cfft1di,zfft1di(3F) cfft1di,zfft1di(3F)
cfft1di, zfft1di - initialize the coefficient array for Complex-toComplex
1D FFT modules.
subroutine CFFT1DI( n, coeff )
integer n
complex coeff(n+15)
subroutine ZFFT1DI( n, coeff )
integer n
double complex coeff(n+15)
#include <fft.h>
complex *cfft1di( int n, complex *coeff);
zomplex *zfft1di( int n, zomplex *coeff);
Initialize the coefficient array which is used in the FFT modules. This
array contains the different twiddle factors and the factorization of N
into prime numbers.
As the FFT modules cfft1d or zfft1d only read the coeff array, it may be
reused as long as necessary once it has been initialized.
In C, if ptr is NULL, cfft1di or zfft1di returns a pointer to an
allocated buffer.
CFFT1DI should be used to initialize the coeeficient array before any
call to CFFT1D
ZFFT1DI should be used to initialize the coeeficient array before any
call to ZFFT1D
N - Integer. Specifies the length of the sequence to be transformed.
Unchanged on exit.
COEFF - Array (C or Fortran) or NULL pointer(C).
Example of Calling Sequence
Initializing a coefficient array for complex-to-complex FFTs of size 200.
Fortran :
complex coeff(200+15)
call cfft1di( 200, coeff)
C :
#include <fft.h>
complex *coeff;
Page 1
cfft1di,zfft1di(3F) cfft1di,zfft1di(3F)
coeff = cfft1di( 200, NULL);
fft, cfft1d, zfft1d
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