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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     arrayd.conf, arrayd.auth -	array services configuration files

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]


DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The arrayd.conf and arrayd.auth files are used to describe	the
     configuration of one or more arrays to the	array services daemon.	The
     default configuration files are "/usr/lib/array/arrayd.conf" and
     "/usr/lib/array/arrayd.auth", although the	system administrator can
     override this or specify additional files.	 Every machine running an
     array services daemon (which should be every machine that is part of an
     array) must have its own configuration file or files.  The	configuration
     files contain information about which arrays are known to the array
     services daemon and the machines in each of them, the commands that can
     be	executed by the	array services daemon, various local options, and
     information used for authenticating messages passed between array
     services daemons on different machines.

     The arrayd.conf file is typically readable	by all users while the
     arrayd.auth file is generally readable only by root.  Other than their
     initial access permissions	upon installation, there is no functional
     difference	between	the two	files; either may contain any sort of
     configuration information.	 However, because arrayd.auth is not readable
     by	most users it is most appropriate for secure information such as
     authentication keys, while	arrayd.conf is intended	to contain public
     information such as the array and command definitions.

     The initial configuration files that are installed	with array services
     are very minimal: they describe a single array made up only of the	local
     machine, several basic "starter" commands (see array(1) for more
     information), and no authentication.  Every site installing array
     services will need	to customize the configuration file to describe	their
     local arrangement.

   GENERAL SYNTAX    [Toc]    [Back]
     The configuration file itself is made up of regular human-readable	ASCII
     text.  Blank lines	and comments (introduced by a "#" character) are
     ignored.  There are four types of entries in the configuration file:
     array definitions,	command	definitions, local options, and	authentication
     information.  A typical entry may consist of several subentries; by
     convention, each should be	on a separate line.  Similarly,	some
     subentries	may have options, which	probably ought to be on	separate lines
     as	well.  Leading whitespace is ignored, so subentries and	options	can
     (and should) be indented for improved readability.	 The entries in	a
     configuration file	and the	subentries within an individual	entry need not
     be	in any particular order.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

   ARGUMENTS    [Toc]    [Back]
     Most of the various entries, subentries and options take arguments.
     Arguments come in several varieties:

     names   These are simple identifiers, similar to variable names.  They
	     can contain upper and lower case letters, the characters "-" and
	     "_", and numeric digits (although the first character must	not be
	     a digit).

     numbers These are treated as signed 64-bit	integers and may be specified
	     in	hex, octal or decimal, with hex	values being preceded by "0x"
	     and octal values being preceded by	"0".

     environment variables
	     A name preceded by	a "$" is presumed to refer to an environment
	     variable and will be substituted accordingly.

     strings Any arbitrary string of characters	enclosed in double quotes.
	     Double quotes and backslashes can be embedded within the string
	     by	preceding them with a backslash.  Newlines and tabs can	be
	     included using "\n" and "\t", respectively.  A real newline may
	     also be embedded by preceding it with a backslash,	thus allowing
	     a string to span several lines in a configuration file.

     substitution variables
	     A name preceded by	a "%" is referred to as	a "substitution
	     variable" and will	be replaced with some other value.  Recognized
	     substitution variables include:

	     %1, %2, ..., %9
		     These represent the first nine arguments specified	for an
		     array command.  For example, if a user invokes an array
		     command with "array killjob 1354 token", then %1 would be
		     replaced with "1354" (the first argument to the command
		     "killjob")	and %2 would be	replaced with "token".
		     Arguments that don't exist	(%3 in this case, for example)
		     will be replaced with an empty string.

		     This will be replaced with	all of the arguments that were
		     specified for an array command.  When used	with
		     subentries	that take multiple arguments, each individual
		     command-line argument will	be treated as an individual
		     argument in the subentry as well.	When used with
		     subentries	that take only a single	argument, only the
		     first command-line	argument will actually be substituted.

	     %ARRAY  This will be replaced with	the name of the	array that is
		     the target	of the current array command.  This is
		     primarily of use when a machine belongs to	two or more
		     separate arrays.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

	     %ASH    This will be replaced with	the array session handle of
		     the program that invoked the current array	command.  It
		     will be in	hex and	will be	preceded with the string "0x".

	     %GROUP  This will be replaced with	the name corresponding to the
		     effective group ID	of the process that invoked the
		     current array command.

	     %LOCAL  This will be replaced with	the name of the	local machine,
		     as	specified in a LOCAL HOSTNAME entry.  This could be
		     useful if several machines	share a	configuration file
		     containing	commands.

	     %ORIGIN This will be replaced with	the primary hostname of	the
		     network interface that transmitted	the request from the
		     client machine.  If the client and	server are the same
		     machine, then this	will be	"localhost".  This is often
		     not the same as the client's machine name since it	will
		     typically include the network name	as well	(e.g.
		     "machine.domain.com", not just "machine").

		     This variable is valid only as part of a MERGE command.
		     This will be replaced with	a list of one or more
		     temporary files.  Each file will contain the output from
		     a single machine of the related array command.  When the
		     merge command is finished,	the temporary files will
		     automatically be removed.	The files in the list are not
		     in	any particular order; if the merge command needs to
		     know which	machine	a specific file	came from, the
		     original array command should include that	data in	its
		     output.  When used	with subentries	that take multiple
		     arguments,	each individual	pathname will be treated as an
		     individual	argument in the	subentry as well.  When	used
		     with subentries that take only a single argument, only
		     the first output file pathname will actually be

		     This will be replaced with	the name corresponding to the
		     project ID	of the process that invoked the	current	array

		     If	the process that invoked the current array command has
		     different real and	effective group	IDs, then this will be
		     replaced with the name corresponding to the real group
		     ID.  If the real and effective group IDs are the same,
		     then "<same>" will	be substituted instead.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

		     If	the process that invoked the current array command has
		     different real and	effective user IDs, then this will be
		     replaced with the name corresponding to the read user ID.
		     If	the real and effective user IDs	are the	same, then
		     "<same>" will be substituted instead.

	     %USER   This will be replaced with	the name corresponding to the
		     effective user ID of the process that invoked the current
		     array command.

     Note that the names of these substitution variables may be	in either
     upper or lower case.  If an unrecognized variable name is specified, a
     warning will be issued and	the variable will be replaced with an empty

     substitution functions
	     A substitution variable followed immediately by one or more
	     arguments enclosed	in parentheses is a "substitution function".
	     The arguments of a	substitution function can generally be
	     anything that is valid as the argument of an entry	or subentry,
	     except for	another	substitution function.	Recognized
	     substitution functions include:

		  This will be replaced	with the command argument specified by
		  number, which	obviously should be a numeric value.  If the
		  argument does	not exist, a warning is	generated and an empty
		  string is substituted.

		  This is similar to %ARG(...) except that no warning is
		  generated if the specified argument does not exist.  This is
		  useful for specifying	optional arguments.

		  ash specifies	an array session handle.  This will be
		  replaced with	a list of all process IDs that belong to the
		  specified array session on the local machine.	 For entries
		  that take more than one argument, each PID will be treated
		  as a separate	argument (see %ALLARGS).

     As	with substitution variables, an	unrecognized substitution function
     will be replaced with an empty string and will cause a warning to be

     literal arguments
	     A literal argument	is any argument	that can be evaluated when the
	     array services daemon is first started.  This includes names,
	     strings, numbers, and environment variables, but specifically
	     does NOT include substitution variables or	functions.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

     numeric arguments
	     A numeric argument	is an argument that can	be resolved to a
	     numeric value when	the array services daemon is first started.
	     This includes actual numbers, of course, as well as strings and
	     environment variables.  An	error will occur in these latter cases
	     if	they cannot be converted to proper numeric values.

   ARRAY ENTRIES    [Toc]    [Back]
     As	the name would imply, an array entry is	a configuration	file entry
     that defines the machines and other details that make up a	particular
     array.  The general format	looks like this:

	     ARRAY array-name
		     ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE name<b>=value
		     ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE litarg<b>...
		     IDENT number
		     SEQFILE pathname
		     MACHINE machine-name-1
			     machine options
		     MACHINE machine-name-2

     Keywords such as ARRAY, MACHINE and IDENT may be in either	upper or lower
     case; upper case is used here to distinguish them from other fields.  The
     various subentries	do not necessarily have	to occur in any	particular
     order.  However, they should not appear between options in	a MACHINE

     array-name	is the name that will be used to refer to the array as a
     whole; it may be of any length.  By default, array	name "me" is used to
     define the	local host only.  The words "all" or "ALL" or "All" are
     reserved for internal use,	so please do not use these words for array
     name.  arrayd skips these words while reading the arrayd.conf file. This
     is	the name that would be used with the "-a" option of the	array(1)

     The ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE subentry is used to specify one or more arbitrary
     values that will be maintained in the configuration database but will
     otherwise be ignored by the array services	daemon.	 Programs that obtain
     array configuration information (for example, using the aslistarrays(3X)
     function) will be provided	with a list of these attributes.  Thus,	these
     could be useful for maintaining miscellaneous configuration information
     that may be needed	by other programs.  The	ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE	subentry may
     be	specified more than once.  If the attribute starts with	a simple
     identifer followed	by an equal sign, then the remainder of	the line (with
     multiple blanks and tabs converted	to a single space) will	be appended to
     form a single attribute.  Such an attribute could be used along with the
     asgetattr(3x) function in a manner	similar	to environment variables.  If
     the attribute is formed of	any other literal argument, then it is
     presumed to end as	soon as	white space is encountered.  In	this case,
     multiple attributes could be specified on a single	line.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

     The SEQFILE subentry specifies the	pathname of a file used	to keep	an
     array session sequence number for the array.  The default sequence	file
     is	located	in the directory specified by LOCAL DIR	(see below) and	has a
     name formed by appending the array	name to	the string ".seqfile.".

     The IDENT subentry	specifies a numeric value that is used when generating
     global array session handles for the array.  No other array should	have
     the same IDENT value.  If an IDENT	value is not specified,	a random one
     will be generated.	 The value should be in	the range of 1-32767.

     Each MACHINE subentry specifies a single machine that is a	member of the
     array.  Each ARRAY	entry must have	at least one MACHINE subentry.
     machine-name is the name that is used to refer to this machine.
     Ordinarily	this would be the machine's hostname, though that is merely a
     convention	and not	a requirement.

     A MACHINE subentry	may have zero or more options.	These include:

     MACHINE_ATTRIBUTE litarg<b>...   or	name<b>=value
	     The MACHINE_ATTRIBUTE option is similar to	the ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE
	     subentry in that it is used to specify one	or more	arbitrary
	     values that will be maintained in the configuration database but
	     will otherwise be ignored by the array services daemon.  Programs
	     that obtain machine configuration information (for	example, using
	     the aslistmachines(3X) function) will be provided with a list of
	     these attributes.	Thus, these could be useful for	maintaining
	     miscellaneous configuration information that may be needed	by
	     other programs.  The MACHINE_ATTRIBUTE option may be specified
	     more than once, and has the same syntax as	ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE.

     [SERVER] HOSTNAME string
	     to	specify	the full hostname or IP	address	of the machine.	 The
	     value should be enclosed in double	quotes.	 If a HOSTNAME is not
	     specified,	the machine name will be used.	The string SERVER is

     SERVER IDENT number
	     to	specify	the numeric identifier of the array services daemon on
	     that machine.  This value may be used for generating global array
	     session handles or	uniquely identifying the machine.  If a	SERVER
	     IDENT is specified	for a machine, it should match the LOCAL IDENT
	     that is specified in that machine's local array services
	     configuration file.  Note that unlike the HOSTNAME	and PORT
	     options, the string SERVER	that comes before IDENT	is required.

     [SERVER] PORT number
	     to	specify	which port the array services daemon for this machine
	     is	listening on.  This would override the default port number of
	     5434.  The	string SERVER is optional.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

   COMMAND DEFINITIONS.    [Toc]    [Back]
     A command entry defines the actual	program	that is	invoked	by the array
     services daemon when it receives an array command.	 Its format is similar
     to	an array entry,	and looks like this:

	     COMMAND cmd-name
		     INVOKE any-args<b>...
		     MERGE any-args<b>...
		     GROUP any-arg
		     PROJECT any-arg
		     USER any-arg
		     OPTIONS litarg<b>...

     cmd-name specifies	the actual command name.  This is what the user	would
     use when invoking the command with	array(1).

     The INVOKE	subentry specifies the actual program to be executed, plus any
     arguments that should be supplied to it.  Any number of arguments may be
     specified for the INVOKE subentry.	 Groups	of arguments that are not
     separated by white	space will be concatenated to form single values
     (white space embedded in a	string is not considered to be "white space"
     for these purposes).  Each	resulting value	will be	passed to the program
     to	be executed as a single	argument.  Thus, if a user typed "array	foo a
     b c", and the INVOKE subentry for the command "foo" were:

	     INVOKE /usr/bin/test%1 %2"this is a test" %3

     the argument list for the program to be executed would consist of:

	     argv[0] = "/usr/bin/testa"
	     argv[1] = "bthis is a test"
	     argv[2] = "c"

     Note that the first value in the argument list also specifies the actual
     pathname of the program to	be executed ("/usr/bin/testa" in this case).
     The array services	daemon does /f2not/f1 have a search path, so this must
     specify either an absolute	path to	the file to be executed, or a path
     relative to the array services daemon's current directory (see the	DIR
     local option).

     The MERGE subentry	is used	to specify a "merge command".  Ordinarily,
     when an array command is run on several machines, the results and output
     from each machine are returned as separate	streams	of data.  However, if
     a merge command is	specified, it will be run after	the array command
     itself has	been completed on all machines,	and only the results and
     output of the merge command will be returned.  When used with the
     %OUTFILES substitution variable, this could be a convenient way to
     consolidate or summarize the results of the array command.	 The merge
     command is	executed in the	same was as a normal INVOKE command, except
     that it always runs on the	same machine as	the array services daemon,
     even if that particular machine is	not a member of	the array that the
     array command was run on.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

     The GROUP,	PROJECT	and USER subentries are	all optional and specify the
     name of the group,	project	and user that the program should be run	under.
     Each of these take	a single argument.  To run with	the ID's of the	user
     that invoked the array command, these could be specified as %GROUP,
     %PROJECT and %USER, respectively.	If these are not specified for a
     particular	command	entry, they will default first to the values set in
     the local options,	or if those are	not present, to	user and group "guest"
     and project 0.  By	default, the GROUP and USER subentries only affect the
     effective group and user IDs of the program; the real group and user IDs
     will be the same as those of the process that invoked the program.	 This
     behavior can be changed using the SETRGID and SETRUID command options
     (see below).

     The OPTIONS subentry is used to specify additional	details	about how the
     command should be processed.  It should be	followed by one	or more
     arguments from the	following list.	 The arguments may be in either	upper
     or	lower case.  They may also be preceded by the string "NO" to negate
     their effects.

	  Execute the command on the same machine as the array services	daemon
	  only,	even if	a target array was specified explicitly	or by default.

	  Execute the command in a new global array session.  Normally the
	  command would	be run in the same array session as the	process	that
	  invoked it.

	  Discard any output generated by the command.	If a merge command has
	  been specified, QUIET	applies	to the merge command and not the
	  invoke command.  This	would allow a merge command to quietly act on
	  the output of	the invoke commands.

	  Run the command with both its	real and effective group IDs set to
	  the value specified by the GROUP subentry.  Normally,	only the
	  effective group ID is	taken from the GROUP subentry, while the real
	  group	ID is taken from the process that invoked the command.

	  Run the command with both its	real and effective user	IDs set	to the
	  value	specified by the USER subentry.	 Normally, only	the effective
	  user ID is taken from	the USER subentry, while the real user ID is
	  taken	from the process that invoked the command.

     WAIT Wait for each	invoked	program	to complete execution before returning
	  control to the process that requested	the command.  This is the
	  default behavior.  If	NOWAIT is specified then control is returned
	  to the requestor immediately after starting the invoked programs.
	  NOWAIT implies QUIET and causes any merge command to be ignored.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

   LOCAL OPTIONS.    [Toc]    [Back]
     A local options entry specifies options to	be used	by the array services
     daemon itself.  If	more than one local options entry is specified,
     settings in later entries will silently override those in earlier
     entries.  A local options entry looks like	this:

		     DIR literal-arg
		     DESTINATION ARRAY literal-arg
		     GROUP literal-arg
		     HOSTNAME literal-arg
		     IDENT num-arg
		     PORT num-arg
		     PROJECT literal-arg
		     USER literal-arg
		     OPTIONS literal-arg<b>...

     All of the	subentries in a	local entry are	optional.

     The DIR subentry specifies	an absolute pathname for the array services
     daemon's working directory.  The default is "/usr/lib/array".

     The DESTINATION ARRAY subentry specifies the default target array for
     array commands when one has not been specified explicitly by the user.
     There is no default value unless only one array is	defined	(in which case
     it	becomes	the default); if a user	omits the target array and there is no
     default then an error will	occur.

     The GROUP,	PROJECT	and USER subentries specify the	names of the group,
     project and user under which an array command should be run.  A GROUP,
     PROJECT or	USER specified in a particular command entry will always
     override these values.  These default to the group, project and user that
     is	running	the array services daemon.

     The HOSTNAME subentry specifies the value that is returned	by the
     "%LOCAL" substitution variable.  The results of array services commands
     initiated with ascommand(3X) will also refer to this name.	 The default
     is	the actual hostname of the local machine.

     The IDENT subentry	specifies a numeric value that is included in global
     array session handles generated by	this array services daemon.  Some
     versions of IRIX may also make use	of this	value to generate their	own
     global array session handles.  No other array services daemon should have
     the same IDENT value.  If an IDENT	value is not specified,	one will be
     generated from the	hostid of the local machine.  The value	must be	in the
     range of 1-32767.

     The PORT subentry specifies the network port on which this	array services
     daemon will listen	for requests.  The default is the standard sgi-arrayd
     service, 5434.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

     The OPTIONS subentry is used to specify additional	details	about the
     operation of the array services daemon.  It should	be followed by one or
     more arguments from the following list.  The arguments may	be in either
     upper or lower case.  They	may also be preceded by	the string "NO"	to
     negate their effects.

	  Some versions	of IRIX	permit setting a system	"machine identifier",
	  which	is used	by the kernel for generating global array session
	  handles.  If the current system has this facility and	SETMACHID is
	  specified, arrayd will set the machine ID to the value specified by
	  a LOCAL IDENT	statement in the configuration file or on the command
	  line with the	-m option.

	  Instructs arrayd to make certain "paranoid" authentication checks
	  when accepting a connection from a local user, such as ensuring that
	  the user is formally authorized for their current group and project.
	  Note that these checks may fail on systems that have mechanisms for
	  changing the real group or project of	a user to a setting that is
	  not in one of	the "standard" administrative files (e.g. /etc/group
	  or its corresponding NIS map).

	  Instructs arrayd to use SVR4 semantics for the SIGXCPU and SIGXFSZ
	  signals when starting	a new process to handle	a remote execution
	  request (such	as those issued	by arshell(1)).	 In this mode, the new
	  process will ignore SIGXCPU and SIGXFSZ signals unless it
	  specifically alters the behavior for those signals with a system
	  call such as signal(2) or sigset(2).	This is	different from the
	  default behavior for processes started by arrayd to handle remote
	  execution requests, in which SIGXCPU and SIGXFSZ will	cause the
	  process to abort with	a core dump.

     An	authentication information entry is used to describe the type of
     authentication that should	be done	when passing messages to and from
     another array services daemon.  Authentication information	entries	do not
     accumulate: if more than one is encountered in the	various	configuration
     files processed by	an array services daemon, only the last	one will have
     any effect; all information from previous entries will be discarded.
     There is currently	only one type of authentication	provided, though more
     may be provided in	the future.  Its entry looks like this:

		     HOSTNAME literal-arg <b>KEY num-arg
		     HOSTNAME literal-arg <b>KEY num-arg

     This entry	contains one or	more subentries	consisting of machine/key
     pairs.  literal-arg is the	network	hostname of a machine.	Notice that
     the network hostname is not necessarily the same as the "machine name"

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

     used to identify a	machine	in an array entry (see above).	num-arg	is a
     64-bit unsigned integer that is to	be used	as the authentication key for
     all messages originating from that	machine.  If a key of 0	is specified,
     authentication will not be	performed on messages originating from that
     machine.  Similarly, if a machine has no subentry at all, no
     authentication will be performed on messages received from	it.

     If	a machine appears in more than one array entry,	it needs to have only
     one subentry in the authentication	information.  Conversely, the machine
     in	an authentication information subentry does not	need to	appear in any
     array entries.

     With the SIMPLE scheme, a "digital	signature" is calculated for each
     message using the authentication key associated with the sending machine,
     then sent along with the message.	When an	array services daemon receives
     a message from another machine, it	checks its private database for	the
     authentication key	associated with	the machine that sent the message,
     recalculates the digital signature, and ensures that it matches the one
     sent with the message.  This provides some	basic protection against
     forged messages, since a forger (presumably) would	not have access	to the
     authentication key	that is	required to calculate a	proper digital

     Because this approach depends on the secrecy of the authentication	keys,
     it	is important to	put this type of authentication	information entry in a
     configuration file	that is	not accessible to general users	(e.g. the
     arrayd.auth file in the default installation).  Because both the sender
     and receiver need to have the same	authentication key for a given
     machine, the administrator	must take special care to ensure that the
     authentication information	in each	machine's configuration	files are
     consistent	with each other.

     There are some circumstances where	array services may be needed on	an
     "array" of	only one machine (for example, systems that use	the MPI
     message passing library).	For these systems, an alternative to using
     simple authentication is to simply	disallow any requests from remote
     systems.  This can	be done	by specifying an authentication	information
     entry of the form:


     This is the default setting when the array	services are first installed.
     Note that for the purposes	of array services, any request to an IP
     address other than is considered	to be "remote".	 Therefore,
     the HOSTNAME entry	for the	local machine in any array should be either
     "" or "localhost"	if NOREMOTE is being used.  Also note that
     while this	will block any incoming	array services requests	from remote
     machines, it will not prevent outgoing array services requests
     originating on the	local machine from being sent to remote	machines.

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arrayd.conf(4)							arrayd.conf(4)

     If	an array is on a private network with trusted peers, or	perhaps	is
     carefully hidden behind a good firewall, authentication may be
     unnecessary.  It is possible to disable authentication entirely by	using
     an	authentication information entry of the	form:


     However, unless the environment is	reasonably secure, this	should be
     changed the one of	the other authentication settings as soon as possible.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     arrayd(1M), asgetattr(3X),	aslistarrays(3X), aslistmachines(3X),

								       PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11112222
[ Back ]
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array_services IRIX overview of array services
arrayd IRIX array services daemon
inetsvcs.conf HP-UX configuration file for secure internet services
amdsp HP-UX display the status and operating configuration of the disk array
amcfg HP-UX manages LUN (logical drive) configuration on the disk array
miser IRIX configuration files
fpathconf Linux get configuration values for files
lprsetup.dat Tru64 Printer configuration files
lprsetup Tru64 Printer configuration files
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