modifyPermissionsAndOwnership(1M) modifyPermissionsAndOwnership(1M)
modifyPermissionsAndOwnership - modify permissions and ownership of files
/usr/sysadm/privbin/modifyPermissionsAndOwnership [-u <pstring>] [-p
<pstring>] [-d <pstring>] [-O <uid | uname>] [-G <gid | gname>] [-D]
file1 file2 ... fileN, [<next-set-of-modifications-and-files>,] ...
modifyPermissionsAndOwnership modifies the permissions and/or ownership
of files and directories using chown(1) and chmod(1).
The modifyPermissionsAndOwnership command requires at least one set of
modifications and one set of files. These sets must be non-empty. Each
pair of modifications and the files they should be applied to should be
separated by commas.
The modifications can be specified as follows (at least one is required):
-u <pstring>
Specifies the changes to make to the user permissions.
-p <pstring>
Specifies the changes to make to the group permissions.
-d <pstring>
Specifies the changes to make to the world/other permissions.
<pstring> has the following format:
[r<+|->][w<+|->][x<+|->] where "r+w-" indicates that read permission
should be added, write permissions should be taken away, and execute
permission should remain unchanged
-O <uid | uname>
Specifies the new owner ID or name.
-g <gid | gname>
Specifies the new group ID or name.
-D Specifies that the command should be applied recursively to
directories (ie. descend into directories and repeat command on
their contents). Note that modifications specified on execute
permissions will only be applied to the contained subdirectories and
not the contained files.
To make bob the owner of all .h and .c++ files and cindy the owner of all
.o files:
modifyFilePermissionsAndOwnership -O bob *.h *.c++, -O cindy *.o
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modifyPermissionsAndOwnership(1M) modifyPermissionsAndOwnership(1M)
To give the group read and write permissions for file1.dat, file2.dat,
and file3.dat and give world read permissions just for file3.dat:
modifyFilePermissionsAndOwnership -p r+w+ file1.dat file2.dat file3.dat,
-d r+ file3.dat
chmod(1), chown(1), chgrp(1), permissions(1m), sysmgr(1m)
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