm command
on a printer-by-printer basis to remove the jobs you
want to eliminate.
The following diagnostic messages are possible. Abbreviation
matches more than one command. No match was found.
Command may be executed by the superuser only.
Specifies the command path Specifies the printer description
file Specifies print spool directories Specifies the
lock file for queue control
Commands: cancel(1), lp(1), lpd(8), lpr(1), lpq(1),
lprm(1), lpstat(1)
Files: printcap(4)
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