fingerd - The user information server for networks
fingerd [-s]
The fingerd program allows users to get information about
remote systems or users when they execute; for example,
finger user@host
Turns on socket level debugging.
The fingerd program is a protocol that provides an interface
to the finger(1) command. By default, the fingerd
program is disabled. To enable it, edit the
/etc/inetd.conf file, uncomment the line containing the
finger service name, and restart Internet services by
issuing the /usr/sbin/rcinet restart command.
After it is enabled, the fingerd program is invoked by
inetd(8), which listens for finger requests at port 79.
When it receives control, fingerd reads a single command
line, terminated by a newline, and passes it to the finger
command, which generates a report. The fingerd program
closes its port connection when output from finger is finished.
Specifies the command path. User database. who file.
Plans for requested user. Projects for requested user.
whois command. who command.
Commands: finger(1), inetd(8), syslogd(8), who(1)
Specifications: RFC742
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