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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     solidview - display the results of	a finite element analysis program

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     solidview [ options ] model [ models ... ]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     Solidview takes data calculated by	a finite element analysis program and
     allows the	user to	interact with it.  In its most basic form, solidview
     displays polygonal	data and allows	you to orient a	cutting	plane through
     the objects.  The appearance of the models	will vary depending on which
     4D	machine	solidview is running on; on GT systems,	the area outside the
     cutting plane will	be semi-transparent; on	systems	that cannot do alphablending,
 the transparent area will be rendered in	wireframe.

     Data may also have	additional information associated with it; this	data
     usually represents	stresses inside	the object and is calculated by	a finite
 element analysis program, although the	values can represent other
     paramaters	(i.e. temperature, turbulence, etc).  This data	is represented
     by	different colors in the	transparent half of the	object.

     Both the object itself and	the stresses associated	with it	can be animated;
 for example, you can observe how the stresses on a piston change as
     it	goes through the combustion cycle.  Note that all of this information
     is	already	stored in the data file, and solidview merely interpolates
     between the pre-comupted 'frames' of data.

     Finally, solidview	can communicate	with a separate	analysis program
     through shared memory, displaying the results as they are calculated.  If
     the environment variable SOLIDVIEW_ANALYSIS is set	to the name of an
     analysis program, solidview will try to start it up and communicate with
     it	if analysis is turned on (see the description of the analysis menu entry

Interface    [Toc]    [Back]

     Solidview is controlled by	using the mouse, keyboard, and popup menus.
     Note that the popup menus are designed so that it is easy to choose
     several options at	a time at any given submenu level; the menus stay up
     until you choose their gray title bar.  Here is a complete	description of
     the interface.

     Left Mouse    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This button moves the	objects	closer or farther away when the	button
	  is held down and the mouse is	moved toward the top or	bottom of the

     Middle Mouse    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This button rotates the object based on the mouse's absolute position
 on the screen.

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     Left+Middle Mouse
	  Holding both buttons down reorients the cutting plane	based on the
	  mouse's absolute position on the screen.  (If	iso-contours are enabled,
 these keys may	control	the iso-contours; see 'I' command

     Right Mouse    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Brings up popup menus.

   Keyboard Commands    [Toc]    [Back]
     Space Bar
	  Will pause/unpause any animation or auto-rotation of the cutting
	  plane	and scene.  Mouse and keyboard input is	processed even when
	  solidview is paused.

     '+/-' keys
	  When animating, the +	and - keys will	step forward/backward a	frame.

     'S' key
	  When run with	the -iso iso-contour command line option, the 'S' key
	  will enable the calculation and display of iso-contours.

     'I' key
	  When iso-contours are	enabled, the 'I' key will make the left+middle
	  mouse	buttons	control	the position of	the iso-contour	surface.  Positioning
 the	mouse to the far left of the window corresponds	to low
	  values of stress, the	right side to high values.  'XYZR' keys	These
	  keys control cutting-plane motion (with the left and middle mouse
	  buttons held down).  'R', the	default, will allow you	to rotate the
	  cutting plane.  'X', 'Y', and	'Z' allow you to translate the cutting
	  plane	along its YZ, XZ, and XY axes, respectively.  'D' key This key
	  will dump the	current	values for the scene and cutting plane rotations
	to standard output in the form of ATTRIBUTE commands that can
	  be put inside	model files to control the default orientations	and

   Menus    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This menu changes based on what parts	have been added	to the
	  display.  The	currently selected part	will have arrows around	its
	  name;	the To choose a	different object, just select that menu	entry.
	  The 'Add Model' option lets you add all of the parts in a model to
	  the display.	Note that this will be the only	entry on the menu if
	  no parts have	been added.  Also note that a part may be added	more
	  than once (although it doesn't make a	lot of sense to	do so).
	  'Delete' removes the part from the display; you may add it again using
 'Add Model'.  'Toggle' will toggle the part on and off; if it is
	  off, it is not displayed.  'Modify' will bring up another set	of
	  menus	that allows you	to change how the part is displayed.  The
	  first	eight entries let you choose the paramater you want to change
	  (it will be surrounded by arrows); the 'Display' sub-menu changes
	  how (or if) that part	is displayed.  Usually,	only the front,	back

									Page 2


	  and cut surfaces of the part are displayed.  Here are	descriptions
	  of the surfaces that can be displayed	and how	they can be displayed.

	  All Polygons
	       Allows you to display all of the	polygons (both internal	and
	       external) in the	object (see the	'Display' options below).

	  Outer	Surface
	       Controls	the display of the polygons on the outer surface of
	       the model.

	  Front	Surface
	       Controls	the display of the polygons in front of	the clipping
	       plane.  They are	usually	displayed as alpha-blended stress
	       values (lines on	machines that can't alpha-blend).

	  Cut Surface
	       Controls	the display of the polygons formed by the intersection
	       of the model and	the cutting plane.  Usually they are displayed
	       as polygonal stress values.

	  Back Surface
	       Controls	the display of the polygons in back of the clipping
	       plane.  Usually they are	displayed as lighted polygons using
	       the 'silver' material.

	  Iso-Contour Surface
	       If solidview is started with the	'-iso' command line option,
	       then it can comput iso-contour surfaces inside the data.	 An
	       iso-contour surface is a	surface	inside the model where all
	       stress values are the same.  You	must first turn	on isocontouring
 by pressing the 's' key on the keyboard.  Pressing
	       the 'i' key will	make the left+middle mouse buttons control
	       which contour to	display	instead	of re-orienting	the clipping
	       plane.  Turning off other the display of	other parts, turning
	       on this option, and then	animating the stresses can yield a
	       very nice display.

	  Front	Surface	of Iso-Contour

	  Back Surface of Iso-Contour
	       These two options don't do anything in the current version of

	       The options in this sub-menu allow you to change	the display of
	       whatever	paramater is chosen above.

		    Display as solid polygons.	The color of the polygons
		    depends on the Stresses, Materials,	User Materials,	and
		    Alpha options (see below).

									Page 3


		    Display in wireframe.  The color of	the lines depends on
		    the	Stresses, Materials, User Materials, and Alpha options
		    (see below).

	       Hidden Lines
		    This option	is currently broken, but will be fixed.

		    The	colors of the polygons or lines	displayed will be
		    determined by the stress values in the model at that

		    The	colors of the polygons or lines	will depend on the
		    surface normal at each point and the material chosen.
		    Note that currently	iso-contour surfaces have no surface
		    normals, so	specifying a material for them doesn't work

	       User Materials
		    If you use the -umats command-line option, this entry will
		    allow you to select	a user-defined material.  See the file
		    /usr/demos/Genera_Demos/solidview/data/body.mat for	an example.

		    Turns display of this part of the model completely on or

		    Allows you to specify the alpha-blending component of the
		    part.  An alpha of 0 will make the part totally transparent,
 an	alpha of 255 will make it totally opaque.

     Motion    [Toc]    [Back]
	  These	options	allow you to control how things	move.

	  Spin Scene
	       If on, the entire scene will rotate by itself.  This option is
	       turned on by default.  The space	bar will pause the display until
 it is hit again.

	  Spin Plane
	       on, the cutting plane will rotate by itself.  This option is
	       tured off by default.  The space	bar will pause the display until
 it is hit again.

	       A solidview file	may contain several 'frames' of	data, showing
	       a model in various positions with various stresses associated
	       with it.	 solidview can interpolate between these frames, gen

									Page 4


	       erating real-time animated sequences.

		    Allows you to animate the movement of models.  Either the
		    entire model may move (in the case of the piston model,
		    for	example), or part of the model may stretch/bend/twist
		    (in	the case of the	beam models, for example).

		    Allows you to animate the stress values associated with a
		    model as it	moves.

	       Type Solidview will interpolate the data	in two different ways;
		    using a sine wave, which gives a smooth, cyclic effect, or
		    as a simple	linear ramp, running from the beginning	of the
		    cycle to the end and then abruptly starting	over again.

		    Allows you to control the range of time values over	which
		    the	animation takes	place.

		    Allows you to control how finely solidview interpolates
		    the	intermediate stresses and displacements; a large value
		    gives you very smooth motion, but is correspondingly

		    Resets animation values back to their default values.

	       Attempts	to start up the	program	specified in the
	       'SOLIDVIEW_ANALYSIS' environment	variable and communicate with
	       it through shared memory	to generate displacement and stress
	       values in real time.  This option is likely to change or	disappear
 with the next version of solidview;	more general analysis
	       is being	integrated into	the code.  Documentation on the	shared
	       library interface will be written when the code is stable.

	       Resets the view and turns the 'Scene Spin' and 'Plane Spin' options

     Stress    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This entry allows you	to determine which stresses are	displayed;
	  sig1,	sig2, and sig3 correspond to the element of stress in the x,
	  y, and z directions, while SI	and SE are the elements	of stress in
	  the two vector coordinates.  Real Time Stress	will be	supported in
	  the next version of solidview.

									Page 5


     Light Color    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Lets you change the color of the light source.

     Light Type    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Lets you change the type of light (inifinite or local).

     Other    [Toc]    [Back]
	  A few	miscellaneous, useful options:

	  Save Image
	       Saves a RGB image file containing the contents of solidview's
	       window into the model files' directory.	Note that you must
	       have write permission in	that directory for this	option to
	       work.  The filename used	will be	the name of the	last model added
 to the display, with	a number and the extension '.rgb' added
 to the name (i.e. "engine.fea.1.rgb").  Image files may be
	       displayed using the ipaste(1) program.

	       If on, will write lots of information about the calculations it
	       is performing to	the window it was run from.

	       If on, will write out information when objects are loaded and
	       during other lengthy activities.	 Verbose is on by default.

     Exit Makes	solidview go away cleanly.  It is a good idea to use this menu
	  entry, since if you just kill	solidview any programs it might	have
	  started up (like thermal) will hang around, eating up	CPU time.

Options    [Toc]    [Back]

     Most command line options may be preceded by 'no' to turn them off; some
     options take arguments, which should be separated from the	option by a
     space or tab character.

	  Automatically	detect sharp edges.  If	two polygons that share	an
	  edge have greatly differing face normals (controled by the edge
	  tolerance paramater; see below), solidview will create separate vertex
 normals for each polygon to preserve the sharp edge.  Off	by default.

     -edge_tol x
	  Defines the edge tolerance paramater.	 0.1 by	default.

	  Allows iso-contour generation.  Off by default.

     -iso_mem x
	  Force	larger iso-contour memory.  x is the number of iso-contour polygons
 allocated per polygon in the model, and is 1 by default.

									Page 6


	  Inform the user of progress by writing messages to stderr.  On by

	  Print	statistics about the program as	it does	its calculations.  Off
	  by default.

	  Keep aspect ratio 1 to 1 when	starting.  This	only applies to	initial
 size of the window; the window may later	be resized to a	different
 aspect	ratio.	Off by default.

     -umats file
	  Use the user-defined material	definitions contained in named file.
	  Normally, no user-defined materials are available.

     -fovy x
	  Define the field-of-view, in degrees.	 Defaults to 60.0 degrees.

     -near x
	  Define near clipping plane.  Defaults	to 0.1.

     -far x
	  Define far clipping plane.  Defaults to 5.0.

	  Start	window in a pre-defined	position.  Off by default.

     -xorg n
	  Define x-origin used by -prefpos.  Default is	100.

     -yorg n
	  Define y-origin used by -prefpos.  Default is	100.

     -xdim n
	  Define width used by -prefpos.  Default is 800.

     -ydim n
	  Define height	used by	-prefpos.  Default is 800.

     -machine str
	  Force	machine	type to	str.  Defaults to the string returned by the
	  gversion(3) call.  This affects the default setting of -alpha,
	  -czclear and -quad (see below).  See gversion(3) for valid machine

	  Start	in alpha-blending mode.	 On by default for GT-type machines,
	  off for G's and Personal Irises.

									Page 7


	  Allow	czclear	usage.	Czclear	is a command that speeds up graphics
	  by clearing both the color bitplanes and the z-buffer	on certain
	  machines.  On	by default for machines	that benefit from it.

	  Force	quad-word alignment.  Data aligned on quad-word	boundaries is
	  sent to the graphics hardware	much faster, improving performance.
	  On by	default.

FILE FORMATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Currently,	solidview accepts three	kinds of input formats.	 One of	the
     formats is	obtained from the results of the ANSYS finite element program.
     The other format is derived from the results of FEAP (Finite Element
     Analysis Program) and the third format is polygonal data.	The following
     sections explain the syntax of these three	formats.  The text following
     the ';' is	a line by line explanation of the syntax;  it is not the part
     of	the input file.	 The words in lower case are variables.	 Solidview
     files should be named 'filename.fea', although this naming	convention is
     not enforced.

   FORMAT I (Ansys)    [Toc]    [Back]
     Following is the content of the input file	obtained from ANSYS:

     PART: partname	  ; the	name of	the part. A file can have multiple parts
			  ; partname cannot have embedded blanks
     FEM: ANSYS		  ; indicates that the part is in ANSYS	file format
     NODES 6		  ; indicates that a list of nodes follows
     nn			  ; number of nodes
     1	x y z u	v w	  ; x y	z are x	y and z	coordinates (real)
     2	x y z u	v w	  ; u v	w are currently	ignored	but need to be present
     nn	x y z u	v w
     ELEMENTS 12	  ; indicates that a list of elements follow
     ne			  ; number of elements (must be	8 noded	brick elements)
     1 mat rel type n1 n2 ... n8 ;  set	mat = rel = type = 1
     2 mat rel type n1 n2 ... n8 ;  n1 to n8 defines the element
     ne	mat rel	type n1	n2 ... n8 ;
     STRESSES 5		  ; indicates that a list of stresses follow per node
     ns			  ; ns = nn
     1 s1 s2 s3	s4 s5 s6  ;
     DISPLACEMENTS 3	  ; list of nodal displacements	follow
     nd			  ; number of displacements entries = nx
     1 d1 d2 d3		  ; x y	and z displacement (real) of a node

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     nd	d1 d2 d3
     PART: part2	  ; if a file has more than one	part ...

   FORMAT II (FEAP)    [Toc]    [Back]
     Following is the content of the input file	obtained from FEAP:

     PART: partname	  ; part name (no embedded blanks allowed)
     FEM: FEAP		  ; indicates that the part is in FEAP format
     PC-FEAP: Three Dim.. ; title card
     nn	ne nm nsd ndn nne ; # of nodes,	# of elements, # of materials,
			  ; # of spatial degree	of freedom (3),	# of degree of
			  ; freedom per	node, #	of nodes per element (8).
     x y z		  ; x y	and z coordinates of nn	nodes.
     x y z		  ; last node (nn)
     n1	n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 m1	; n1 to	n8 are nodes of	brick element, m1 is mtl.
     n1	n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 m1	; last element (ne)
     b1	b2 b3		  ; boundary condition codes per node per DOF. (integers)
	     .		  ; eg.	if ndn = 3 we will have	3 entries per line
	     .		  ; -1 means fixed DOF,	0 means	free
     b1	b2 b3		  ; last node (nn)
     f1	f2 f3		  ; specified forces and displacements code (real)
	     .		  ; -1 means displacement, 0 means force
     f1	f2 f3		  ; for	last node (nn)
     t1			  ; nodal temperatures
     tnn		  ; for	last node (nn)
     m1	m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 ; material dof map (integers)	per material
     mv1 mv2 mv3 ... mv18 ; material values (real) per material
     Nodal Stess = ...	  ; Stress title
     ns	nn		  ; # of stresses and #	of nodes
     s1	s2 s3 ... sns	  ; stresses per node
     s1	s2 s3 ... sns	  ; last node (nn)
     Displacement Time .. ; title for displacement
     nd	nn		  ; # of displacement and # of nodes
     d1	d2 ... dnd	  ; displacement per node
     d1	d2 ... dnd	  ; last node (nn)

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   FORMAT III (Polygonal Data)    [Toc]    [Back]
     Following is the content of the input file	which has polygonal data :

     PART: partname	  ; name of the	part (no embedded blanks allowed)
     ATTRIBUTE:	MATERIALS m1 m2	m3 m4 m5 ; these are materials for diff. polygons
			  ; 0 is default, 101,102 are user defined mtls.
			  ; m1 if for all polygons
			  ; m2 is for outer polygons
			  ; m3 is for polygons behind the cutting plane
			  ; m4 is for polygons on the cutting plane
			  ; m5 is for polygons in front	of the cutting plane
     ATTRIBUTE:	SCENE_ORIENTATION     ;	xyz angle, representing	the axis
				      ;	 to rotate around, and amount to
				      ;	 rotate
     ATTRIBUTE:	SCENE_ROTATION	   ; xyz angle
     ATTRIBUTE:	PLANE_ROTATION	   ; xyz angle
     FEM: POLYGON	       ; indicates that	the part is in polygonal data
     Polygons generated	by ... ; title card
     nn			  ; number of nodes
     x y z		  ; x y	and z coordinates for nodes
     x y z		  ; for	last node (nn)
     np			  ; number of polygons
     m nv n1 n2	n3 ... nnv; material type, # of	vertex per poly, vertex	list
     m nv n1 n2	n3 ... nnv; for	last polygon (np)
     Stresses		  ; title card
     ns	nn		  ; number of stresses (<= 6) and number of nodes
     s1	... sns		  ;
     s1	... sns		  ; for	last node (nn)
     Displacements	  ; title card
     nd	nn		  ; number of displacement and number of nodes
     d1	... ndn		  ; displacement per node
     d1	... ndn		  ; for	last node (nn)

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     /usr/demos/General_Demos/solidview/data  contains sample data files.
     These are ascii files; see	them for examples of the formats accepted by

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The menu structure	should be replaced with	a panel	interface.

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     Front/Back	surface	of iso-contour option doesn't work.

     Hidden line option	doesn't	work.

     The program exits if it is	unsuccessful at	opening	the image file for the
     'Save Image' option.

AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Jim Winget

								       PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11111111
[ Back ]
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