mtools - Provides a collection of tools for manipulating
DOS files
The mtools commands are a public domain collection of programs
that let you read, write, and manipulate files on a
DOS file system (typically a diskette) from a UNIX system.
Each command attempts to emulate the DOS equivalent command
as closely as possible. The following commands are
available: Converts a DOS file format to an UNIX file format.
Changes DOS file attribute options such as whether
the file is writeable. This is analogous the the chmod
command in UNIX. Changes or reports the DOS working
directory Copies DOS files to and from a UNIX operating
system Deletes a DOS file Displays the contents of a DOS
directory Copies a diskette to another diskette as a bitimage
copy Adds a DOS file system to a low-level formatted
diskette Creates a shell script to restore UNIX file names
from DOS file names Labels a DOS volume Makes a DOS directory
Removes a DOS directory Performs a low level read
(copy) of a DOS file to a UNIX-format file Renames an
existing DOS file Displays the contents of a DOS file Performs
a low level write (copy) of a UNIX file to a DOSformat
file Converts a UNIX file to DOS format
DOS file names optionally are composed of a drive letter
followed by a colon, a subdirectory, and a file name.
Subdirectory names can use either the slash (/) or backslash
(\) characters as a separator. The use of the backslash
separator or wildcards requires the names to be
enclosed in quotes to protect them from the shell.
The regular expression "pattern matching" routines follow
the UNIX rules. For example, an asterisk (*) matches all
DOS files in place of asterisks separated by a dot (.)
such as *.*. The archive, hidden, read-only, and system
attribute bits are ignored during pattern matching.
Not all UNIX file names are supported in the DOS world.
The mtools commands might have to change UNIX file names
to fit the DOS file name conventions. Most commands provide
the verbose option (-v), that displays new file names
if they have been changed. The following table shows some
examples of file name conversions:
UNIX File Name DOS File Name Reason for the Change
thisisatest THISISAT File name too long
file.stuff FILE.STU File xtension too long
prn.txt XRN.TXT The string prn specifies a
device name
.abc X.ABC Null file name
hot+cold HOTXCOLD Illegal character
All options use the minus (-) option, not the slash (/) as
provided under DOS conventions.
The mcd command is used to establish the device and the
current working directory (relative to the DOS file
system), otherwise the default is assumed to be A:\.
All the mtools commands return 0 on success and 1 on complete
All mtools require a floppy diskette properly installed on
the system. All mtools facilities address a device named
/dev/disk/floppy. You must create a symbolic link between
the diskette's device special files and the file
/dev/disk/floppy, depending on what type of diskette drive
is on your system. See the EXAMPLES section for information
on how you set up the diskette drive.
If the proper device is not specified (when multiple disk
capacities are supported) the device driver might display
an error message. You can ignore this message.
Device special file names are created automatically for
all existing devices. If no device special file exists for
the floppy drive, see dsfmgr(8). Refer to hwmgr(8) for
information on how you determine what kind of floppy drive
is on your system, and to find its device name. If the
diskette drive is attached to the floppy disk interface
(FDI) it has the device name floppyN, where N is an integer.
Your /dev/disk directory must contain the following
device special files for two floppy disk partitions:
/dev/disk/floppyNa /dev/disk/floppyNc
Link the c partition to the file /dev/disk/floppy:
# ln -s /dev/disk/floppy0c /dev/disk/floppy If the
diskette drive is a SCSI device, the device name
has the format dskN, where N is an integer. Use the
SysMan Station, or the hwmgr command to determine
the device name.
The following example sets up a SCSI floppy
diskette for access by the mtools commands by linking
the device to /dev/disk/floppy as follows: # ln
-s /dev/disk/dsk13c /dev/disk/floppy To test the
configuration of a diskette drive, insert a DOS
formatted disk and enter the following command: #
/usr/ucb/mtools/mdir Volume in drive A is "volume_name."
Directory for A:/
file type size date time file type size date time
Commands: dos2unix(1) ,dsfmgr(8), hwmgr(8), ln(1), mattrib(1), mcd(1), mcopy(1), mdel(1), mdir(1), mdiskcopy(1),
mformat(1), mlabel(1), mmd(1), mrd(1), mread(1), mren(1),
mtype(1), mwrite(1), sysman_station(8), unix2dos(1)
Floppy disk interface: fd(7)
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