cprod1d,zprod1d(3F) cprod1d,zprod1d(3F)
cprod1d, zprod1d - Compute the product of a 1D Fourier transform with a
1D filter.
Fortran :
subroutine cprod1d( n,array,inca,filter,incf)
integer n, inca, incf
complex array(0:(n-1)*inca), filter(0:(n-1)*incf)
subroutine zprod1d( n,p,array,inca,filter,incf)
integer n, inca, incf
double complex array(0:(n-1)*inca),
C :
#include <fft.h>
int cprod1d(int n, complex *array, int inc,
complex *filter, int incf);
int zprod1d(int n, zomplex *array,int inc,
zomplex *filter, int incf);
cprod1d and zprod1d compute the product of the Fourier transforms of a
complex sequence of N samples with the Fourier transforms of a complex
Note, the product of the Fourier transforms of two sequences is equal to
the Fourier transform of their convolution.
N - Integer, the number of samples in each sequence.
Unchanged on exit.
ARRAY - Array containing the Fourier Transform. On exit, the array is
overwritten by the product.
INCA - Integer, increment between two consecutive elements of the
sequence. Unchanged on exit.
FILTER - Array containing the Fourier Transform of the filter. Unchanged
on exit.
INCF - Integer, increment between two consecutive elements of the filter.
Unchanged on exit.
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cprod1d,zprod1d(3F) cprod1d,zprod1d(3F)
Example of Calling Sequence
Working on a sequence of 1024 complex values. We successively apply a
Direct Fourier Transform, the product with a filter transform, then an
Inverse Fourier TransformElements
of each sequence are stored with increment (stride)1.
complex array(0:1024-1), filter(0:1024-1),
call cfft1di( 1024, coeff)
call cfft1d( -1, 1024, array, 1, coeff)
call cprod1d( 1024, array, 1, filter,
call cfft1d( 1, 1024, array, 1, coeff)
#include <fft.h>
complex array[1024], filter[1024], *coeff;
coeff = cfft1di( 1024, NULL);
cfft1d( -1, 1024, array, 1, coeff);
cprod1d( 1024, array, 1, filter, 1);
cfft1d( -1, 1024, array, 1, coeff);
NOTE : As the FFTs are not normalized, a successive direct, then inverse
transform, scales the original input by the size of the sequence. Rather
than calling cscal1d or zscal1d to scale back the result, this scaling
factor could be directly applied to the filter transform, thus saving
some extra work.
fft, cfft1di, zfft1di, cfft1d, zfft1d, cscal1d, zscal1d
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