share_setup, client_setup, verify - diskless software installation tools
verify [ -cs ] filename
Share_setup , client_setup , and verify are tools that help create proper
configuration files for diskless installation. Configuration files are
fed into share_inst(1M), client_inst(1M), and clone_client(1M) so that
installation tools will know the hardware information for the machines
that will act as diskless clients.
Share_setup allows a user to interactively create a configuration file
for a share tree while client_setup allows the same for a client tree
configuration file.
Verify is a program that checks the validity of a share or client
configuration file. If the file is fine, verify exits silently else it
returns the line number of the offending line in filename and the type of
-c filename
Tells verify to check the file filename as if it is a client
tree configuration file
-s fliename
Tells verify to check the file filename as if it is a share
tree configuration file
Please see the Diskless System Administration Guide for more details.
This man page was not intended to give enough information to perform a
complete install. The NFS release notes contain additional installation
information not included in the guide.
All diskless scripts are meant to be executed from the /var/boot
/var/boot/share_inst Share tree install script
/var/boot/share_setup Script to create share tree config files
/var/boot/share.dat Template for release.dat
/var/boot/client_inst Client tree install script
/var/boot/client_setup Script to create client tree config files
/var/boot/client.dat Template for class.dat
/var/boot/clone_client Tree cloning script
/var/boot/verify Script to check *.dat files
Page 1
inst(1M), share_inst(1M)
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