permissions(1M) permissions(1M)
permissions - Change Permissions - Modify Permissions and Ownership of
The Change Permissions tool allows the user to change the permissions and
ownership on a set of files and directories.
First, the user constructs a list of files (or directories) to be
modified. Files can be added to the list in two ways: 1) by dragging and
dropping files into the colored Files and Directories panel and 2) by
clicking on the "Add File To List..." button or selecting File->Add...
(Ctrl+A) from the menu.
Next, the user can change ownership or permissions. To change the
ownership or permissions of an individual file on the list, click on the
buttons to the right of the file name. When you click on the User Name
or Group Name buttons, you will be given a list of users or groups to
choose from. If you click on any of the Read, Write, or Execute buttons,
you will either remove the selected permission as indicated by a dash
('-') or add the selected permission as indicated by a 'r', 'w', or 'x'.
To change the ownership or permissions of all of the files on the list,
click on the buttons below the colored Files and Directories panel.
Finally, to write out your changes to the system, press the Apply button.
Additional information about permissions and using the Change Permissions
tool is available from the Help menu.
sysmgr(1m), chmod(1), chmod(1)
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