dis_init, dis_init32, dis_init64, dis_regs, dis_regs32, dis_regs64,
disasm, disasm32, disasm64, disassembler32, disassembler64 - disassembler
#include <disassembler.h>
void dis_init (char *addr_format,char *value_format,
char *reg_names[],int print_jal_targets);
void dis_init32 (char *addr_format,char *value_format,
char *reg_names[],int print_jal_targets);
void dis_init64 (char *addr_format,char *value_format,
char *reg_names[],int print_jal_targets);
void dis_regs(char *buffer,unsigned regmask,
unsigned reg_values[]);
void dis_regs32(char *buffer,unsigned regmask,
unsigned reg_values[]);
void dis_regs64(char *buffer,unsigned regmask,
__uint64_t reg_values[]);
int disasm(char *buffer,Elf32_Addr address,Elf32_Addr iword,
Elf32_Addr *regmask,Elf32_Addr *symbol_value,
Elf32_Addr *ls_register);
int disasm32(char *buffer,Elf32_Addr address,Elf32_Addr iword,
Elf32_Addr *regmask,Elf32_Addr *symbol_value,
Elf32_Addr *ls_register);
int disasm64(char *buffer,Elf64_Addr address, Elf32_Addr iword,
Elf32_Addr *regmask,Elf64_Addr *symbol_value,
Elf32_Addr *ls_register);
int disassembler(Elf32_Addr iadr, int regstyle,
char *(*get_symname)(),int (*get_regvalue)(),
long (*get_bytes)(), void (*print_header)());
int disassembler32(Elf32_Addr iadr, int regstyle,
char *(*get_symname)(),int (*get_regvalue)(),
long (*get_bytes)(), void (*print_header)());
int disassembler64(__uint64_t iadr, int regstyle,
char *(*get_symname)(),int (*get_regvalue)(),
long (*get_bytes)(), void (*print_header)());
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Three sets of register names which people might want to use:
compiler: zero, at, v0, ...
hardware: r0, r1, r2, ...
assembler: $0, $at, $2,...
dis_init, dis_init32, and dis_init64 functions initialize disassembler
and set options for disassembly. "addr_format" and "value_format"
specify in the style of "printf" the null-terminated formats for printing
the address and value of the instruction. If nil, they default to
"%#010x"; if they are the empty string, we omit to print these items.
"reg_names" is a pointer to an array of 32 strings which we will use to
represent the general-purpose registers. The *_NAMES macros above give
three common choices; if nil, we use compiler names.
print_jal_targets tells us whether to print the targets of jal
instructions numerically.
dis_regs, dis_regs32, and dis_regs64 functions Given a null-terminated
buffer (presumably from "disasm"), we append an ascii representation of
register values in the form "<$5=0x50,$7=0x44,...>".
"regmask" is a bitmask of registers as in "disasm", "reg_values" an array
(with empty slots for the registers not indicated in the mask) of their
disasm, disasm32, and disasm64 functions Disassemble instruction, putting
null-terminated result into "buffer" (no trailing newline). Details
governed by "dis_init".
buffer: array of characters allocated by the caller; 64 bytes should be
more than enough.
address: byte address.
iword: the instruction.
regmask: returns a bitmask of the gp registers the instruction uses, with
the LSB indicating register 0 regardless of endianness.
symbol_value: for a jal instruction, the target value; for a load or
store, the immediate value.
ls_register: for a load or store, the number of the base register.
return value: -1 for a load or store, 1 for a jal, 2 for a j, jr, jalr,
or branch, 0 for other.
disassembler, disassembler32, and disassembler64 functions Older
interface, which always prints on stdout.
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