sfftm1dui,dfft1mdui(3F) sfftm1dui,dfft1mdui(3F)
sfftm1dui, dfftm1dui - Multiple 1D, FFT Real to Complex workspace
initialization routines.
subroutine SFFTM1DUI( n, workspace )
integer n
real workspace(*)
subroutine DFFTM1DUI( n, workspace )
integer n
double precision workspace(*)
float *sfftm1dui( int n, float *workspace)
double *dfftm1dui( int n, double *workspace)
SFFTM1DUI and DFFTM1DUI initialize the array WORKSPACE which is used in
SFFTM1DU and DFFTM1DU. The prime factorization of N, together with a
tabulation of the trigonometric functions, are computed and stored in
NOTE: These routines are provided only for compatibility with previous
releases of complib.
On entry, N specifies the number of elements in the sequence to be
transformed. Unchanged on exit.
WORKSPACE - Array. [Toc] [Back]
A work array which must be dimensioned at least N + 15.
On exit, WORKSPACE will contain the prime factorization of N, together
with a tabulation of the trigonometric functions.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111 [ Back ]