uucp_manual_setup - Describes how to manually set up the
UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP)
Setting up UUCP manually includes the following tasks:
Checking for required directories Optionally, creating the
UUCP manager's account Creating UUCP accounts for remote
systems Configuring remote communications links, which
consists of editing the following files: Devices
/etc/inittab Dialers Systems Dialcodes Permissions Poll
remote.unknown /etc/inetd.conf Configuring the uucico daemon
Verifying the configuration files Setting up TCP/IP
Before you set up UUCP, be certain that all of the appropriate
hardware is in place. For information on required
hardware, see the Network Administration: Services manual.
CHECKING FOR REQUIRED DIRECTORIES [Toc] [Back] Verify that the directories, programs, and support files
required to operate the UUCP programs are available on the
local system. To perform the verification, log in as
superuser and enter the uucheck -v command. The uucheck
program displays an explanation of how it is checking the
file structure. Errors reported by uucheck could indicate
that the software installation process did not complete
See the Network Administration: Services manual for more
CREATING UUCP ACCOUNTS FOR REMOTE SYSTEMS [Toc] [Back] For a user on a remote system to log in to the local system,
the remote system must have an entry in the local
/etc/passwd file, or the user must know the login ID and
password for a designated UUCP account on the local system.
Likewise, for a user on the local system to log in
to a remote system, the local system must have an entry in
the remote system's /etc/passwd file, or the user must
know the login ID and password of a designated UUCP
account on the remote system. You must coordinate assigning
system login names and passwords for the local
/etc/passwd file with the system administrator of the
remote system.
By convention, the login ID assigned to remote systems is
the remote system's name with an uppercase U added as a
prefix. Many systems, however, have a single UUCP account
for all remote systems to use.
You must add a user account to the /etc/passwd file for
remote systems that log in to your system.
Use the following procedure to set up a remote system's
account: Invoke vipw to edit the /etc/passwd file: # vipw
The format for entries in the /etc/passwd file is:
name: password: UID: GID: class: home_dir: shell
The following is a sample entry for a remote
Uhost1::4:2:uucp login for host1:/usr/spool/uucppublic:\
For more information, see the passwd(4) reference
page. Use the passwd command to set a password for
the new account. Note that the password you supply
does not echo to the screen. # passwd Uhost1
Changing password for Uhost1. New password: Retype
new password:
The Permissions file is used to further control
incoming connections and remote systems' access to
the local system. For more information on the Permissions
file, see the Permissions reference page.
CONFIGURING REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS LINKS [Toc] [Back] There are three ways to set up the link needed for remote
communications: Use a hardwired line with a device such as
a workstation. The hardwired connection links a port on
the local system to a port on the remote system. A hardwired
line is advantageous when users on local systems
communicate frequently with remote systems; the link is
always available and access time is short. However, a port
used for a hardwired communications link is not available
for any other purpose.
A hardwired connection is made over an RS-232 or
RS-422 serial port at transmission rates of up to
19,200 bits per second. The recommended length of
such direct links is 50 feet or less because signal
noise becomes a problem with greater distances. It
is possible to obtain longer lengths by using a
lower transmission rate, limited distance modems
(short-haul modems), or both at both ends of the
link. Use a telephone line with a modem. In this
case, the user on the local system establishes the
connection to a remote system through an Automatic
Calling Unit (ACU), also referred to as an autodialer
or a modem. The modem attached to the remote
system answers the telephone, and the communications
software then completes the connection.
The advantage of a modem connection using a phone
line is that the local and remote ports are not
dedicated to a single system. The disadvantage is
that the port of the remote system may be busy handling
a connection with another system. A dialup
link also requires additional software and hardware,
such as the ACU, that is not necessary with a
hardwired connection. Use a TCP/IP connection over
a local area network (LAN).
In order for UUCP to function correctly at your site, configure
the remote communication facilities by doing the
following: Edit the Devices file and add a list of the
devices used to establish a hardwired communications link,
a communications link using TCP/IP, or a communications
link using a telephone line and a modem. For more information,
see the Devices(4) reference page. Edit the
Dialers file and add a list of autodialers (modems) used
to contact remote systems using the telephone network. For
more information, see the Dialers(4) reference page. Edit
the Systems file and add a list of the remote systems with
which the local system can communicate. For more information,
see the Systems(4) reference page. Optionally, edit
the Dialcodes file and add a list of alphabetic abbreviations
representing the prefixes of telephone numbers used
to contact the specified remote systems. For more information,
see the Dialcodes(4) reference page. Edit the Permissions
file and add the appropriate access permissions
specifying the way in which local and remote systems can
communicate. For more information, see the Permissions(4)
reference page. Edit the Poll file and add a schedule for
monitoring the networked remote systems. For more information,
see the Poll(4) reference page.
CONFIGURING THE UUCICO DAEMON [Toc] [Back] The uucico daemon transfer UUCP command, data, and execute
files to remote systems. Both the local and remote systems
run the uucico daemon, and the two daemons communicate
with each other to complete transfer requests.
Typically, the uucico daemon is set up as the UUCP users's
login shell for incoming connections, or it is automatically
called by various UUCP commands for outgoing connections,
and no further configuration is necessary. However,
you might need to specify the type of flow control
uucico uses for certain UUCP transfers. For example, if
you establish a connection to a terminal server via a
modem and then telnet to a UUCP account, you might require
a different type of flow control than a user who initiates
UUCP transfers via a serial port connection.
To specify the type of flow control that the uucico daemon
uses, set the FLWCTL environment variable for the accounts
on your system that are used for UUCP connections. Permitted
values for FLWCTL are: HW (hardware), SW (software),
HSW (hardware and software), and NONE. The local
and remote systems should use the same type of flow control.
If the remote site runs UUCP on a different platform,
FLWCTL should be set to NONE on the Tru64 UNIX system.
For example, if you need to establish a UUCP connection
over telnet as previously described, you would set flow
control to NONE as follows: $ export FLWCTL=NONE $
/usr/lib/uucp/uutry remote_site
On a system that is configured to allow other sites to
dial in, you can create a customized script that will
automatically set the FLWCTL variable as follows: Create a
file, optionally called uu_start, that contains the following
#! /bin/ksh export FLWCTL=NONE exec
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico $* Change the permissions on
the file to make it executable: # chmod +x
/usr/local/bin/uu_start Change the UUCP account's
login shell from /usr/lib/uucp/uucico to the new
executable file: # chsh uucp Old shell:
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico New shell:
VERIFYING THE CONFIGURATION FILES [Toc] [Back] When the UUCP files are customized for your site, issue
the uucheck command to check for possible errors in the
Permissions file. Remember that the uucheck command does
not check file or directory modes, nor does it check for
duplicate login or MACHINE names.
Issue the uucheck -v command to obtain a detailed explanation
of the way that UUCP interprets the Permissions file.
If the uucheck -v command displays an error message, use
the pg command to examine the Permissions file and make
sure the entries are correct. Then reissue the uucheck -v
Use the uuname command to ensure that all the hosts
included in the Systems file on the local system are actually
on the UUCP network. If a system is networked correctly,
it appears on the list displayed on the screen.
The hosts on this list are the systems to which users can
send mail.
The uucpd daemon handles communications between UUCP and
TCP/IP. This daemon enables users on systems linked over a
local area network (LAN) to establish uucp connections to
other systems using TCP/IP connections.
Use the following procedure to enable UUCP and TCP/IP to
communicate: Check to see whether the /etc/services file
includes the following line:
uucp 540/tcp uucpd
If it does not, add it to the file. To have the
uucpd daemon start automatically each time the
inetd daemon receives one UUCP request, remove the
comment symbol (#) from the following line in the
/etc/inetd.conf file: # uucp stream tcp nowait uucp
/usr/sbin/uucpd uucpd
Restart the inetd daemon. Be sure that the TCP/IP
network between the local and remote systems is
working. Issue the ping command to test that the
systems can communicate with one another. Replace
rhost1 with the name of the appropriate remote
host. # ping rhost1
See the ping(8) reference page for more information.
Update the Systems, Devices, and Permissions
files in the /usr/lib/uucp directory to include the
relevant TCP/IP entries, as follows: To update the
Systems file do, the following: Select the appropriate
TCP/IP conversation protocol to enter in the
TCP caller subfield. There are four kinds of protocols:
g, t, e, and f. The g protocol, the default,
provides error checking and thus is useful over
modem connections. However, it creates a large
overhead when running UUCP commands. The t protocol
presumes an error-free channel and thus it is
not reliable for use with modem connections. You
can use the t protocol to communicate with a site
running both Tru64 UNIX and Berkeley versions of
UUCP. Use the e protocol to communicate with sites
running both Tru64 UNIX UUCP and other versions of
UUCP. The e protocol is not reliable for modem connections.
Use the f protocol to communicate with
sites running versions of UUCP other than Tru64
UNIX. The f protocol is not reliable for modem connectors.
Add the appropriate entries to the Systems
For example, to connect the local system to system
host7 using the default g protocol, enter the following
line in the Systems file:
host7 Any TCP - - in:--in: uucp1 word: passuucp
Replace the send and expect characters in the
example Login field with the login prompt, login,
password prompt, and password that applies to the
remote system to which you are connecting.
The following example shows how to specify that you
are using TCP/IP with the t protocol:
host7 Any TCP,t - - in:--in: uucp1 word: passuucp
To update the Devices file, do the following: Enter
the following line in the Devices file:
TCP - - - TCP Specify TCP in the Caller field.
Enter dashes (-) in the Line, Line2, and Class
fields. Enter TCP as the Dialer. This is done to
ensure that outgoing calls over TCP/IP are enabled.
To update the Permissions file, enter the appropriate
LOGNAME and MACHINE entries. See the Network
Administration: Services manual for information on
editing the Permissions file.
Note that you must set up an appropriate login ID and
password for any remote system that initiates uucico and
uuxqt activities.
uucico(8), uucp(1), uucp_intro(7), uucpd(8), uucpsetup(8)
Network Administration: Services
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