tserrpt(1M) tserrpt(1M)
tserrpt - prints selected records
/usr/etc/ts/tserrpt [-D regexp] [ -d devname1:devname2... ] [ -E yyyy/mm/dd.hh:mm:ss ]
[ -e event1:event2 ] [ -h ] [ -n num ] [ -o output_file ] [ -r ] [ -S yyyy/mm/dd.hh:mm:ss ]
[ -T regexp ] [ -t devtype1:devtype2... ] [ -V regexp ] [ -v vid1:vid2... ] file1 file2 ...
The tserrpt command prints selected records from the
/var/spool/ts/pd/log/tspd.log file. If one or more record-selection
options are specified, records matching all the specified options are
selected. If no record-selection options are specified, all records are
file specifies an input file that you want to search for records. The
special filename, '-', specifies standard input. If no input file is
specified, the default input file is /var/spool/ts/pd/log/tspd.log.
The tserrpt command accepts the following options:
-D regexp Selects records with device names matching this
regular expression.
-d devname1:devname2... Selects records matching one of the device
names. The names are separated by a colon(:).
-E yyyy/mm/dd.hh:mm:ss Selects records on or before this date and time.
If only the date is entered, the system uses
23:59:59 as the time. If both the date and time
are omitted, the default is 23:59:59 today. -n
and -E are mutually exclusive.
-e event1:event2... Selects records matching one of the events. The
events are separated by a colon(:).
-h Prints help in standard error. If this option
is specified, all other options are ignored.
-n num Selects records from the specified number of
days, starting with today. For example, if you
want records from the last 5 days, num is 5.
There is no default for this option. -n and -E
are mutually exclusive. -n and -S are mutually
-o output_file Specifies output filename. If the filename is
omitted, the default is standard output.
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tserrpt(1M) tserrpt(1M)
-r Writes the selected records in raw mode, without
any formatting.
-S yyyy/mm/dd.hh:mm:ss Selects records starting after this date and
time. If only the date is entered, the system
uses 00:00:00 as the time. If both the date and
time are omitted, the default is
2000/01/01.00:00:00. -n and -S are mutually
-T regexp Selects records with device types matching this
regular expression.
-t devtype1:devtype2... Selects records matching one of the device
types. The device types are separated by
-V regexp Selects records with volume identifiers (IDs)
matching this regular expression.
-v vid1:vid2... Selects records matching one of the volume IDs.
The volume IDs are separated by a colon(:).
/var/spool/ts/pd/log/tspd.log tape support log file
tsarchive(1M), tsdaemon(1M), tsset(1M), tsstop(1M), ts.config(4), ts(7).
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