battlestar - a tropical adventure game
battlestar [-r] [saved-file]
battlestar is an adventure game in the classic style. However, it's
slightly less of a puzzle and more a game of exploration. There are a
few magical words in the game, but on the whole, simple English should
suffice to make one's desires understandable to the parser.
In the days before the darkness came, when battlestars ruled the heavens...
Three He made and gave them to His daughters,
Beautiful nymphs, the goddesses of the waters.
One to bring good luck and simple feats of wonder,
Two to wash the lands and churn the waves asunder,
Three to rule the world and purge the skies with thunder.
In those times great wizards were known and their powers were beyond
belief. They could take any object from thin air, and, uttering the word
`su' could disappear.
In those times men were known for their lust of gold and desire to wear
fine weapons. Swords and coats of mail were fashioned that could withstand
a laser blast.
But when the darkness fell, the rightful reigns were toppled. Swords and
helms and heads of state went rolling across the grass. The entire fleet
of battlestars was reduced to a single ship.
take --- take an object
drop --- drop an object
wear --- wear an object you are holding
draw --- carry an object you are wearing
puton --- take an object and wear it
take off -- draw an object and drop it
throw <object> <direction>
! <shell esc>
>-: take watermelon
>-: eat
>-: take knife and sword and apple, drop all
>-: get
Notice that the "shadow" of the next word stays around if you want to
take advantage of it. That is, saying "take knife" and then "drop" will
drop the knife you just took.
The two commands ``score'' and ``inven'' will print out your current status
in the game.
The command ``save'' will save your game in a file called .Bstar in your
home directory by default. You can recover a saved game by using the -r
option when you start up the game, or by giving the name of the saved
file as an argument. Save files will be saved to and restored from your
home directory unless a path is specified - i.e., ``battlestar -r
savedgame'' will look for savedgame in your home directory, but
``battlestar -r ./savedgame'' will look in the current directory.
``battlestar -r'' will look for the default file, .Bstar in your home
The compass directions N, S, E, and W can be used if you have a compass.
If you don't have a compass, you'll have to say R, L, A, or B, which
stand for Right, Left, Ahead, and Back. Directions printed in room
descriptions are always printed in R, L, A, B relative directions.
I wrote Battlestar in 1979 in order to experiment with the niceties of
the C Language. Most interesting things that happen in the game are
hardwired into the code, so don't send me any hate mail about it!
Instead, enjoy art for art's sake!
David Riggle
Peter Da Silva
Kevin Brown
Edward Wang
Ken Arnold Company
Send to edward%[email protected]a, chris%[email protected]a, rig[email protected]a.
BSD September 7, 2000 BSD
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