acctcms - Produces command usage summaries from accounting
acctcms [-acjnspot] file...
Displays output in ASCII summary format rather than the
default binary format. The acctcms command sorts its output
in descending order according to total K-core minutes.
The unit K-core minutes is the amount of storage used (in
kilobytes) multiplied by the amount of time the buffer was
in use. The hog factor is the total CPU time divided by
the total real time. The ASCII summary output format has
the following headings: The COMMAND NAME column specifies
the name of the command. Because only object modules are
reported by the accounting system, the sh command entry
specifies the entry for all shell processes, regardless of
their actual names. The NUMBER CMDS column specifies the
total number of command invocations during the accounting
period. The TOTAL KCOREMIN column combines the amount of
memory used and the length of time used. Memory is specified
in kilobyte blocks, and time is specified in minutes.
The TOTAL CPU-MIN column specifies the total CPU time
needed to process the command the number of times specified
in the NUMBER CMDS column. The TOTAL REAL-MIN column
specifies the total number of real-time minutes needed to
process the command the number of times specified in the
NUMBER CMDS column. The MEAN SIZE-K column specifies the
average amount of memory in kilobytes used to process the
command the number of times specified in the NUMBER CMDS
column. The MEAN CPU-MIN column specifies the average
amount of CPU time that the command used each time it was
processed. The mean CPU minutes are obtained by dividing
the total CPU minutes by the total number of commands.
The HOG FACTOR column specifies the CPU time needed to
process the command the number of times specified in the
NUMBER CMDS column with respect to the time required to
process all commands. This value shows the ratio of system
availability to system utilization. The CHARS TRANSFD
column specifies the total number of characters that were
read or written when the command was processed the number
of times specified in the NUMBER CMDS column. The BLOCKS
READ column specifies the number of file system blocks (1
block is equivalent to 1 kilobyte) that were read when the
command was processed the number of times specified in the
NUMBER CMDS column. The number of blocks read may not
correspond with the number of characters transferred.
Sorts in descending order according to total CPU time
rather than total K-core minutes. Combines all commands
called only once in the column specified by "***other" in
the COMMAND NAME column. Sorts in descending order
according to the number of times each command was called.
Displays a command summary of nonprime-time commands.
Displays a command summary of prime-time commands.
Assumes that any file specified after this option is in
binary format. Processes all records as total accounting
records. The default binary format splits each heading
into prime-time and nonprime-time parts.
The acctcms command outputs data in a format called TOTAL
COMMAND SUMMARY. This command reads each file specified,
combines and sorts all records for identically named processes,
and writes them in a binary format to the output
device. Files are usually organized in the acct file format.
When you specify the -o and -p options together, the
acctcms command produces a summary report that combines
commands processed during both prime and nonprime time.
All the output summaries specify total usage, except for
the number of times run, CPU minutes, and real minutes,
which are split into prime-time and nonprime-time minutes.
To collect command accounting records from one or more
source files into a command summary file called today and
to maintain a running total summary of commands in a file
called cmtotal, add the following lines to an accounting
shell script:
acctcms [source File(s)....] > today cp total
prev_tot acctcms -s today prev_tot > cmtotal acctcms
-a -s cmtotal
First, the acctcms command is used to redirect command
records in File(s) that you specify to a file called
today. Next, the old total command summary file is renamed
prev_tot. Then, the command summary records that are collected
in the today and the prev_tot files are redirected
to a new command summary file called cmtotal. These are
all binary files. The last acctcms command outputs to the
default output device the contents of the cmtotal file in
the ASCII default command summary format previously
described, so that the report may be displayed.
Specifies the command path. This is where prime time is
set. Accounting header files that define formats for
writing accounting files.
Commands: acct(8), runacct(8)
Functions: acct(2)
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