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glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		 glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX, glStartInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX,
     glStopInstrumentsSGIX, glPollInstrumentsSGIX, glGetInstrumentsSGIX	- take
     measurements from enabled instruments in the GL

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     void glInstrumentsBufferSGIX( GLsizei size,
				   GLint *buffer )

PARAMETERS    [Toc]    [Back]

     size      specifies the number of GLints in buffer

     buffer    specifies a pointer to the buffer for instrument	measurement

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     void glStartInstrumentsSGIX( void )

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     void glReadInstrumentsSGIX( GLint marker )

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     void glStopInstrumentsSGIX( GLint marker )

PARAMETERS    [Toc]    [Back]

	  specifies a marker value to be returned along	with the measurement

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     GLint glPollInstrumentsSGIX( GLint	*marker_p )

PARAMETERS    [Toc]    [Back]

	  specifies a pointer to the location where the	marker sent with a
	  measurement will be written after the	measurement record is written
	  to the instrument buffer

FUNCTION RETURN    [Toc]    [Back]


     0	 when no new measurement has been written to the buffer	since the last
	 call to glPollInstrumentsSGIX

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glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		 glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)

     1	 when a	new measurement	has been written to the	instrument buffer
	 since the last	such call

     -1	 when a	buffer overflow	has been detected

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     GLint glGetInstrumentsSGIX( void )

FUNCTION RETURN    [Toc]    [Back]

     Returns the number	of GLints that have been written to the	instrument
     buffer since the last buffer reset	or call	to glGetInstrumentsSGIX.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX, glStartInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX,
     glStopInstrumentsSGIX, glPollInstrumentsSGIX and glGetInstrumentsSGIX are
     part of the GL_SGIX_instruments extension.

     Instruments allow an application to measure performance of	the GL
     pipeline and identify possible bottlenecks. This information may be
     useful in feedback-based load management schemes which attempt to
     maintain a	constant frame-rate, or	in tuning an application for best

     GL_SGIX_instruments provides an instrumentation framework,	but no
     instruments.  The set of available	instruments varies between OpenGL
     implementations, and can be determined by querying	the GL_EXTENSIONS
     string returned by	glGetString for	the names of the extensions that
     implement the instruments.

     Unlike feedback and selection (see	glSelectBuffer and glFeedbackBuffer),
     GL_SGIX_instruments provides commands that	allow measurements to be
     delivered asynchronously, so that the graphics pipeline need not be
     stalled while measurements	are returned to	the client.

     A buffer in which to collect instrument measurements is specified with
     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX.  size specifies the size of the buffer, as a
     count of GLints.  The buffer will be prepared in a	way that allows	it to
     be	written	asynchronously by the graphics pipeline.  If the same buffer
     was specified on a	previous call, the buffer is reset; that is,
     measurements taken	after the call to glInstrumentsBufferSGIX will be
     written to	the start of the buffer.  If buffer is zero, then any
     resources allocated by a previous call to prepare the buffer for writing
     will be freed.  If	buffer is non-zero, but	is different from a previous
     call, the old buffer is replaced by the new buffer	and any	allocated
     resources involved	in preparing the old buffer for	writing	are freed.

     The buffer	address	can be queried with glGetPointervEXT using argument

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glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		 glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)

     To	enable an instrument, use glEnable with	an argument that specifies the
     instrument.  The argument to use for a particular instrument is
     determined	by the OpenGL extension	that supports that instrument.	(See
     below for an example.)

     To	start the currently-enabled instrument(s) call glStartInstrumentsSGIX.
     To	take a measurement use glReadInstrumentsSGIX.  To stop the currentlyenabled
 instruments and take a final measurement use
     glStopInstrumentsSGIX.  The parameter marker will be passed through the
     pipe and written to the buffer to ease the	task of	interpreting it.

     The format	of any instrument measurement in the buffer obeys certain
     conventions. The first word of the	measurement is the glEnable enum for
     the instrument itself. The	second word of the measurement is the size in
     GLints of the entire measurement so that any parser can step over
     measurements with which it	is unfamiliar.	Currently there	are no
     implementation independent	instruments to describe. Some implementation
     dependent instruments are described in the	Machine	Dependencies section
     of	this page.

     In	a single measurement, if multiple instruments are enabled, the data
     for those instruments can appear in the buffer in any order.

     If	no instruments are enabled executing glStartInstrumentsSGIX,
     glStopInstrumentsSGIX, or glReadInstruments will not write	measurements
     to	the buffer.

     The number	of measurements	taken since the	buffer was reset can be
     queried with glGet	using GL_INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS_SGIX.

     To	determine whether a measurement	has been written to the	buffer call
     glPollInstrumentsSGIX.  If	a new measurement has appeared in the buffer
     since the last call to glPollInstrumentsSGIX, 1 is	returned, and the
     value of marker associated	with the measurement by	glStopInstrumentsSGIX
     or	glReadInstrumentsSGIX is written into the variable referenced by
     marker_p. The measurements	will appear in the buffer in the order in
     which they	were requested.	If the buffer overflows, glPollInstrumentsSGIX
     may return	-1 as soon as the overflow is detected,	even if	the
     measurement being polled did not cause the	overflow. (An implementation
     may also choose to	delay reporting	the overflow until the measurement
     that caused the overflow is the one being polled.)	 If no new measurement
     has been written to the buffer, and overflow has not occurred,
     glPollInstrumentsSGIX returns 0.

     To	get a count of the number of new valid GLints written to the buffer,
     call glGetInstrumentsSGIX.	The value returned is the number of GLints
     that have been written to the buffer since	the last call to
     glGetInstrumentsSGIX or glInstrumentsBufferSGIX.  If the buffer has
     overflowed	since the last call to glGetInstrumentsSGIX, -1	is returned
     for the count.  Note that glGetInstrumentsSGIX can	be used	independently
     of	glPollInstrumentsSGIX.

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glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		 glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)

EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]

	  #ifdef GL_SGIX_instruments
	  #define MARKER1 1001
	  #define MARKER2 1002
	     static GLint buffer[64];
	     GLvoid *bufp;
	     int id, count0, count1, r;

	     /*	define the buffer to hold the measurements */
	     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX(sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(GLint), buffer);

	     /*	enable the instruments from which one wishes to	take measurements */
	     glEnable(<an enum for a supported instrument, such	as GL_IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX>);

	     /*	insert GL commands here	*/
	     /*	insert GL commands here	*/

	     /*	query the number of measurements since the buffer was specified	*/
		 /* now	r should equal 2 */

	     /*	query the pointer to the instrument buffer */
		 /* now	bufp should be equal to	buffer */

	      *	we can do a GetInstrumentsSGIX before or after the calls to
	      *	PollInstrumentsSGIX but	to be sure of exactly what
	      *	measurements are in the	buffer,	we can use PollInstrumentsSGIX.
	     count0 = glGetInstrumentsSGIX();
	     /*	Since 0, 1, or 2 measurements might have been returned to
	      *	the buffer at this point, count0 will be 0, 1, or 2 times
	      *	the size in GLints of the records returned from	the
	      *	currently-enabled instruments.
	      *	If the buffer overflowed, count0 will be -1.

	     while (!(r	= glPollInstrumentsSGIX(&id))) ;
	     /*	if r is	-1, we have overflowed.	 If it is 1, id	will
	      *	have the value of the marker passed in with the	first
	      *	measurement request (should be MARKER1).  While	it is 0,
	      *	no measurement has been	returned (yet).

	     while (!(r	= glPollInstrumentsSGIX(&id))) ;
	     /*	see the	note on	the first poll;	id now should equal MARKER2 */

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	     count1 = glGetInstrumentsSGIX();
	     /*	the sum	of count0 and count1 should be 2 times the size	in GLints
	      *	of the records returned	for all	instruments that we have enabled.

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX, glStartInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX,
     glStopInstrumentsSGIX, glPollInstrumentsSGIX and glGetInstrumentsSGIX are
     part of the GL_SGIX_instruments extension,	not part of the	core GL
     command set.  See glIntro for information about using extensions.

ERRORS    [Toc]    [Back]

     If	size is	negative, GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated.

     GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glStartInstrumentsSGIX is executed
     twice without an intervening execution of glStopInstrumentsSGIX or
     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX. Symmetrically, GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated
     if	glStopInstrumentsSGIX is executed twice	without	an intervening
     glStartInstrumentsSGIX.  glReadInstrumentsSGIX will generate
     GL_INVALID_OPERATION if executed after an execution of glStopInstruments
     without an	intervening execution of glStopInstrumentsSGIX or
     glInstrumentsBufferSGIX.  Executing any of	glStartInstrumentsSGIX,
     glStopInstrumentsSGIX, or glReadInstruments without a successful
     execution of glInstrumentsBufferSGIX to define a buffer will generate

     GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any of glInstrumentsBufferSGIX,
     glStartInstrumentsSGIX, glReadInstrumentsSGIX, glStopInstrumentsSGIX,
     glPollInstrumentsSGIX or glGetInstrumentsSGIX is executed between the
     execution of glBegin and the corresponding	execution of glEnd.

ASSOCIATED GETS    [Toc]    [Back]

     glGetPointerv with	argument GL_INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_POINTER_SGIX
     glGetString with argument GL_EXTENSIONS

     The SGIX_instruments extension is supported only on InfiniteReality

     The GL_IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX	instrument is implemented only on
     InfiniteReality systems.  Each measurement	uses 10	words of the buffer.
     The first (index 0) will be GL_IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX	itself.	The second
     word (index 1) will be 10.	 The following words are:

	  COUNTEMPTY (index 2) Increments each clock cycle for which a word of
	  screen-space geometry, pixel,	or texel data was not transferred from
	  the GE board to the RM board.	 A high	value could indicate that

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glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		 glInstrumentsSGIX(3G)

	  rendering is geometry-limited	or host-limited	(because the GE	is not
	  delivering commands to the RM	as fast	as the RM can process them),
	  or that rendering is rasterization-limited (because the RM is
	  working on previous commands and is refusing to accept new data from
	  the GE).  Unfortunately there	is no simple way to distinguish
	  between these	two cases.  The	counter	is set to zero by
	  glStartInstrumentsSGIX, and by glReadInstrumentsSGIX after its value
	  has been written to the buffer.

	  COUNTDRAW (index 3) Increments each clock cycle for which a word of
	  screen-space geometry	or pixel data (but not texel data) is
	  transferred from the GE board	to the RM board.  The counter is set
	  to zero by glStartInstrumentsSGIX, and by glReadInstrumentsSGIX
	  after	its value has been written to the buffer.

	  COUNTLOAD (index 4) Increments each clock cycle for which a word of
	  texture data is written to the texture memory.  The counter is set
	  to zero by glStartInstrumentsSGIX, and by glReadInstrumentsSGIX
	  after	its value has been written to the buffer.

	  MAILBOX_TIMESTAMP (index 5) Contains the value of COUNTALL (see
	  below) at the	time glStartInstrumentsSGIX or glReadInstrumentsSGIX
	  was called.

	  COUNTALL (index 6) Increments	every clock cycle. No effort is	made
	  to prevent wrapping.

	  PAD (index 7)	Unused.

	  MARKER (index	8) Holds the value of the marker passed	to
	  glStopInstrumentsSGIX	or glReadInstrumentsSGIX for this measurement.

	  MAILBOX (index 9) Holds a value that is used by the implementation.
	  Typically a sequence identifier, set after the buffer	has been
	  specified, starting at 1 with	the first measurement and incrementing
	  by 1 for each	successive measurement.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     glFlushRasterSGIX,	glEnable

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666
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