DXmSvnSetEntry - Provides the SVN widget with new entry
level information.
void DXmSvnSetEntry(
Widget widget,
int entry,
int width,
int height,
int number,
Boolean sens,
XtPointer tag,
Boolean index );
The identifier (widget ID) of the SVN widget. An integer
that represents the number of the entry for which information
will be set or changed. An integer that represents
the width of the entry. This value is used to allocate
sufficient display space for the entry. If 0 is specified,
the SVN widget will calculate the width based on the
components and font. An integer that represents the
height of the entry. This value is used to allocate sufficient
display space for the entry. If 0 is specified,
the SVN widget will calculate the height based on the components
and font. An integer that represents the number
of components in this entry. A Boolean value that, when
True, makes this entry sensitive (the user can select it).
When False, the display for that entry will be dimmed to
indicate that the entry is not sensitive (the user cannot
select it). The value that the application will associate
with the entry. This value is returned in all callbacks
that set the entry_number field in the DXmSvnCallback
structure. A Boolean value that, when True, indicates
that all of the entries being added should be displayed in
the scroll index window when the user drags the slider.
Note that if you set this argument to True, the DXmNliveScrolling
resource must be set to False.
The DXmSvnSetEntry routine enables an application to
respond to a DXmSvnCRGetEntry callback requesting the
information for an entry. You can specify a subset of the
information allowed on this call by using the following
routines: DXmSvnSetEntryNumComponents DXmSvnSetEntryTag
DXmSvnSetEntryIndexWindow DXmSvnSetEntrySensitivity
Make this call in your application between calls to
DXmSvnDisableDisplay and DXmSvnEnableDisplay. After making
a call to this routine, your application should call
the DXmSvnSetComponentText, DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap, and
DXmSvnSetComponentWidget routines to individually supply
the component information.
Note that if your application calls the DXmSvnSetEntry
routine to modify an existing entry and the number of
entries changes, all previous component information is
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