mvGetAudioWidth(3dm) mvGetAudioWidth(3dm)
mvGetAudioWidth, mvGetAudioRate, mvGetAudioChannels, mvGetAudioFormat,
mvGetAudioCompression, - get and set the parameters of a an audio track
#include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
int mvGetAudioWidth( MVid audioTrack )
double mvGetAudioRate( MVid audioTrack )
int mvGetAudioChannels( MVid audioTrack )
DMaudioformat mvGetAudioFormat( MVid audioTrack )
const char* mvGetAudioCompression( MVid audioTrack )
All of the data accessed by these functions can also be accessed using
mvGetParamsmvGetAudioWidth returns the number of bits used to store each audio
sample. The movie library supports 8-bit and 16-bit audio samples.
mvGetAudioRate returns the number of samples per second.
mvGetAudioChannels returns the number of audio channels, 1 for mono and 2
for stereo.
mvGetAudioFormat returns the format used to store each sample: either
mvGetAudioCompression returns the compression scheme used for the audio
data in this track. Since movies do not support audio compression, the
only valid value is DM_AUDIO_UNCOMPRESSED. The strings returned are
owned by the movie library and must not be freed. If an application
needs to keep the returned string, it should be copied.
These "get" functions have no indication of error return. The movie
library guarantees that all audio tracks have all of these parameters
mvIntro(3dm), mvCreate(3dm), mvOpen(3dm), mvAddTrack(3dm),
mvOptimize(3dm), mvGetErrno(3dm).
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