mkmanifest - mtools utility to create a shell script to
restore UNIX file names from DOS
mkmanifest [files]
A list of UNIX file names to be converted to DOS name format.
The mkmanifest command creates a shell script that aids in
the restore of UNIX file names that were overwritten by
DOS file name restrictions. DOS file names are uppercase
only, cannot exceed 8 character names, 3 character extensions
and do not support device names or nonalphanumeric
Not all UNIX file names are supported in the DOS world.
The mtools commands may have to change UNIX names to fit
the DOS file name conventions. Most commands provide the
verbose option (-v), that displays new file names if they
have been changed. The following table shows some examples
of file name conversions:
UNIX name DOS name Reason for the change
thisisatest THISISAT file name too long
file.stuff FILE.STU extension too long
prn.txt XRN.TXT PRN is a device name
.abc X.ABC null file name
hot+cold HOTXCOLD illegal character
The following exit values are returned: Success. Failure.
Assume you have the following UNIX files that you want to
copy to a DOS diskette using the mcopy command.
very_long_name 2.many.dots illegal: good.c Capital
The mcopy command converts these file names to the following:
very_lon illegalx good.c capital
To restore the previous file names, use the mkmanifest
command as follows: mkmanifest very_long_name 2.many.dots
illegal: \
good.c Capital > manifest
The previous mkmanifest command line produces the
following: mv very_lon very_long_name mv
2.many.dots mv illegalx illegal: mv mv
capital Capital
The good.c file name did not require conversion, hence it
was not included in the output.
If these files were copied from diskette to another UNIX
system, and you wanted to restore the original names,
retain a copy of the manifest file (captured output) so
that it can be used to convert the file names again.
Executable file
Commands: mcopy(1), mtools(1)
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