DXmCreatePrintDialog - Creates the print widget with a
dialog box.
Widget DXmCreatePrintDialog(
Widget parent,
char *name,
Arglist arglist,
int argcount );
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent widget. The name
of the created widget. The application argument list. An
integer that represents the number of arguments in the
application argument list.
The DXmCreatePrintDialog routine creates the print widget,
which is a modeless widget that provides applications with
a fast, convenient method of printing one or more files in
multiple formats.
Resource Information [Toc] [Back]
You can set the following widget-specific resources in the
XmString DXmNdefaultPrinter; Boolean
DXmNdeleteFile; int DXmNfileNameCount;
XmStringTable DXmNfileNameList; Boolean
DXmNheader; int DXmNinputTray; XmString
DXmNjobName; XmString DXmNlayupDefinition; int
DXmNmessageLog; Boolean DXmNnotify; int
DXmNnumberCopies; int DXmNnumberUp;
XmString DXmNoptionsDialogTitle; int
DXmNorientation; int DXmNoutputTray;
XmString DXmNpageRangeFrom; XmString
DXmNpageRangeTo; int DXmNpageSize;
Boolean DXmNpassAll; XmString
DXmNprintAfter; int DXmNprinterCount;
XmString DXmNprinterChoice; XmStringTable
DXmNprinterList; XmString DXmNprintFormatChoice;
int DXmNprintFormatCount;
XmStringTable DXmNprintFormatList; int
DXmNsheetCount; int DXmNsheetSize; int
DXmNsides; XmString DXmNstartSheetComment;
unsigned long DXmNsuppressOptionsMask; Boolean
DXmNunmanageOnCancel; Boolean DXmNunmanageOnOk;
XtCallbackList XmNcancelCallback; XtCallbackList
Resources [Toc] [Back]
A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that autopagination
(formatting the output into pages based on length
or line count) is turned on. When False, autopagination is
turned off. By default, the value of this resource
changes when the user switches print formats. The default
settings for the print formats are as follows:
Print Format Default
Default False
Text (ANSI Level 0) True
Line Printer (ANSI Level 1) True
Terminal True
ANSI2 (ANSI Level 2) False
ANSI (ANSI Level 3) False
PostScript False
ReGIS False
TEK (Tektronix) False
DDIF False
Access is CSG. An XmString that allows you to
specify a default printer. If you do not specify a
default printer, the default choice is either the
first printer in the list or the printer defined by
the environment variable PRINTER. Access is CSG. A
Boolean value that controls whether the file is
deleted after it is printed. When True, the file is
deleted. When False, the file is not deleted. The
default is False. The user must have delete access
to the file to delete it. Access is CSG. A
Boolean value that controls the state of doublespacing.
When True, double-spacing is turned on.
When False, double-spacing is turned off. The
default is False. Access is CSG. An integer value
that allows you to control whether there will be a
File Burst Sheet for your print job and how frequently
it appears. The possible values are as
Value Description
DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT Indicates that you want the
default for the queue on which
the job is being printed.
DXmFILE_SHEET_NONE Indicates that you do not want
a Burst Page.
DXmFILE_SHEET_ONE Indicates that you want only a
single Burst Page that will
precede the first file printed.
DXmFILE_SHEET_ALL Indicates that you want the
Burst Page to be printed before
every file in the print job.
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access
is CSG. An integer value that allows you to control
whether there will be a File End Sheet for
your print job and how frequently it is printed.
The possible values are as follows:
Value Description
DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT Indicates that you want the
default for the queue on which
the job is being printed.
DXmFILE_SHEET_NONE Indicates that you do not want
a File End Sheet.
DXmFILE_SHEET_ONE Indicates that you want only a
single File End Sheet to follow
the last file printed.
DXmFILE_SHEET_ALL Indicates that you want the
File End Sheet to be printed
after every file in the print
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access
is CSG. The number of files specified in the DXmNfileNameList
resource, expressed as an integer
value. The default is 0. Access is CSG. An
XmStringTable that enables the print widget to use
the files specified by this resource to make
assumptions about the print format of the files to
be printed. If you set the DXmNfileNameList
resource, you must also set the value of the DXmNfileNameCount
resource. The default is Null.
Access is CSG. An integer value that allows you to
control whether there will be a File Start Sheet
for your print job and how frequently it is
printed. The possible values are as follows:
Value Description
DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT Indicates that you want the
default for the queue on which
the job is being printed.
DXmFILE_SHEET_NONE Indicates that you do not want
a File Start Sheet.
DXmFILE_SHEET_ONE Indicates that you want only a
single File Start Sheet that
will precede the first file.
DXmFILE_SHEET_ALL Indicates that you want the
File Start Sheet to be printed
before every file in the print
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access
is CSG. A Boolean value that controls whether to
print the header. When True, the header is
printed. When False, the header is not printed.
The default is False. Access is CSG. A Boolean
value that controls whether the print job will finish
without further manual intervention. If this
resource is True, the print job is held in the
print queue servicing the printer until it is manually
released by queue management operations. The
default is False. Access is CSG. An integer value
that allows you to specify the input tray holding
the medium to be used for the print job. The possible
values for DXmNinputTray are as follows:
Value Description
DXmINPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT The default input tray is that
which is specified for the
DXmINPUT_TRAY_TOP The top input tray is the
source of the medium on which
to print.
DXmINPUT_TRAY_MIDDLE source of the medium on which
to print.
DXmINPUT_TRAY_BOTTOM source of the medium on which
to print.
The default is DXmINPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT, or 0. Access
is CSG. A pointer to an XmString that identifies
the print job name. If no job name is specified,
the job name is derived from the name of the first
file being printed. The default is Null. Access
is CSG. An XmString that allows you to enter a
module name contained in the layup library. This
module, in conjunction with the DXmNnumberUp
resource, controls how the image is deposited on
the medium. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
An integer value that allows you to specify what is
to be done with error messages that are created in
the course of printing. The possible values for
DXmNmessageLog are as follows:
Value Description
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_DEFAULT Accept whatever is specified
for the print
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_IGNORE Nothing is done with the
error messages.
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_PRINT The error messages are
written to the File End
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_KEEP The error messages are
retained in a file.
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_KEEP_AND_PRINT The error messages are
written to the File End
Sheet (or additional job
error sheet) and are
retained in a log file.
The default is DXmMESSAGE_LOG_DEFAULT, or 0.
Access is CSG. A Boolean value that determines
whether the user is notified when the file is
printed. When True, the user is notified. When
False, the user is not notified. The default is
True. Access is CSG. An integer value that determines
the number of copies of the file to print.
The allowable range is from 1 to 255 copies. The
default is 0 (which means to use the system
default). Access is CSG. An integer value in the
range of 0-100 that specifies how many logical
images are to be printed on one side of a page.
The default is 0 (one logical image, without any
adjustments to how the image is deposited on the
medium). Access is CSG. An XmString that allows
you to enter a text field to be displayed on the
operator's console when the job first starts printing.
DXmNoperatorMessage can be used to pass messages
to the operator concerning the handling of
the printed output. The default is Null. Access is
CSG. Specifies the title for the secondary dialog
box that lists additional print options. The
default is "Print: Options". Access is CSG. An
integer value that determines the paper orientation
(on printers that support this feature). The
possible values for orientation are as follows:
Value Description
DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT Allows you to accept the
orientation that is
defined for the print
queue you have selected.
DXmORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Allows you to force a
portrait orientation to
the resulting printout.
DXmORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Allows you to force a
landscape orientation to
the resulting printout.
The default is DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT, or 0.
Access is CSG. An integer value that allows you to
specify the output tray in which the medium is to
be placed after the sheet is printed. The possible
values for DXmNoutputTray are as follows:
Value Description
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT The default output tray is that
which is specified for the
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_TOP Allows you to select the top
output tray to receive the
printed medium.
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_SIDE Allows you to select the side
output tray to receive the
printed medium.
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_FACE_UP Allows you to select the faceup
output tray to receive the
printed medium.
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_UPPER Allows you to select the upper
output tray to receive the
printed medium.
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_LOWER Allows you to select the lower
output tray to receive the
printed medium.
The default is DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT, or 0.
Access is CSG. A pointer to an XmString that identifies
the starting page of the file to print. The
DXmNpageRangeFrom and DXmNpageRangeTo resources
allow you to enter a range of pages to be printed
if you chose not to print a file in its entirety.
When using this resource, note the following: If
you want to start printing at the first page of the
file, you may leave the DXmNpageRangeFrom resource
blank (no value specified). If you specify a value
for the DXmNpageRangeTo resource, the DXmNpageRangeFrom
resource must be less than or equal
to that value.
The default is Null. Access is CSG. A pointer to
an XmString that identifies the last page of the
file to print. The DXmNpageRangeFrom and DXmNpageRangeTo
resources allow you to enter a range of
pages to be printed if you chose not to print a
file in its entirety.
The DXmNpageRangeTo resource may be left blank to
print to the last page of the file. The default is
Null. Access is CSG. An integer value that determines
the logical (or virtual) size of the print
image. The possible values for page size are as
Value Size in Inches Size in MM
DXmSIZE_DEFAULT Queue Default Queue Default
DXmSIZE_LETTER 8.5 x 11 216 x 279
DXmSIZE_LEDGER 11 x 17 279 x 432
DXmSIZE_LEGAL 8.5 x 14 216 x 356
DXmSIZE_EXECUTIVE 7.5 x QQQ10 191 x 254
DXmSIZE_A5 5.8 x 8.3 148 x 210
DXmSIZE_A4 8.3 x 11.7 210 x 297
DXmSIZE_A3 11.7 x 16.5 297 x 420
DXmSIZE_B5 7.2 x QQQ10.1 176 x 250
DXmSIZE_B4 10.1 x 14.3 250 x 353
DXmSIZE_C4_ENVELOPE 9 x 12.8 229 x 324
DXmSIZE_C5_ENVELOPE 6.4 x 9 162 x 229
DXmSIZE_C56_ENVELOPE 4.3 x 8.7 110 x 220
DXmSIZE_10X13_ENVELOPE 10 x 13 254 x 330.2
DXmSIZE_9X12_ENVELOPE 9 x 12 228.6 x 304.8
DXmSIZE_BUSINESS_ENVELOPE 4.125 x 9.5 104.8 x 241.3
The default is DXmSIZE_DEFAULT. Access is CSG. A
Boolean value that, when True, allows all control
characters to be passed to the printer. By
default, the value of this resource changes when
the user switches print formats. The default settings
for the print formats are as follows:
Print Format Default
Default False
Text (ANSI Level 0) False
Line Printer (ANSI Level 1) False
Terminal False
ANSI2 (ANSI Level 2) True
ANSI (ANSI Level 3) True
PostScript False
ReGIS False
TEK (Tektronix) True
Access is CSG. An XmString that allows you to
enter a time and date when this print job first
becomes eligible to be scheduled for printing. The
XmString for the time and date must be the standard
format for your operating system. Check the at(1)
reference page to obtain the proper format. If this
resource is not specified, the job becomes eligible
for immediate print scheduling. The job also
becomes eligible for immediate print scheduling if
the user specifies this resource but specifies
either nothing or "now" as the XmString. The
default is "now". Access is CSG. An XmString that
specifies the printer to use for the current print
format. Applications usually use this resource to
store information about a user's printer
If you set this resource, the XmString must exactly
match one of the print widget's supported printers,
including the character set. The recommended
approach is to not specify this resource when the
print widget is first managed. Then, once the user
has selected a print format, call the XtGetValues
routine to obtain the value and then XtSetArg to
set DXmNprinterChoice.
The print widget sets this resource as follows: If
the user selects a new print format, the printer
queue box might be re-populated (assuming the user
has set up the print queue logicals). If the user
has chosen this print format before and has already
chosen a printer for this format, the print widget
identifies this printer as the DXmNprinterChoice
resource. The printer is automatically selected,
regardless of the previous queue choice. If the
user has not previously selected this print format,
the print widget determines whether there is a
printer that matches the one defined by DXmNdefaultPrinter.
If that printer is available, the
print widget selects it; otherwise the print widget
selects the first printer in the list. The default
is Null. Access is CSG. The number of printers
specified in the DXmNprinterList resource,
expressed as an integer. If your application
requires the value of this resource, call the
XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.
You cannot set a value for this resource. The
default is 0. Access is G. An XmString that specifies
the printer form to use as the default. Use
this resource when you want your application to
record a user's printer preference.
Note that if you set this resource, the XmString
must exactly match one of the operating system's
supported printer forms. (Use the DXmCvtOSToCS
routine to convert the string to an XmString.) You
should not specify this resource when the print
widget is first managed. Instead, after the user
has selected a printer form, call the Intrinsic
routines XtGetValues to obtain the value and XtSetArg
to set DXmNprinterFormChoice. The default is
Null. Access is CSG. An XmStringTable list of the
available printer forms. If your application
requires the value of this resource, call the
XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.
You cannot set a value for this resource. The
default is Null. Access is G. The number of
printer forms specified in the DXmNprinterFormList
resource, expressed as an integer value. If your
application requires the value of this resource,
call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.
You cannot set a value for this resource. The
default is 0. Access is G. An XmStringTable that
determines the names to appear in the Printer list
box. If your application requires the value of
this resource, call the XtGetValues routine to
obtain the value.
You cannot set a value for this resource. The
default is Null. Access is G. An XmString that
specifies the print format to use as the default.
Use this resource when you want your application to
record a user's print format preference.
Note that if you set this resource, the XmString
must exactly match one of the print widget's supported
print formats, including the character set.
You should not specify this resource when the print
widget is first managed. Instead, after the user
has selected a print format, call the Intrinsic
routines XtGetValues to obtain the value and XtSetArg
to set DXmNprintFormatChoice. The default is
Null. Access is CSG. The number of print formats
specified in the DXmNprintFormatList resource,
expressed as an integer value. The default is 0.
Access is CSG. An XmStringTable that determines
the print widget's print format list, which is the
list of print formats that are understood by the
print widget. If you set this resource, each
XmString in the table must exactly match one of the
print widget's supported print formats.
The print widget supports the following data formats:
Default (no data type specification is output)
Text (ANSI Level 0) Line Printer (ANSI Level
1) Terminal ANSI2 (ANSI Level 2) ANSI (ANSI Level
3) PostScript ReGIS Tektronix DDIF
The default is Null. Access is CSG. An integer
value that determines the priority of the job
(0-255) in the print queue. If no priority is
specified (a value of 0), the default priority for
that queue is used. The default is 0. Access is
CSG. An XmString that allows you to enter the
comma-separated names of one or more setup modules
to be transmitted to the printer ahead of the file
to be printed. The default is Null. Access is
CSG. An integer value in the range of 0-10000 that
specifies how many times each sheet is to be
printed. This option is most frequently used with
PostScript printers, which require only a single
transmission of information to replicate a complex
image (instead of multiple transmissions of the
same information). The default is 0. Access is
CSG. An integer value that determines the size of
the medium on which the printing is to take place.
The possible values for sheet size are as follows:
Value Size in Inches Size in MM
DXmSIZE_DEFAULT Queue Default Queue Default
DXmSIZE_LETTER 8.5 x 11 216 x 279
DXmSIZE_LEDGER 11 x 17 279 x 432
DXmSIZE_LEGAL 8.5 x 14 216 x 356
DXmSIZE_EXECUTIVE 7.5 x QQQ10 191 x 254
DXmSIZE_A5 5.8 x 8.3 148 x 210
DXmSIZE_A4 8.3 x 11.7 210 x 297
DXmSIZE_A3 11.7 x 16.5 297 x 420
DXmSIZE_B5 7.2 x QQQ10.1 176 x 250
DXmSIZE_B4 10.1 x 14.3 250 x 353
DXmSIZE_C4_ENVELOPE 9 x 12.8 229 x 324
DXmSIZE_C5_ENVELOPE 6.4 x 9 162 x 229
DXmSIZE_C56_ENVELOPE 4.3 x 8.7 110 x 220
DXmSIZE_10X13_ENVELOPE 10 x 13 254 x 330.2
DXmSIZE_9X12_ENVELOPE 9 x 12 228.6 x 304.8
DXmSIZE_BUSINESS_ENVELOPE 4.125 x 9.5 104.8 x 241.3
The default is DXmSIZE_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is
CSG. An integer value that determines on how many
sides of a medium the printing is to take place and
the manner in which the medium is turned when
switching from one side to the other.
The possible values for DXmNsides are as follows:
Value Description
DXmSIDES_DEFAULT The default for the queue on which
you are printing.
DXmSIDES_SIMPLEX_ONE Prints on one side only. This is
also known as one-sided-simplex.
DXmSIDES_SIMPLEX_TWO Prints on two sides of the sheet,
but uses the same page layout conventions
required for single-sided
printing. The layout reflects
margin and page number locations
and related specifications.
DXmSIDES_DUPLEX_ONE Prints only on the first side of
each sheet, but retains the page
layout intended for duplex printing.
The layout reflects margin
and page number locations and
related specifications.
DXmSIDES_DUPLEX_TWO Prints on two sides; the second
side is accessed by flipping the
page along its left edge, like
turning the pages of a book. This
is also known as two-sided-duplex.
DXmSIDES_TUMBLE_ONE Prints only on the first side of
each sheet, but retains the page
layout intended for tumble printing.
The layout reflects margin
and page number locations and
related specifications.
DXmSIDES_TUMBLE_TWO Prints on two sides, and the second
side is reached by flipping
the page along its top edge, like
turning the pages of a legal document.
This is also known as twosided-tumble.
The default is DXmSIDES_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is
CSG. The XmString to appear on your File Start
Sheet. The default is Null. Access is CSG. Suppresses
certain print widget features, such as the
number of print choices available to the user. The
possible values for this resource are as follows:
The default value is dependent upon the print capabilities
of the particular operating system.
Access is CSG. A Boolean value that specifies
whether the print widget automatically unmanages
itself when the Cancel button in the primary box is
pressed. The default is False. Access is CSG. A
Boolean value that specifies whether the print widget
automatically unmanages itself when the Ok button
in the primary box is pressed. The default is
False. Access is CSG. Callback made when the user
clicks on the Cancel pushbutton in the print widget
primary dialog box. If the DXmNunmanageOnCancel
resource is set, the print widget automatically
unmanages itself when the Cancel button in the primary
box is pressed. The callback reason is
XmCR_CANCEL. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Your application can use the XmNcancelCallback
callback to perform related functions as well.
Callback made when the user clicks on the Ok pushbutton
in the print widget primary dialog box. If
the DXmNunmanageOnOk resource is set, the print
widget automatically unmanages itself when the Ok
button in the primary box is pressed. The callback
reason is XmCR_OK. The default is Null. Access is
Note that your application can use the XmNokCallback
callback to perform other functions, such as
calling DXmPrintWgtPrintJob to submit the print
Resource Information [Toc] [Back]
typedef struct {
int reason;
XEvent *event; } XmAnyCallbackStruct;
Callback Field Descriptions An integer set to the callback
reason. See the Callback Reasons section for the values
that are valid for this widget. A pointer to the X event
structure describing the event that generated this callback.
Callback Reasons [Toc] [Back]
The user activated the Ok pushbutton in the print widget
primary dialog box. The user activated the Cancel pushbutton
in the print widget primary dialog box.
Inherited Resources [Toc] [Back]
DXmCreatePrintDialog inherits behaviour and resources from
the following superclasses:
Core Resource Set Composite Resource Set Constraint
Resource Set XmManager Resource Set XmBulletinBoard
Resource Set DXmPrintDialog Resource Set
The identifier (widget ID) of the created print widget.
DXmPrintWgtAugmentList(3X), DXmPrintWgtPrintJob(3X)
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