who - Identifies users currently logged in
who [-a] | [-AbdhHlmMpqrstTu] [file]
who am I
who am i
The who command displays information about users and processes
on the local system.
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to
industry standards as follows:
who: XCU5.0
Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information
about industry standards and associated tags.
Specifies all options; processes /var/adm/utmp or the
named file with all options on. Equivalent to using the
-b, -d, -l, -p, -r, -t, -T, and -u options. [Tru64
UNIX] Displays accounting entries from the specified
file. Accounting information is stored in the
/var/adm/wtmp file, so you should specify that file. If
you omit the file argument, the who command attempts to
display information from the /var/adm/utmp file, which
normally contains no accounting information. If accounting
has never been enabled on your system, this option causes
the who command to produce no output. Indicates the most
recent system start-up time and date. Displays all processes
that have expired without being regenerated by
init. The exit_status field appears for dead processes
and contains the termination and exit values (as returned
by wait) of the dead processes. (This option is useful
for determining why a process ended.) [Tru64 UNIX] Displays
a help message. Displays a header (title). Lists
only terminals not in use. The user field is LOGIN in such
cases. Other fields are the same as for user entries
except that the state field does not appear. Displays
information about the current terminal (same as who am i
or who am I). [Tru64 UNIX] Lists only the user, line,
time and host (if not null) fields. Lists any active process
that is currently active and was previously generated
by init. Prints a quick listing of users and the number
of users on the local system. When you use this option,
all other options are ignored. Indicates the current runlevel
of the system and provides information about the
system's state. An example might be:
. run-level 3 Jan 02 07:34 3 0 S
. is a placeholder for the user name field.
Jan 02 07:34 is when the current run-level was last
The 3 is the current state or run level (termination
The 0 is the number of times the current state has
been entered previously (id).
The S is an identification of the previous state or
run level (exit status). Lists only the user, line
and the time fields. (This is the default; thus,
who and who -s are equivalent). Indicates the last
change to the system clock by the superuser using
the date command. Displays the status of the terminal
line and indicates who can write to that terminal
as follows: Writable by anyone. Writable
only by the superuser or the terminal's owner.
[Tru64 UNIX] Bad line encountered. Displays the
username, terminal name, login time, line activity
and the process-ID of each current user.
Name of the file to be used, instead of /var/adm/utmp, to
obtain the information.
The who command displays the following information for the
users and/or processes you specify: Login name Terminal
name Date Time of login Host
Entering who am i or who am I displays your login name,
terminal name, date and time you logged in and the host.
This is equivalent to the -m option.
[Tru64 UNIX] Entering whoami displays your login name
With options, who also can display the elapsed time since
line activity occurred, the process-ID of the command
interpreter (shell), logins, logouts, restarts and changes
to the system clock, as well as other processes generated
by the init process.
The general output format of the who command is as follows:
user [state] line time activity process_ID
user is the user's login name. state indicates whether or
not the line is readable by everyone (see the -T option).
line is the name of the line as found in the /dev directory.
time is the time that user logged in. activity is
the hours and minutes since activity last occurred on that
user's line. A (dot) here indicates line activity within
the last minute. If the line has been quiet more than 24
hours or has not been used since the last system start-up,
the entry is marked as old. process_ID is the process-ID
of the user's shell. exit_status is the exit status of
ended processes (see the -d option).
[Tru64 UNIX] To obtain its information, who normally
examines /var/adm/utmp. If you specify another file, who
examines the named file instead. This file will usually
be /var/adm/wtmp, which contains the history of all logins
since the file was last created.
Note that who only identifies users on the local node.
To display information about who is using the local system,
enter: who
Information similar to the following is displayed:
george console Jun 8 08:34 To display your username,
enter: whoami
Information similar to the following is displayed:
huang To display a history of logins, logouts, system
start-ups and system shutdowns, enter: who
Information similar to the following is displayed:
huang console Jun 8 08:34 john console Jun 8
08:34 rachel console Jun 8 08:22 spike ttyp4
Jun 8 09:19 To display the run-level of the local
system, enter: who -r
Information similar to the following is displayed:
run-level 3 Jan 05 08:36 3 0
S To display any active process that is currently
active and was previously generated by init, enter:
who -p
Information similar to the following is displayed:
. tty4 Jun 8 04:15 . tty7 Jun 8 04:15
. tty14 Jun 8 04:15
The following exit values are returned: Successful completion.
An error occurred.
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES [Toc] [Back] The following environment variables affect the execution
of who: Provides a default value for the internationalization
variables that are unset or null. If LANG is unset or
null, the corresponding value from the default locale is
used. If any of the internationalization variables contain
an invalid setting, the utility behaves as if none of the
variables had been defined. If set to a non-empty string
value, overrides the values of all the other internationalization
variables. Determines the locale for the interpretation
of sequences of bytes of text data as characters
(for example, single-byte as opposed to multibyte characters
in arguments). Determines the locale for the format
and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard
error. Determines the locale used for the format and contents
of date and time strings in the output. Determines
the location of message catalogues for the processing of
Contains user and accounting information. Contains login
Commands: date(1), init(8), login(1), mesg(1), su(1),
rwho(1), users(1), wait(1), whoami(1)
Functions: wait(2)
Files: utmp(4)
Standards: standards(5)
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