peer_encaps_config(4) peer_encaps_config(4)
peer_encaps_config - SNMP version one subagent encapsulator configuration
This file controls the behavior of the peer_encaps(1M) daemon. It
contains information about each SNMP version one subagent that runs on
the local system. The peer_encaps daemon registers each subtree with the
peer_snmpd master daemon, then for each request converts the possibly
version two protocol request into version one packets and forwards it to
the encapsulated subagent. Each response is then converted back into the
requesting version and sent back.
The format of this file is:
[AGENT [ON HOST <ip>] [AT PORT <port>] [WITH COMMUNITY community]
SUBTREES <treelist> [FORWARD traplist TRAPS] ; ]+
ip ::= <hostname> | <ipaddr>
ipaddr ::= <d>.<d>.<d>.<d>
d ::= 0..255
port ::= 1..65535
community ::= <string> | <hexstring>
hexstring ::= 0x<hexdigits>
treelist ::= oid | oid , treelist
oid ::= decimal | decimal . oid
decimal ::= 0..4294967295
traplist ::= ALL | NO | onlylist | exceptlist
onlylist ::= ONLY kindlist
exceptlist ::= ALL EXCEPT kindlinst
kindlist ::= kind | kind , kindlist
kind ::= enterpise generic
enterprise ::= ANY | ENTERPRISE oid
generic ::= coldStart | warmStart | linkDown | linkUp |
authenticationFailure | egpNeighborLoss | specific
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peer_encaps_config(4) peer_encaps_config(4)
specific ::= enterpriseSpecific (s)
s ::= d | range
range ::= d .. d
where constructs in braces "[]" are optional, and constructs enclosed in
braces "[]" and followed by a '+' may be repeated one or more times (at
least one occurrence must be present).
Each line must begin with an AGENT keyword followed by the information
about that agent. You can have the requests sent to a different system
using the optional ON HOST keywords followed by a hostname or address of
the remote system. You should almost always specify an alternate port
using the ON PORT keyword followed by a port number, since the master
agent peer_snmpd(1M) is typically running on the default SNMP port. You
can specify the community information using the WITH COMMUNITY keywords
followed by the community information which overrides the community
string from the request. You must always specify a list of subtrees
using the SUBTREES keyword followed by a comma separated list of SNMP
OIDs. Finally, you can specify a list of traps to forward using the
FORWARD keyword followed by a trap specification and ending with the
TRAPS keyword.
An example follows:
This specifies a subagent running on the local system UDP port 1161 which
handles a number of SNMP subtrees. All requests are forwarded using the
public community, and all traps are forwarded.
The peer_encaps daemon is based on PEER Networks' OptiMate product. PEER
Networks is a division of BMC Software Inc.
peer_encaps(1M), peer_snmpd(1M),
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