pppconfig - configure pppd
pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--gdialog]
[--noname] | [providername]]
pppconfig is a dialog based interactive, menu driven utility to help
automate setting up a dial out ppp connection. It provides extensive
explanations at each step. pppconfig supports PAP, CHAP, and chat
methods of authentication. It uses the standard ppp configuration
files and sets ppp up so that the standard pon and poff commands can be
used to control ppp. Some features supported by pppconfig are:
- Multiple ISP's with seperate nameservers.
- Modem detection.
- Dynamic DNS.
- Dial on demand.
- Allow non-root users to run ppp.
- Uses the gdialog GUI dialog replacement if possible.
Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication
your isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use,
and the phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication,
you will also need to know the login and password prompts and any other
prompts and responses required for login. If you can't get this information
from your isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working
through the procedure until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp
has started on the other end.
pppconfig allows you to configure connections to multiple providers.
For example, you might call your isp 'provider', your employer 'theoffice'
and your university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your
isp with theschool'.
It can determine which serial port your modem is on, but the serial
port must already be configured. This is normally done when installing
It can help you set your nameservers, or, if your ISP uses 'dynamic
DNS', it can set up ppp to use that.
It can configure ppp for demand dialing, so that your ppp connection
will come up automatically. It will not, however, start pppd for you.
You must still start pppd yourself ('pon' will do it). Pppd will then
wait in the background for you to attempt to access the Net and bring
up the link.
/etc/ppp/peers/provider is the standard pppd options file for the
default service provider.
/etc/ppp/peers/<name> is the pppd options file for the provider that
you have named <name>.
/etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak is a backup copy of
/etc/chatscripts/provider is the standard chat script for the default
service provider.
/etc/chatscripts/<name> is the chat script for the provider that you
have named <name>.
/etc/chatscripts/provider.bak is a backup copy of
/etc/ppp/resolv is a directory where resolv.conf files for each
provider are stored.
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up is a script that arranges for the correct
resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection comes up.
/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down is a script that arranges for the original
resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection goes down.
/etc/init.d/dns-clean is a script that runs 0dns-down at bootup to
clean up any mess left by a crash.
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets are described in the
pppd documentation. pppconfig may add lines to these files and will
change lines that it proviously added.
pppconfig requires pppd 2.3.7 or higher.
Add full support for MSCHAP.
Don't tell pppconfig to find your modem while pppd is running.
pon(1), poff(1), gpppon(1), plog(1), pppd(8), chat(8), and whiptail(1).
pppconfig was written by John Hasler <[email protected]>.
This man page may be treated as if it was in the public domain.
Debian GNU/Linux Version 2.0.9 PPPCONFIG(8)
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