lastcomm - Outputs information about the last commands
lastcomm [Command] [Name] [Tty]
The lastcomm command outputs information about all previously
executed commands that are recorded in the
/var/adm/pacct file in reverse chronological order.
You may specify a particular command with the Command
parameter, a particular user with the Name parameter, and
a particular terminal as the command source with the Tty
parameter. Output is then restricted to the specified
parameters. A Tty terminal may be named fully (for example,
tty0) or abbreviated (for example, 0).
The following information is displayed for each process:
Name of the command under which the process was called.
Any options collected when the command was executed. The
following options are valid: Command was run with an
effective user-id of 0. Command ran after a fork, but
without an exec system call following it. Name of the
user who issued the command. The terminal the command was
started from. Seconds of CPU time used. Time the process
To display information about all previously executed commands
recorded in the /var/adm/pacct file, enter: lastcomm
Information is displayed similar to:
lastcomm ajh lat/620 1.13 secs Thu
Feb 24 15:02 pg ajh lat/620
5.91 secs Thu Feb 24 15:01 ln miller
ttyp1 1.14 secs Thu Feb 24 15:01 ls
rob ttyp1 0.02 secs Thu Feb 24 15:01
pg sjz ttyp1 0.33 secs Thu
Feb 24 15:00 sendmail SF root __
0.01 secs Thu Feb 24 15:00 To display information
about commands named a.out executed by the root
user on terminal ttyd0, enter: lastcomm a.out root
Specifies the command path The current accounting file
Commands: last(8)
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