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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

       kdbx - Analyzes running kernels and dump files

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

       /usr/bin/kdbx  [-dbx dbx-path] -k  [dbx-flags] object-file

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

       The kdbx debugger is a crash analysis and kernel debugging
       tool; it is an interactive program that serves as a frontend
 to the dbx debugger.  The kdbx debugger is extensible,
       customizable,  and  insensitive  to changes of offsets and
       sizes of fields in structures. The  only  dependencies  on
       kernel  header  files  are  for  bit  definitions  in flag

       The kdbx debugger lets you examine either the running kernel
  or  dump  files  created  by the savecore command. In
       either case, you examine an object file and a  core  file.
       For  running  systems, these files are usually /vmunix and
       /dev/mem, respectively.  Dump files  created  by  savecore
       are    saved   in   the   directory   specified   by   the
       /sbin/init.d/savecore script. By default, the directory is

       The  kdbx debugger has facilities for interpreting various
       symbols and data structures.  It can  format  and  display
       the  symbols and data structures in the following ways: In
       a predefined form as specified in the  modules  that  currently
  accompany  the  kdbx  debugger As defined in userwritten
 source code modules according  to  a  standardized
       format for the contents of the kdbx modules

       All  dbx commands are available through kdbx using the dbx
       flag to kdbx.

   Defaults    [Toc]    [Back]
       If you do not specify a  core  file,  kdbx  uses  the  dbx
       default  of  /dev/mem.   Therefore,  you can use kdbx with
       /vmunix as its only argument to examine an active  system.
       In  general,  kdbx assumes that addresses are specified in
       hexadecimal in commands that perform input or output.

       When you begin a debugging session, kdbx executes the commands
  in  the  system  initialization file /var/kdbx/SYSTEM.kdbxrc.
 The initialization file  contains  setup  commands
 and alias definitions. The Aliases section lists the
       aliases defined in this file. You  can  further  customize
       the kdbx environment by adding commands and aliases to one
       of the following initialization files: Contains customized
       commands  and  alias  definitions for a particular system.
       Contains customized commands and alias definitions  for  a
       specific  user.   Contains  customized  commands and alias
       definitions for a specific project.  This file must reside
       in the current working directory when kdbx is invoked.

   Invocation    [Toc]    [Back]
       To use kdbx to examine a running system, issue the following
 kdbx command: # kdbx -k /vmunix /dev/mem  dbx  version
       3.11.1 Type 'help' for help.

       stopped at  [thread_block:1403 ,0xfffffc000032e3c0]
                                      Source not available (kdbx)

       To use kdbx to examine an object file and core  file  created
  by  the  savecore utility, issue a kdbx command like
       the  following  one:  #  kdbx  -k  /usr/adm/crash/vmunix.1
       /usr/adm/crash/dev/vmcore.1 dbx version 3.11.1 Type 'help'
       for help.

       stopped at  [thread_block:1403 ,0xfffffc000032e3c0]
                                      Source not available (kdbx)

       In  this  case,  the  version number in the bounds file is

   Commands    [Toc]    [Back]
       The kdbx debugger provides the following commands: Sets or
       displays  aliases.  If you specify the alias command without
 arguments, kdbx displays all aliases. If  you  specify
       only the variable name, the command displays the alias for
       name, if one exists. If you specify both name and commandstring,
  name  is  established  as  an  alias for commandstring.
  Sets the context to user's aliases or extension's
       aliases.  This command is used only by extensions.  Dumps,
       in hexadecimal, the contents of the core file starting  at
       start-address  and  ending before end-address.  Passes the
       variable  command-string  to  dbx.   Specifying   dbx   is
       optional;  if the command is not recognized by kdbx, it is
       passed to dbx automatically.   See  the  dbx(1)  reference
       page for a complete description of the dbx commands.  Displays
 help text.  Executes an extension and gives it  control
  of  the  kdbx  session until it quits.  The variable
       extension specifies the named extension file and passes it
       arguments  as  specified  by the arg variables. Valid proc
       flags are as follows: Causes I/O to and from the extension
       to  be  displayed on the screen.  Used in conjunction with
       the dbx debugger for debugging extensions.  The  file  inpipe
  takes  output from the dbx session and directs it as
       input to the kdbx session. The file out-pipe takes  output
       from  the  kdbx session and directs it as input to the dbx
       session.  Causes the output of the procedure to be sent to
       the  invoker  of  the  procedure without interpretation as
       kdbx commands.  Used  by  extensions  that  execute  other
       extensions to receive the output from the called extension
       instead of the user receiving it.  Causes kdbx to talk  to
       the  subprocess  through  a tty line instead of pipes.  If
       you also specify the -pipe flag, proc  ignores  it.   Displays
  string on the terminal.  If this command is used by
       an extension, the extension receives no output.  Exits the
       current  command  loop. If the current command loop is the
       top level loop that the user is using, kdbx exits.  Otherwise,
 control is given to the next lowest loop.  Reads and
       interprets files as kdbx commands in the  context  of  the
       current  aliases.   The -x flag causes commands to be displayed
 as they are executed.  Removes an  alias,  if  any,
       from name.

   Predefined kdbx Aliases    [Toc]    [Back]
       The following aliases are defined in the kdbx startup file

       Alias            Definition
       arp              "proc" arp
       array_action     "proc" array_action
       buf              "proc" buf
       buf_action       list_action "struct buf *" b_forw buf buf
       callout_action   list_action "struct callout *" c_next 0 callout
       cast             "proc" cast
       convert          "proc" convert
       config           "proc" config
       dis              "proc" dis
       echo             "proc" echo
       export           "proc" export
       fields           "proc" fields
       file             "proc" file
       h                help
       inpcb_action     list_action "struct inpcb *" inp_next
       list_action      "proc" list_action
       mount_action     list_action "struct mount *" m_next rootfs rootfs
       mount            "proc" mount
       namecache        "proc" namecache
       ofile            "proc" ofile
       paddr            "proc" paddr
       pcb              "proc" pcb
       pr               "proc"
       printf           "proc" printf
       proc             "proc" proc
       procaddr         "proc" procaddr
       procp            "proc" -pipe /tmp/pipein /tmp/pipeout
       procpd           "proc" -debug -pipe /tmp/pipein /tmp/pipeout
       proc_action      list_action "struct proc *" p_nxt 0 allproc
       ps               "dbx" kps
       sh               "proc" -print_output -tty
       socket           "proc" socket
       sum              "proc" sum
       swap             "proc" swap
       task             "proc" task
       thread           "proc" thread
       u                "proc" u
       ucred            "proc" ucred
       unaliasall       "proc" unaliasall
       vnode            "proc" vnode

   Extensions    [Toc]    [Back]
       For extensions that display addresses  as  part  of  their
       output,  some  use  a  shorthand  notation  for  the upper
       32-bits of an address to keep the  output  readable.   The
       following  table lists the notation for each address type.

       Notation   Address Type             Replaces   Example
       v          virtual                  ffffffff   v0x902416f0
       k          kseg                     fffffc00   k0x363076f4
       u          user space               00000000   u0x86406200

       ?          Unrecognized or random              ?0x0033aa24

       The  extensions available to kdbx are as follows: Displays
       the contents of  the  address  resolution  protocol  (arp)
       table.   If  you specify the optional hyphen (-), arp displays
 the entire arp table; otherwise, arp displays  those
       entries  that  have  nonzero  at_iaddr.s_addr and at_flags
       fields.  Performs a command action on each element  of  an
       array. This extension allows you to step through any array
       in the operating system kernel and display specific components
 or values as described in the list of command flags.
       The arguments to the array_action extension  are  as  follows:
  The type of address of the array element.  The number
 of elements in the array.  The address of the array. A
       variable   name  or  a  number  can  be  used  to  specify
       start_address. The more common syntax or notation used  to
       refer  to the start_address is usually of the form &arrayname[0].
  Valid flags for the array_action  extension  are
       as  follows:  If you specify the -head flag, kdbx displays
       the next argument as the table header.  If you specify the
       -size  flag, kdbx uses the next argument as the array element
 size. Otherwise, kdbx calculates the  size  from  the
       element  type.   If  you specify the -cond flag, kdbx uses
       the next argument as a filter.  The dbx debugger evaluates
       the  condition for each array element, and if it evaluates
       to TRUE, takes the action on the array element.  The  same
       substitutions  that are applied to the command are applied
       to the condition.  The name of the  kdbx  or  dbx  command
       that is to be performed on each element of the array.

              Note   that  the  kdbx  debugger  includes  several
              aliases, such as file_action, that might be  easier
              to  use than directly using the array_action extension.

              Substitutions similar to printf can be performed on
              the  command  for each array element.  The possible
              substitutions are as follows:

              %a   Address of element
              %c   Cast of address to pointer to array element
              %i   Index of element within the array
              %s   Size of element
              %t   Type of pointer to element
              Displays the buffer table.   If  no  arguments  are
              specified,  the  buffers  on the hash list are displayed.

              If addresses are specified, the  buffers  at  those
              addresses  are displayed.  If you specify the -free
              flag, kdbx displays all the  buffers  on  the  free
              list.   If you specify the -all flag, kdbx displays
              buffers on the hash list first, followed by buffers
              on  the  free  list.   Displays  the callout table.
              Forces dbx to display a piece of memory as a  given
              type.  This  extension  is  equivalent to dbx print
              *((type)address).  Displays  the  configuration  of
              the  machine.   Converts  numbers  from one base to
              another. The -in and -out flags specify  the  input
              and  output  bases,  respectively. If you omit -in,
              kdbx infers the input base from the arguments.  The
              arguments can be either numbers or variables.  Displays
 CPU use statistics on a per-CPU basis. If you
              specify  -update,  kdbx updates the display every n
              seconds.  Disassembles some number of  instructions
              as  specified  in the num-instructions instructions
              starting at start-address. If you omit  the  number
              of instructions, kdbx disassembles one instruction.
              Displays the  exported  entries  that  are  mounted
              remotely.    Displays   the   file  table.   If  no
              addresses are  specified,  all  file  entries  with
              nonzero  reference counts are displayed. Otherwise,
              the file entries at  the  specified  addresses  are
              displayed.   Displays the udb and tcb tables. If no
              arguments are specified, both tables are displayed.
              If  you  specify either -udp or -tcp, kdbx displays
              the corresponding table.

              If addresses  are  specified,  -udp  and  -tcp  are
              ignored  and the entries at the specified addresses
              are displayed.  Performs some command on each  element
  of  a  linked  list.  This extension makes it
              possible to walk through any  linked  list  in  the
              operating system kernel and display particular components
 while walking through the linked list.  The
              arguments  to the list_action extension are as follows:
 The type of address  of  an  element  in  the
              specified  list.  The name of the field that points
              to the next element.  The value of the  next  field
              that  terminates the list. If the list is NULL-terminated,
 the value of end-addr is 0.  If  the  list
              is  circular,  the  value  of  end-addr is equal to
              start-addr.  The address of a  list.   The  address
              can  be  specified  as a variable name or a number.
              Valid flags for the list_action  extension  are  as
              follows: If you specify the -head header flag, kdbx
              displays the header argument as the  table  header.
              If  you  specify  -cond,  the next arg is used as a
              filter.  The dbx debugger evaluates  the  condition
              for each list element, and if it evaluates to true,
              takes the action on the  list  element.   The  same
              substitutions  that  are applied to the command are
              applied to the condition.  The kdbx or dbx  command
              to perform on each element of the list.

              Note  that  kdbx  includes several aliases, such as
              file_action, that  might  be  easier  to  use  than
              directly using the list_action extension.

              Substitutions  similar  to printf substitutions are
              performed on the command  for  each  element.   The
              possible substitutions are as follows:

              %a   Address of element
              %c   Cast of address to pointer to list element
              %i   Index of element within the list
              %n   Name of next field
              %t   Type of pointer to element
              Displays the static lock type information contained
              in the  lockinfo  structures.   This  extension  is
              available  only  when the lockmode system attribute
              is set to four. The -class flag allows you to  display
 information about a particular class of locks.
              Displays statistics about  locks  recorded  in  the
              lockstats  structure. These statistics are dynamic.
              This extension is available only when the  lockmode
              system attribute is set to four.

              Statistics  displayed include information about the
              number of instances of a particular lock type,  the
              number of times processes tried to get a lock type,
              the number of times processes tried and  failed  to
              get  a  particular lock type and the amount of time
              spent waiting for locks.

              The flags for the lockstats extension are  as  follows:
  Displays  the  lockstats  structures  of the
              specified lock type Displays the  lockstats  structures
  associated  with  the specified CPU Displays
              the reads, sleeps attributes, and summary  of  time
              spent  waiting or number of misses Displays summary
              data for all CPUs and all lock types Displays  summary
  data for all CPUs Updates the display every n
              seconds Displays the mount table. The -s flag  outputs
  a  short form of the table.  If addresses are
              specified,  the  mount  entries  at  the  specified
              addresses  are displayed.  Displays the per-processor
 namecache entries on the system.  If  no  flags
              are specified, namecache entries on the primary cpu
              are displayed. The flags for the  namecache  extension
  are  as  follows: Displays the list of flags,
              usage information, and tips.  Displays the list  of
              flags  and  usage  information.  Displays the namecache
 entries  of  the  global  negative  namecache
              list.   Displays  the  namecache entries, including
              negative namecache entries.  Displays the namecache
              entries  on  the specified cpu.  Displays the namecache
 entries with the  specified  vpid.   Displays
              the  namecache entries under the directory with the
              specified dvpid.  Displays  the  namecache  entries
              with the specified name.

              For  example,  to  see  all the negative entries on
              processor 1: kdbx> namecache -v 0 -p 1 -all

              To see all the entries with the  filename  Makefile
              on  processor  2:  kdbx> namecache -p 2 -n Makefile
              Displays the state of the network  interfaces.  The
              optional  flags  for  the  netstat extension are as
              follows: Displays the IP and link-level  addresses.
              Displays   timer   information.   Displays  network
              addresses in numeric formal.  Displays  the  number
              of  dropped  packets.  Displays the files opened by
              processes.  If  no  arguments  are  specified,  the
              extension  displays  the  files opened by each process.
 If you specify either -proc address  or  -pid
              pid, kdbx displays the open files of the given process.
 The -v flag displays more  information  about
              the open files.  Converts a range of memory to symbolic
  references.  The  argument  address  is  the
              starting  address. The argument number-of-longwords
              is the number of words to dump out.   Displays  the
              process  control  block  for  a given thread at the
              specified address. For integer  and  floating-point
              registers,  only  nonzero  contents  are displayed.
              Formats one argument at a time to work  around  the
              dbx  debugger's command length limitation.  It also
              implements the %s string  substitution,  which  the
              dbx  printf command does not.  The argument formatstring
 specifies a character string combining  literal
  characters  with  conversion  specifications.
              Displays the process table.  If addresses are specified,
   the   proc  structures  at  the  specified
              addresses are displayed. Otherwise, all proc structures
   are   displayed.   Converts  the  specified
              address to a procedure name.   Displays  the  route
              and  Address  Resolution Protocol (ARP) tables. The
              optional flags for the route extension are as  follows:
 Print addresses of data structures Print verbose
  route  or  ARP   tables.    Display   network
              addresses  in numeric format.  Display route information
 on all  Resource  Affinity  Domains  (RADs).
              Display  ARP  tables.   Displays the files that are
              sockets with nonzero reference counts in  the  file
              table.  Displays a summary of the system.  Displays
              a summary of swap space.  Displays the task  structures
  associated  with the specified addresses. If
              no addresses are  specified,  all  tasks  are  displayed.
   Displays  information  about  the threads
              associated with  the  specified  addresses.  If  no
              addresses are specified, all threads are displayed.
              Displays the stack trace of one  or  more  threads.
              If  you  specify thread_address, the extension displays
 the stack trace of the specified  thread.  If
              you omit the argument and all the flags, trace displays
 the stack trace  of  all  threads.   You  can
              specify  the  following  flags:  Display  the stack
              trace of the active thread on  each  CPU.   Display
              the stack trace of all kernel threads.  Display the
              stack trace of all user threads.  Display all ucred
              structures  referenced by the buf structures.  Display
 all references to  a  given  ucred  structure.
              Check  the  reference  count  of a particular ucred
              structure.  Check the reference count of all  ucred
              structures  (mismatch  marked  by *).  Displays a u
              structure at the address  proc-addr.   Displays  or
              checks references to ucred structures.  If no flags
              are specified, this extension displays  all  references
  to  ucred structures on the system. Possible
              flags are as follows: Display all ucred  structures
              referenced  by  the  proc  structures.  Display all
              ucred structures referenced by the  uthread  structures.
   Display all ucred structures referenced by
              the file structures.  Display all ucred  structures
              referenced by the buf structures.  Display all references
 to a given ucred structure.  Check the reference
  count  of  a  particular  ucred  structure.
              Check the reference count of all  ucred  structures
              (mismatch   marked  by  *).   Removes  all  aliases
              including the predefined aliases described  in  the
              Predefined  kdbx  Aliases  section.   Displays  the
              vnode table. If no  arguments  are  specified,  all
              ACTIVE  vnodes  on the system are displayed. ACTIVE
              means nonzero usecount or nonzero holdcnt.   Possible
  flags  are listed as follows: Display INACTIVE
              (both usecount and holdcnt are  zeros)  entries  in
              the  vnode  table.   Display  ALL  (both ACTIVE and
              INACTIVE) entries in the vnode table.  Display  all
              UFS  vnodes.   Display all NFS vnodes.  Display all
              CDFS vnodes.  Display vnode entries  of  a  mounted
              file system.  Display vnode entries of a particular
              user.  Display vnode entries of a particular group.
              Display   related   inode/rnode/cdnode  information
              (used with -ufs, -nfs, or -cdfs only).

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

       Commands: dbx(1), savecore(8)

       Kernel Debugging

       Programmer's Guide

[ Back ]
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