pdtostd - Convert profiling data files to standard format
pdtostd [-i] [-s] {[-a addrs] [-o outfile] infile}...
Retain "int" sized (32-bit) sample counts instead of truncating
to "short" sized (16-bit) counts, as in the uprofile
-i command in DIGITAL UNIX releases before V4.0.
Split "int" sized (32-bit) sample counts into two "short"
sized (16-bit) counts, so that default sample counts collected
by cc -p or cc -pg cover one instruction instead of
two, as in DIGITAL UNIX releases before V4.0. If infile
is a pixie-created *.Counts file, then addrs is the name
of a specific *.Addrs file to use. By default, pdtostd
searches for a *.Addrs file in the location where the
pixie program created it. The named file must be a "profiling
data file", as reported by the file(1) command, not
a standard format *.Addrs file. Therefore, convert a
*.Counts file before its *.Addrs file, unless using -o.
The reformatted file is written to outfile instead of
overwriting infile. Each infile can be preceded by a -o
The input file, which is a "profiling data file", as
reported by the file(1) command, and was generated by a
program instrumented or executed by one of the following
tools: (mon.out) (gmon.out) (kmon.out) (umon.out)
(*.Addrs, *.Counts)
The pdtostd command converts profiling data files from the
format that the Tru64 UNIX profilers use into the older
industry standard formats. The converted files can then be
processed by tools compiled with the
<cmplrs/prof_header.h> or <sys/gprof.h> files.
The format of the profiling data files produced by Tru64
UNIX may be expanded in future releases, but Tru64 UNIX
tools will continue to support older formats. To write
tools that process profiling data files, the pdtostd command
lets you convert the Tru64 UNIX formats to the older
industry standard formats, where one exists.
The standard formats cannot accommodate the variety of
data that is recorded in the "profiling data file" format,
but instead they provide the standard subset. The standard
subset matches the format of the files output by the tools
in DIGITAL UNIX systems before the V4.0 release.
For access to the full information in a Tru64 UNIX profiling
data file, examine the file with the pddump(1) command,
and process it with the utilities in libpdf.a and
<cmplrs/pdf.h>, skipping any new attributes, records, or
fields that may appear.
Converts a V4.* default mon.out file to a pre-V4.0 default
mon.out file, without overwriting the original. pdtostd
-s -o mon.std mon.out Converts pixie files, replacing the
originals with the standard versions, even if the originals
have been moved from the directory they were created
in. pdtostd -a example.Addrs example.Counts example.Addrs
Header file that defines the standard mon.out, kmon.out,
and umon.out formats and the standard *.Addrs and *.Counts
formats Header file that defines the gmon.h standard format
Commands: atom(1), cc(1), file(1), kprofile(1),
pddump(1), uprofile(1)
AtomTools: pixie(5)
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