mvQuery(3dm) mvQuery(3dm)
mvQueryInt, mvQueryDouble, mvQueryPointer - query information about file
#include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
DMstatus mvQueryInt( int querytype, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3,
int *returnValue )
DMstatus mvQueryDouble( int querytype, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3,
double *returnValue )
DMstatus mvQueryPointer( int querytype, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3,
void *returnValue )
querytype is an integer value token representing the type of query
being made.
arg1,...arg4 are integer value tokens representing the query selectors
and/or subtypes. The number of meaningful arguments to
the mvQuery routines varies with the querytype.
mvQuery() and its associated routines are designed to allow an
application to query the movie file library for information about its
supported features.
Possible querytype values (defined in <dmedia/moviefile.h>), and their
appropriate selectors and subtypes:
MV_QUERYTYPE_FILEFMT Queries the supported file formats. arg1 may be the
Request the total number of file formats supported. (int)
MV_QUERY_IDS [Toc] [Back]
Request a list of the available file formats. (pointer)
MV_QUERYTYPE_COMPRESSION Queries the supported compression formats. arg1
may be the following:
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mvQuery(3dm) mvQuery(3dm)
Request the total number of compression formats supported by a
particular file format. arg2 must also be specified. It must
specify a valid file format. Vaild values for arg2 can be retrieved
with a file format query.
MV_QUERY_IDS [Toc] [Back]
Request a list of the compression formats supported by a particular
file format. arg2 must also be specified. It must specify a valid
file format. Vaild values for arg2 can be retrieved with a file
format query.
mvCreateMovie(3dm), mvAddTrack(3dm), mvSetMovieDefaults(3dm), afQuery(3a)
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