od(1) od(1)
od - octal dump
od [ -v ] [ -A addr_base [ -j skip ] [ -N count ] [ -t type_str ] ... [
file ... ]
od [ -bcDdFfOoSsvXx ] [ file ] [ [ + ]offset[ . | ll | LL | b ] ]
od displays a list of files in one or more formats, as selected by user
supplied arguments. If no such argument is given, -t o2 (or -o) is
default. If no file is specified, the standard input is used. For the
purposes of this description, ``word'' refers to a 16-bit unit,
independent of the word size of the machine; ``long word'' refers to a
32-bit unit, and ``double long word'' refers to a 64-bit unit. od
processes supplementary code set characters according to the locale
specified in the LC_CTYPE environment variable [see LANG on environ(5)].
The output format can be specified with one or more type strings
(type_str) and/or with format options.
A type string is specified with a -t option followed by one or more
format descriptions. Each format description consists of a type character
followed by an optional length specifier. The type characters, a, c, d,
f, o, u, and x specify named character, character, signed decimal,
floating point, octal, unsigned decimal and hexadecimal, respectively.
Type characters d, f, o, u, and x can be followed by an optional unsigned
decimal integer that specifies the number of bytes to be transformed by
each instance of the output type. Type character f can instead be
followed by an optional F, D, or L indicating that the conversion should
be applied to an item of type float, double or long double, respectively.
Type characters d, o, u, and x can instead be followed by an optional C,
S, I, or L indicating that the conversion should be applied to an item of
type char, short, int or long, respectively. For example:
-t o2afD
will interpet: two byte units in octal, named characters, and
floating point numbers of double precision.
The meanings of the format options are:
-b Interpret bytes in octal.
-c Interpret bytes as single-byte characters. Multibyte characters
are treated as non-graphic characters. Certain non-graphic
characters appear as C-language escapes: null=\0, backspace=\b,
form-feed=\f, new-line=\n, return=\r, tab=\t; others appear as 3-
digit octal numbers. For example:
echo "hello world" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o w o r l d \n
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od(1) od(1)
-D Interpret long words in unsigned decimal.
-d Interpret words in unsigned decimal.
-F Interpret double long words in extended precision.
-f Interpret long words in floating point.
-h Same as -x.
-O Interpret long words in unsigned octal.
-o Interpret words in octal.
-S Interpret long words in signed decimal.
-s Interpret words in signed decimal.
-v Show all data (verbose). If this option is not given, identical
output lines are not shown; the first omitted line is printed as *
to indicate identical data.
-X Interpret long words in hex.
-x Interpret words in hex.
offset specifies an offset from the beginning of file where the display
will begin. offset is normally interpreted as octal bytes. If . is
appended, offset is interpreted in decimal. If b is appended, offset is
interpreted in blocks of 512 bytes. if ll or LL is appended, the offset
will be displayed in 64 bit format. This allows proper display of
offsets larger than 2 Gigabytes. If file is omitted, offset must be
preceded by +. Warning: if none of the -A, -j, -N or -t options are used
and there are 2 or less operands, then the last operand will be
considered an offset if it parses as such.
-A addr_base specifies the input offset base. Addr_base can be one of d,
o or x specifying decimal, octal or hexadecimal, respectively. The
character n may also be supplied and indicates that the offset base will
not be written.
-j skip specifies an offset at which the formatting will begin in the
input. By default, the offset is considered to be a decimal number. With
a leading 0X or 0x, the offset will be interpreted as a hexadecimal
number. With a leading 0, it will be interpreted as an octal number.
Appending the character b, k or m to skip will cause it to be interpreted
as a multiple of 512, 1024 or 1048576.
-N count specifies a maximum number of bytes which will be formatted by
the utility. Count is considered as a decimal number by default, but can
also be specified as hexadecimal or octal like skip (see -j).
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od(1) od(1)
The display continues until the end-of-file for the last file is reached.
/usr/lib/locale/locale<b>/LC_MESSAGES/uxdfm and
/usr/lib/locale/locale<b>/LC_MESSAGES/uxsgicore language-specific
message files [See LANG on environ(5).]
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