round: anint, dnint, qnint, nint, inint, jnint, idnint, iqnint, iidnnt,
jidnnt, iiqnnt, jiqnnt, kiqnnt - FORTRAN nearest integer functions
integer i
integer*2 ii
integer*4 ji
integer*8 ki
real r1, r2
real*4 r3
double precision dp1, dp2
real*16 qp1, qp2
real*8 dp3
real*16 qp3
r2 = anint(r1)
dp2 = dnint(dp1)
dp2 = anint(dp1)
qp2 = qnint(qp1)
qp2 = anint(qp1)
i = nint(r2)
ii = inint(r3)
ii = nint(r3)
ji = jnint(r3)
ji = nint(r3)
i = idnint(dp1)
i = nint(dp1)
ii = iidnnt(dp3)
ji = jidnnt(dp3)
i = iqnint(qp1)
i = nint(qp1)
ii = iiqnnt(qp3)
ji = jiqnnt(qp3)
ki = kiqnnt(qp3)
anint returns the nearest whole real number to its real argument (i.e.,
int(a+0.5) if a > 0, int(a-0.5) otherwise). dnint does the same for its
double-precision argument, qnint does the same for its real*16 argument.
anint is the generic form of anint, dnint, and qnint, performing the same
operation and returning the data type of its argument.
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nint returns the nearest integer to its real argument. inint returns the
nearest integer*2 to its real*4 argument. jnint returns the nearest
integer*4 to its real*4 argument. idnint returns the nearest integer to
its double precision argument. iqnint returns the nearest integer to its
real*16 argument. nint is the generic form of inint, jnint, idnint and
iqnint. idnint is also the generic form for iidnnt, which returns the
nearest integer*2 to its real*8 argument, and jidnnt, which returns the
nearest integer*4 to its real*8 argument. iqnint is also the generic
form for iiqnnt, which returns the nearest integer*2 to its real*16
argument, jiqnnt, which returns the nearest integer*4 to its real*16
argument, and kiqnnt, which returns the nearest integer*8 to its real*16
argument. When nint, idnint, or iqnint is specified as an argument in a
subroutine call or function reference, the compiler supplies either an
integer*2, integer*4, or integer*8 function depending on the -i2 command
line option.
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