linewidth(3G) linewidth(3G)
linewidth, linewidthf - specifies width of lines
void linewidth(n)
short n;
void linewidthf(n)
float n;
n is the width of the line. The width is measured in pixels and is 1
by default.
linewidth specifies the width of a line. Mathematical lines have no
width, but to display a line, it must be assigned a width. The center of
the displayed line is as close as possible to the mathematical line. If
antialiased line drawing is not enabled, and multisample is not enabled,
or multisample buffers do not exist in the current framebuffer
configuration in the current drawmode, n indicates the number of pixels
across the minor axis of the line, and is rounded to the nearest integer.
Otherwise, n indicates the line width in units of pixels, and is rounded
to the nearest supported value. For example, linewidth 0 is rounded to
Rounding affects only the value of n that is actually used, not the value
that is retained.
linesmooth, setlinestyle
The maximum width of aliased lines is 255.
IRIS-4D VGX model supports antialiased line widths 1.0 and 2.0, and
aliased line widths one through 255. IRIS-4D G, GT, and GTX models, the
Personal Iris, Indy, Iris Entry, XL, XS, XS24, XZ, Elan and Extreme
systems support antialiased line width 1.0, and aliased line widths one
through 255.
On IRIS-4D models that support resetls, it must be set to TRUE to obtain
reasonable results with line widths greater than one.
In order to select or pick a wide line in selecting or picking mode
respectively, the selecting region must intersect the displayed line
center. This center is the imaginary line of width 1 specified by the
same end vertices as the displayed line. In case of a very wide line,
you may want to consider drawing a filled rectangle instead.
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