presto - Prestoserve battery-backed memory
presto* at sbus? slot ? offset ?
The Legato Prestoserve NVRAM cards used to be part of the
accelerator'' product, which used the cards memory as an
cache, increasing performance of NFS servers exporting
filesystem as NFS
protocol, version 2.
The presto driver does not attempt to achieve such a behaviour, which is
questionable with the advent of NFS protocol, version 3.
Instead, it will provide direct access to the NVRAM, as a
block device.
/dev/prestoup block mode Prestoserve card number u,
partition p
/dev/rprestoup raw mode Prestoserve card number u, partition p
intro(4), disklabel(5), MAKEDEV(8), disklabel(8)
The NVSIMM flavour, designed for SPARCstation models 10 and
20, is not
supported yet.
OpenBSD 3.6 April 13, 2003
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