sfft2du,dfft2du(3F) sfft2du,dfft2du(3F)
dfft2du, sfft2du - 2D Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform.
subroutine DFFT2DU( job, n1, n2, sequence, lda, workspace )
integer job, n1, n2, lda
double precision sequence(lda,*), workspace(*)
subroutine SFFT2DU( job, n1, n2, sequence, lda, workspace )
integer job, n1, n2, lda
real sequence(lda,*), workspace(*)
int dfft2du( int job, int n1, int n2,
double *sequence, int lda,
double *workspace)
int sfft2du( int job, int n1, int n2,
float *sequence, int lda,
float *workspace)
DFFT2DU and SFFT2DU compute the 2 dimensional complex Fourier transform
of a real periodic sequence.
NOTE: These routines are provided only for compatibility with previous
releases of complib.
On entry specifies whether to perform a forward or backward Fast Fourier
JOB = -1, forward FFT
JOB = 1, backward FFT Unchanged on exit.
On entry, N1 specifies the number of elements in the first dimension of
the sequence. Unchanged on exit.
On entry, N2 specifies the number of elements in the second dimension of
the sequence. Unchanged on exit.
Array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n2 ). Array containing the (lda*n2) elements
for the FFT. On exit, SEQUENCE is overwritten by the 2D transform.
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sfft2du,dfft2du(3F) sfft2du,dfft2du(3F)
LDA - INTEGER. [Toc] [Back]
On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of the array SEQUENCE as
declared in the calling (sub)program. LDA must be at least max( 1,
2*((N1+2)/2) ). Unchanged on exit.
WORKSPACE - Array. [Toc] [Back]
Array of dimension at least (N1+15) + 2*(N2+15). Array containing the
Sines/Cosines and factorization of N1 and N2. WORKSPACE needs to be
initialized by a call to sfft2dui or dfft2dui.
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